Question for the Geester

Question for the Geester


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Garbage disposal

Garbage dump

20 Apr 16
17 Oct 16
1 edit

Originally posted by FMF
People can't consciously choose to believe something that they simply do not find to be believable, as you well know (having heard personal testimony from people who are in that position). So this pronouncement is preposterous. It's like a kind of story point that a fiction writer hasn't properly thought through.

I am a non-believer. I am simply unable to som ...[text shortened]... d say on this forum about supernatural beings and the paranormal. Do you believe I am "demonic"?
People suppress the truth all the time, especially when it makes them feel uncomfortable.

I see you haven't taken Dive on for his belief that non-believers will just cease to exist. Does that mean you are fine with his version?


16 Feb 08
17 Oct 16
2 edits

Originally posted by Fetchmyjunk
God doesn't send anyone to Hell. We send ourselves there. God has done everything He possibly can to keep us out of Hell and still leave us as people with free will and not just robots. That's the way He made us--after His image, after His likeness, with the power to say “yes” or the power to say “no,” the power to reject our own Creator, and of course t ...[text shortened]... ed warnings that if we turn away from God in this life, we will be alienated from God eternally.
If you are going to defend your version of god for torturing billions of people by burning them for eternity you should connect with sonship who is far better than you are at constructing an elaborate framework of the most incredible distortions of basic morality.



04 Apr 04
17 Oct 16

Originally posted by Fetchmyjunk
Why then is the fire described as everlasting and what is the purpose of the worm that doesn't die?
Did the Bible anywhere describe the torment as being everlasting or the soul as being eternal? No it does not. Therefore you need to answer your questions and resolve your dilemma without violating or adding to the clear statements of the Bible.

Garbage disposal

Garbage dump

20 Apr 16
17 Oct 16

Originally posted by divegeester
If you are going to defend your version of god for torturing billions of people by burning them for eternity you should connect with sonship who is far better than you are at constructing an elaborate framework of the most incredible distortions of basic morality.
Or I could just make up stuff like you did and pretend that certain verses in the Bible don't exist.


16 Feb 08
17 Oct 16
1 edit

Originally posted by Fetchmyjunk
Or I could just make up stuff like you did and pretend that certain verses in the Bible don't exist.
Or you could exercise some moral judgment and realise that what you have been told about eternal suffering in bible is incredulous, totally nonsensical and morally incoherent.

PS I can see from your avatar that you are running out of trolling ideas.


02 Jan 06
17 Oct 16
1 edit

Originally posted by divegeester
A while ago I told you that I thought you were a trollist duchebag. If you want me to engage with you now I'm afraid you are going to need to up your game. 🙂
EekS! That sounds pretty judgemental

Where do you reckon these duchebags go when they die?

Garbage disposal

Garbage dump

20 Apr 16
17 Oct 16
2 edits

Originally posted by divegeester
If you are going to defend your version of god for torturing billions of people by burning them for eternity you should connect with sonship who is far better than you are at constructing an elaborate framework of the most incredible distortions of basic morality.
I am curious whether your moral framework contains a God that decides the fate of the damned. If God were to decide to torture unbelievers for eternity, would you see yourself as having the right to tell him that he is doing something immoral?

Which of these statements do you disagree with and why?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
17 Oct 16

Originally posted by Rajk999
Did the Bible anywhere describe the torment as being everlasting or the soul as being eternal? No it does not. Therefore you need to answer your questions and resolve your dilemma without violating or adding to the clear statements of the Bible.
Revelation 14:11
And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
17 Oct 16

Originally posted by Rajk999
Did the Bible anywhere describe the torment as being everlasting or the soul as being eternal? No it does not. Therefore you need to answer your questions and resolve your dilemma without violating or adding to the clear statements of the Bible.
I see your back to preaching to itching ears again.


16 Feb 08
17 Oct 16

Originally posted by Fetchmyjunk
I am curious whether your moral framework contains a God that decides the fate of the damned. If God were to decide to torture unbelievers for eternity, would you see yourself as having the right to tell him that he is doing something immoral?

Which of these statements do you disagree with and why?
I'm not interested in chasing your links, I'm barely interested in you.



04 Apr 04
17 Oct 16

Originally posted by KellyJay
Revelation 14:11
And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
Is that the best you have? Pitiful nonsense doctrine you believe in.

Nothing there about eternal torment, plus it refers to a specific group of people.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
17 Oct 16

Originally posted by Rajk999
Is that the best you have? Pitiful nonsense doctrine you believe in.

Nothing there about eternal torment, plus it refers to a specific group of people.
"...torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night..."

Let us see how someone could think eternal torment would be expressed, how about
saying it would go on for ever and ever, and to top it off we know they are experiencing
it since we also see they have no rest day or not it does not say they go away and
they are gone. It refers to people as well, so I'm assuming you think only a select few
are to experience this torment that goes on for ever and ever?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
17 Oct 16

Originally posted by Rajk999
Is that the best you have? Pitiful nonsense doctrine you believe in.

Nothing there about eternal torment, plus it refers to a specific group of people.
Am I to believe you will not address scripture once again because it doesn't fit your point
of view on what is valid or not? What is your reasoning this time?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
17 Oct 16

Originally posted by Rajk999
Is that the best you have? Pitiful nonsense doctrine you believe in.

Nothing there about eternal torment, plus it refers to a specific group of people.
Revelation 20:
10 And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

Here we see it isn't just people heading toward this lake, and no scripture I'm aware of
suggests that the torment of the lake will end at the destruction of those thrown into it.


28 Oct 05
17 Oct 16

Originally posted by Fetchmyjunk
I see you haven't taken Dive on for his belief that non-believers will just cease to exist. Does that mean you are fine with his version?
We all cease to exist when we die.