Online Disinhibition Effect

Online Disinhibition Effect


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Standard memberRemoved

31 Jan 18
20 May 18

Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-duke
""I think romans is trying to provoke..."

That will suffice. Never a truer word spoken.
Is this a substantive post or a trolling post? Have you given up on posting substance due to your frequent pratfalls in that milieu?

Standard memberRemoved

31 Jan 18
20 May 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @divegeester
No, this is what you said remember

You consider outing someone in public for this (being ashamed of Christ) as showing integrity?

Reply by SecondSon:
“Right in front of everybody just as Paul called out Peter for his dishonesty before the whole church in Antioch.
Just as Jesus gave scathing rebuke against the Pharisees in publ ...[text shortened]... ou think Romans1009 is wrong.

But you won’t because you lack the guts and you are dishonest.
Attacking a believer over something so trivial and stupid. Are you hoping for an “attaboy” from the atheists? How soon after you said your prayers did you decide to go on the attack against fellow Christians?

Standard memberRemoved

31 Jan 18
20 May 18

Originally posted by @secondson
[b]"I’m calling you out for being a dishonest unprincipled coward."

So what? At least I'm not afraid to take a stand for the truth of the gospel as you are as demonstrated by you fear of confronting the troll and his companion the liar.

You are a coward in this forum for allowing them to deny the very character and nature of the one you say is y ...[text shortened]... ples again until you start showing some in your own life, which will be reflected in this forum.[/b]
Amen, brother. Amen.

Standard memberRemoved

31 Jan 18
20 May 18

Originally posted by @divegeester
Is Romans1009 right to call me out as being ashamed of Christ?
Yes, he is.

Because you exclusively pick nits with and attack believers while ignoring abusive and trolling behavior by atheists.

Why do you do that if not to obseqiously seek the atheists’ approval due to the shame you feel for believing Jesus Christ was God in the flesh and was Resurrected?


16 Feb 08
20 May 18

Originally posted by @secondson
Hypocrites are sanctimonious.

Rajk calls Christians self-righteous while claiming that entrance into the kingdom of God requires good works. The Bible says that the righteousness acquired by good works are as filthy rags and are insufficient for acquiring the righteousness necessary for salvation.

But you wouldn't know anything about that would you?
Romans1009 has been repeatedly trolling me across several threads, accusing me of being "ashamed of Christ".

In this thread you have claimed that you would forthrightly call out anyone who is ashamed of Christ, citing incidents of Paul calling out Peter and Jesus calling out Pharisees as being your precedents.

Seeing as how you take such a tough stand on this matter, and claim to be principled and honest, it is fair to assume that calling someone our wrongly and repeatedly would be against your principles.

Would you therefore say that Romans1009 was right to call me out as being "ashamed of Christ" and that you unequivocally stand with him...or do you stand with me and support me, a fellow Christian who has repeatedly demonstrated that I not ashamed of Jesus Christ ?

Who do stand with on this matter of principle and integrity SecondSon?

Standard memberRemoved

31 Jan 18
20 May 18

Originally posted by @divegeester
I am not responsible for what other people believe and they are entitled to their own thoughts and to present them here.

Furthermore I see NO ONE in this forum as a "brother", least of all the likes of Romans1009, dj2becker and you.

I try to post here with honesty and with principle, I couldn't care less if a bunch of self-righteous so called Christians don't like what I post.
You exclusively attack believers. There is not a believer and regular poster in here whom you do not regularly attack.

You never attack atheists for their abusive trolling and lying.

Why is that?

Standard memberRemoved

31 Jan 18
20 May 18

Originally posted by @divegeester
Astonishing behaviour isn't it.
Yes! You found a Christ denier to break bread with. Oh wait. rajk doesn’t believe in that.

Standard memberRemoved

31 Jan 18
20 May 18

Originally posted by @rajk999
Brothers in Christ are those who follow Christ.

Brothers for church goers are those who profess the same church doctrine
But you don’t follow Christ. You don’t obey His commandments or refrain from sinning and yet you spout off about how everyone should do what you yourself do not do.

Practice what you preach, amigo.

Standard memberRemoved

31 Jan 18
20 May 18

Originally posted by @secondson
So is yoking up with the troll that denies the truth about Jesus who you claim is your Lord and joining in with his hate speech and condemnation against the children of God.

Amen, brother. Amen.

Standard memberRemoved

31 Jan 18
20 May 18

Originally posted by @fmf
Ghost of a Duke and I - as atheists - are "Christ deniers" (I take it, in your parlance) according to Romans1009, and I am accused by Romans1009 repeatedly of being a "troll" and a "liar", as is Ghost of a Duke.

Ghost of a Duke has been accused of lying about his education and his job by Romans1009 ad nauseam. So who are you on about?

Rajk999 and ThinkO ...[text shortened]... n this extended and oddly mealy-mouthed endorsement of Romans1009? Is it Ghost of a Duke and me?
You’re definitely a troll and a liar, Kiddo. If you don’t see that, you’re remarkably delusional.

Ghost tried to post substance but his feet became magnetized to banana peels and his foray into substance was an unmitigated disaster. And I absolutely believe Ghost is lying about having a theology degree and managing a team of mental health professionals. Am I not entitled to say that?

Ghost falsely claimed for weeks that I was Becker and still falsely claims I was on here before. Do you have a problem with that, Kiddo? Or are you a hypocrite?

Standard memberRemoved

31 Jan 18
20 May 18

Originally posted by @divegeester
What debate?? I haven't responded to A Romans1009 post for about 2 weeks or maybe more.
No, you and your atheist pals just constantly talk about me and try to run me down without directly addressing me.

Is that “honest, principled” posting, tiger?

Standard memberRemoved

31 Jan 18
20 May 18

Originally posted by @divegeester
[b]Is Romans1009 right to call me out as being "ashamed of Jesus Christ" or not?

It's a simple question and we both know why you won't answer it don't we - it's because you know I'm not ashamed of Christ but have allowed your integrity, your principle to be compromised and you won't call out Romans1009 as being wrong. Why not...because you canno ...[text shortened]... al of the Christian presence in this forum, pouty and self-righteous, partisan and unprincipled.[/b]
Wow. You’re really a flamin’ away, tiger. You’re really going whole hog in impressing the atheists today. Maybe they’ll let you ride their motorcycle!

Standard memberRemoved

31 Jan 18
20 May 18

Originally posted by @divegeester
That may be true but the distinction I draw is primarily between principled and unprincipled; honest and dishonest.

These are the interesting aspects of this forum, the doctrine differences are just fuel for the fire so to speak.
Yes, and you’re unprincipled and dishonest. You don’t seriously think otherwise, do you?

Standard memberRemoved

31 Jan 18
20 May 18

Originally posted by @divegeester
Romans1009 has been repeatedly trolling me across several threads, accusing me of being "ashamed of Christ".

In this thread you have claimed that you would forthrightly call out anyone who is ashamed of Christ, citing incidents of Paul calling out Peter and Jesus calling out Pharisees as being your precedents.

Seeing as how you take such a tough ...[text shortened]... med of Jesus Christ ?

Who do stand with on this matter of principle and integrity SecondSon?
Good grief. I’m not even bothering to read your ridiculous, trivial and petty posts anymore.

Try posting about substance for a change.


Saved by grace

18 Dec 16
20 May 18

Originally posted by @wolfe63
So... you're saying that acting "holier than thou" and preaching the "good book" are more valuable to YOUR soul... than actually DOING something to aid the souls of others less fortunate than your divinely appointed self? 🙂
That's what you're saying.