Originally posted by Ghost of a DukeIt's only the wine talking. 🙂
Hear hear!
As an atheist, there is obviously a lot of what Rajk says that I disagree with. That said, I don't doubt his passion or sincerity for a heartbeat.
(Yeah I know, saying something nice about Rajk will earn me a few thumbs down, but I can handle the hit).
Originally posted by Ghost of a DukeSo then I am an exceptionally smart fellow after all.
As you know sir, we only buy a bottle of red wine every other weekend, and have one glass each on a Saturday and Sunday.
So alas, any jovial benefits of the wine were rather limited and wore off hours ago. 🙂
Thanks Ghost. 🙂
The Spirit is flowing today!!
28 May 17
Originally posted by Ghost of a DukeHanging with the popular crowd was never my thing either 🙂
Hear hear!
As an atheist, there is obviously a lot of what Rajk says that I disagree with. That said, I don't doubt his passion or sincerity for a heartbeat.
(Yeah I know, saying something nice about Rajk will earn me a few thumbs down, but I can handle the hit).
28 May 17
Originally posted by Rajk999Have you ever provided Bible verses where Jesus Himself said that it's possible to live sin free?
Thanks for the apology although its not necessary, and no new thread necessary for that either. But since you did start one I would be happy to discuss our differences further. A couple unbiased atheists looking on and commenting as well is a plus. Lets do it.
If yes, would you mind posting them again? I cannot find them.