"Professing themselves to be wise..."


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31 May 06
17 Apr 14

Originally posted by FabianFnas
Yes, that's right. If you believe religiously that the Earth is flat as a pizza (as it is told in the bible), then scientific proofs doesn't mean anything. Like "God created Earth flat, but let it appear as spherical for the scientists, god can do that, you know, because he is allmighty."

But about the soule, there are no proof that the soul exist, nor ...[text shortened]... qually wrong.
Why? Because science doesn't deal with supernatural phenomena. Like god or soul.
There are some quite eminent scientists who would disagree with you on that.

Saying something is 'supernatural' does not give you any kind of magical get out
of jail free card for evading scientific scrutiny.

If you make a claim that something exists, and that something has properties and
effects in this world, then it is testable, period.

Science has determined beyond any and all reasonable doubt that our conciousness
is a product of our physical brains that were shaped over hundreds of millions of years
by evolution.
Science has determined that brains contain regular matter following the regular laws of
physics, and like all other known life, neither contains nor requires any magical animating

Having demonstrated that all that we are can be explained physically we have ruled out
all supernatural explanations.

If you take issue with this then fine, bring your arguments and we can take it from there.

But don't tell me that it's 'supernatural' and thus avoids scientific scrutiny because that's
total bunk.

31 May 06
17 Apr 14

Originally posted by sonship
Are women not capable of being trustworthy?

You are not getting off to a good start when you are relying on turns of phrase so
evidently out of date.

*** Applause ! ***

What is this, super politically correct Male Self Hatred Week ?
The fact that you get pissed-off by the suggestion that we should perhaps use
gender-neutral language when talking about a non-gender specific group of people,
and not by default leave out half of our species is a good enough reason to keep
making the point.

Particularly when talking to people promoting a religion that goes out of it's way to
undervalue and discriminate against women.

And that means you smart-ass


Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
18 Apr 14

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby (OP)
"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools." (Romans 1:22)

Famous Quotes by Atheists & Scoffers:

"Christianity is such a silly religion." -Gore Vidal

"The Bible says: The damned think that the preaching of the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ is foolishness."
1 Corinthians 1:18 "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God."

"The inspiration of the Bible depends upon the ignorance of the gentleman who reads it." -Robert Ingersoll

"The Bible says: The unregenerate man thinks that the things of God, including His word, are foolishess. He can't even begin understand them with his old dead spirit." 1 Corinthians 2:14 "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."

"...It would be more consistent that we call [the Bible] the work of a demon than the word of God. It is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind." -Thomas Paine

"The Bible says: The wicked call evil good and good evil. All woe unto them if they don't get right with Jesus." Isaiah 5:20 "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"

"Christians are losers." -Ted Turner

"The Bible says: The unregenerate man thinks Christians are crazy because they don't do the same wicked stuff he does and they don't hold the same wicked opinions he does." I Peter 4:3-4, "For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries: Wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you."

"If we would destroy the Christian religion, we must first of all destroy man's belief in the Bible." -Voltaire

"The Bible says: The Bible will remain forever. The words of some sinner man will never negate what God has said." Matthew 24:35 "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words SHALL NOT pass away."

"Conclusion of the Matter: If you are a scoffer or an atheist, you have NOT defeated the word of God with your big words and ideas, you have condemned yourself! Repent [change your mind] while you have hope or you will perish. When you die, it will be everlasting too late. The wrath of God is hanging over your head like a storm cloud. It's there when you lay down, when you wake up, when you are working, having lunch with friends, going on a trip--everywhere you go, that wrath goes with you (Psalm 7:11). John 3:36 "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him."



28 Oct 05
18 Apr 14

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Originally posted by Grampy Bobby (OP)
[b]"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools."
(Romans 1:22)

Famous Quotes by Atheists & Scoffers:
[quote]"Christianity is such a silly religion." -Gore Vidal

"The Bible says: The damned think that the preaching of the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ is foolishness."
1 Corinthians 1:1 ...[text shortened]... him."

Not only hiding behind quotes, but hiding behind the same quotes as you posted on page 1, reposted here, again. 🙂

31 May 06
18 Apr 14

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Originally posted by Grampy Bobby (OP)
[b]"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools."
(Romans 1:22)

Famous Quotes by Atheists & Scoffers:
[quote]"Christianity is such a silly religion." -Gore Vidal

"The Bible says: The damned think that the preaching of the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ is foolishness."
1 Corinthians 1:1 ...[text shortened]... him."

You do know it's incredibly irritating when you re-Copy&Paste your original
and Copy&Paste into the middle of a thread... Often several times.

Also it should be noted that the instinctive [and correct] response from an
atheist to a theist telling them to repent or burn in hell is F-You.

Your god doesn't exist, you are simply projecting YOUR belief that we deserve to
go to hell. And telling us about it repeatedly...

That makes you kind of an ass****.

I know you act all offended when people use bad language so I just wanted you to
know what I think at you every time you, or anyone else, tells me that I am going to hell.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
18 Apr 14

Originally posted by googlefudge
You do know it's incredibly irritating when you re-Copy&Paste your original
and Copy&Paste into the middle of a thread... Often several times.

Also it should be noted that the instinctive [and correct] response from an
atheist to a theist telling them to repent or burn in hell is F-You.

Your god doesn't exist, you are simply projecting YOUR bel ...[text shortened]... to
know what I think at you every time you, or anyone else, tells me that I am going to hell.
Thanks for stopping by. Yes, I thought refreshing the original post might refocus the conversation and clear the air.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
18 Apr 14
1 edit

Originally posted by googlefudge
You do know it's incredibly irritating when you re-Copy&Paste your original
and Copy&Paste into the middle of a thread... Often several times.

Also it should be noted that the instinctive [and correct] response from an
atheist to a theist telling them to repent or burn in hell is F-You.

Your god doesn't exist, you are simply projecting YOUR bel ...[text shortened]... to
know what I think at you every time you, or anyone else, tells me that I am going to hell.
Originally posted by googlefudgeI know you act all offended when people use bad language so I just wanted you to
know what I think at you every time you, or anyone else, tells me that I am going to hell.

Au contraire: the choice of googlefudge's eternal address is his and his alone. "God is not willing that any should perish..." Those words were written with googlefudge in mind. Impugning God's Authority is where Lucifer came on the scene. The carefully chosen words in the text of your reply: "... response from an atheist to a theist telling them to repent or burn in hell is F-You." and "That makes you kind of an ass****" simply indicate that your engorged emotions have gained control.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
18 Apr 14
1 edit

Originally posted by googlefudge
You do know it's incredibly irritating when you re-Copy&Paste your original
and Copy&Paste into the middle of a thread... Often several times.

Also it should be noted that the instinctive [and correct] response from an
atheist to a theist telling them to repent or burn in hell is F-You.

Your god doesn't exist, you are simply projecting YOUR bel ...[text shortened]... to
know what I think at you every time you, or anyone else, tells me that I am going to hell.
Originally posted by googlefudge
Your god doesn't exist, you are simply projecting YOUR belief that we deserve to
go to hell. And telling us about it repeatedly...

If God doesn't exist, what's the big deal? Please reconsider your options while there still is time.


28 Oct 05
18 Apr 14

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Originally posted by googlefudge
Your god doesn't exist, you are simply projecting YOUR belief that we deserve to
go to hell. And telling us about it repeatedly...

If God doesn't exist, what's the big deal?
Thread 157451

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
18 Apr 14
1 edit

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Thanks for stopping by. Yes, I thought refreshing the original post might refocus the conversation and clear the air.
You thought wrong. As I said before, you need to learn how to listen before people will listen to you. You have been told many times on this forum that your 'reposting the OP' habit is irritating to all.
For a while back there, you almost got involved in your first real discussion, but then you lost it. Why is it so hard for you to answer simple questions? If you can't even do that, why would anyone believe anything you say?
You are going around telling people 'decide now, the most important question of your life - but I can't tell you anything about it, you just have to decide because I, an anonymous person on the internet have faith that this is the question and you have to answer - I can't even tell you what the words in the question mean.'

The impression we get when you repost the OP is that you have not listened to anything anyone has said in response to it so far.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
18 Apr 14

Originally posted by twhitehead
You thought wrong. As I said before, you need to learn how to listen before people will listen to you. You have been told many times on this forum that your 'reposting the OP' habit is irritating to all.
For a while back there, you almost got involved in your first real discussion, but then you lost it. Why is it so hard for you to answer simple question ...[text shortened]... epost the OP is that you have not listened to anything anyone has said in response to it so far.
Since Thanksgiving 2013 I've been actively applying myself to understanding how atheists think and view the world; that interest is continuing. May I ask the reciprocal question: how active an interest do you have in understanding Christianity?


28 Oct 05
18 Apr 14

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Since Thanksgiving 2013 I've been actively applying myself to understanding how atheists think and view the world; that interest is continuing. May I ask the reciprocal question: how active an interest do you have in understanding Christianity?
On the evidence of your behaviour on many of the threads you start, your "active application" comes across as insincere and attention-seeking. 🙂

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
18 Apr 14
1 edit

Originally posted by FMF
On the evidence of your behaviour on many of the threads you start, your "active application" comes across as insincere and attention-seeking. 🙂
Thank you for your candid assessment and peremptory judgment of the effort. Doubtful that anyone knows my motive.


28 Oct 05
18 Apr 14

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Thank you for your candid assessment and peremptory judgment of the effort. Doubtful that anyone knows my motive.
You are what you post, Grampy Bobby. 😀


26 Aug 07
18 Apr 14

Originally posted by FMF
On the evidence of your behaviour on many of the threads you start, your "active application" comes across as insincere and attention-seeking. 🙂
still obsessed with personalities, ouch.