As much as I shun the term and all the connotations, what else can we call it? (suggestions)
I believe the 20th century will be looked back on as the'Oil Age'.
Things are coming to a head-hold on tight. Every move you make is important.(even in chess).
Jesus will help.
Many of us a tired...just keep going. I love you all.
Originally posted by karoly aczelYes, Jesus will help, we don't have to do anything. No wonder that the apocalypse is waiting around the corner.
As much as I shun the term and all the connotations, what else can we call it? (suggestions)
I believe the 20th century will be looked back on as the'Oil Age'.
Things are coming to a head-hold on tight. Every move you make is important.(even in chess).
Jesus will help.
Many of us a tired...just keep going. I love you all.
Originally posted by FabianFnasRemember the warnings of the 'wolf'? (fairy tale)He does come at the End.
Yes, Jesus will help, we don't have to do anything. No wonder that the apocalypse is waiting around the corner.
Sorry Fabian,I'm not a christian,but I do think the end of the 3-d world is coming to an end. I hope I'm wrong. (Then again ...I don't honestly know what to hope for...I just want to be in th NOW)
Originally posted by karoly aczelIf you're waiting for the Apocalypse, then you are in good route for it. But if you want to avoid it, then you have to do more than to pray. As the christians do.
Remember the warnings of the 'wolf'? (fairy tale)He does come at the End.
Sorry Fabian,I'm not a christian,but I do think the end of the 3-d world is coming to an end. I hope I'm wrong. (Then again ...I don't honestly know what to hope for...I just want to be in th NOW)
The ecological crisis can be solved. But only if we do something. Christian prayers don't, they can go to their hell early and leave the others of us to solve the crisis, and live happy after.
Originally posted by FabianFnasYep.
If you're waiting for the Apocalypse, then you are in good route for it. But if you want to avoid it, then you have to do more than to pray. As the christians do.
The ecological crisis can be solved. But only if we do something. Christian prayers don't, they can go to their hell early and leave the others of us to solve the crisis, and live happy after.
Ever heard of the 'Celestine Prophecy'?
Originally posted by karoly aczelNo, I haven't.
It was a good movie. But it keeps coming up everywhere. I've never read the book but I seem to know it. I just thought maybe you had come across it...
If my posting (that triggered you paralell with the 'Celestine Prophecy'😉 have some resemblance with the book, then the ideas aren't far fetched.
Thread: E.T. 101 posted by karoly aczel
"The PLO and Armistice Day
The end of history should not be percieved as a frightening event. History has been the frightening event. Its end is the liberation that will exalt humanity, not strip it of its power. As the planetary ego aligns with Spirit, it will have no furthur need to defend itself against an enemy that does not exist. Nor will it have any use for carefully recordong that process abd then passing it on to future generations as an impaired model for them to imitate.
The Planetary Liberation Organization is here to cut an energetic pathway to the state of grace.In doing so, it will enable the planetary inhabitants to claim their freedom from both their national and personal histories, as well as allow them to experience their true physical and spiritual wealth. The celebrations that marked the endings of your world wars will look like sedate little tea parties compared to the globel celebration of true peace abd liberation that will date the end of historic times."
This is new age. The idea that peace and love and a glorious new future will come about in some wonderful and loving and beautiful way without GOD. It will happen in a harmonious and peaceful way as soon as all those dirty religious people who believe in GOD get out of the way. They're the ones causing all the wars. They're the ones with all the negative energy. But we the peace loving and evolved beings who are tapped into the positive energy of the universe will bring about a new age of peace and harmony through our shared and mutual understanding with our mother earth in harmony with all living things. There is no GOD as we know it. GOD is everywhere in everything . In me and you and the little creatures who just want to live in peace without all those negative vibrations coming from those religious people who think a book called the Bible is the word of GOD. No, they are not like us who are in tuned to the great cosmic forces that will someday soon join together with us in harmony and peace and love in a new era of harmony and peace and love and won't it be wonderful?
Everything in everyone all in one together forever loving and peace.
And all we have to do is just tap into the forces of love and peace and harmony and just hang around and do nothing because our great mother earth and all the forces of love and peace and harmony will join together with us in a glorious new age of enlightenment.
Just as soon as those stupid mindless brainwashed homophobic, bigoted racist fools who believe in Jesus get out of the way.
Originally posted by josephwLeaving out the predominant case of poor-mouthing playing-the-victimized-martyr cry-me-a-river demanding special treatment and not-being-held-to-account-for-their-own-failures and believing-everyone-else-must-cater-to-their-preferences hypocritical christians.
Sarcasm duecer.
Originally posted by TerrierJackNow you're catching on.
Leaving out the predominant case of poor-mouthing playing-the-victimized-martyr cry-me-a-river demanding special treatment and not-being-held-to-account-for-their-own-failures and believing-everyone-else-must-cater-to-their-preferences hypocritical christians.
Originally posted by FabianFnasOh yes---we puny humans produce a whopping 2% of all that nasty greenhouse gas out there, and we're sure to doom the planet. It may take several billion years...but hey, forewarned is forearmed, right? 😉
If you're waiting for the Apocalypse, then you are in good route for it. But if you want to avoid it, then you have to do more than to pray. As the christians do.
The ecological crisis can be solved. But only if we do something. Christian prayers don't, they can go to their hell early and leave the others of us to solve the crisis, and live happy after.
Originally posted by PinkFloydRight on! I think Iran or N.Korea getting nukes is a bigger threat that demands more attention. These tree huggers are out to lunch!
Oh yes---we puny humans produce a whopping 2% of all that nasty greenhouse gas out there, and we're sure to doom the planet. It may take several billion years...but hey, forewarned is forearmed, right? 😉