Karoly's post reminds me of this topic.
I am speaking of real, chemical drugs here. YDMV.
Once about 35 years ago, outside an Alpha Beta grocery store in Saratoga, CA, I, being high on weed, had an experience that is hard to wordify but I will call it being one with the universe. It began by noticing the star filled sky. (You know the pothead question: Have you noticed the sky, I mean man, really noticed it?) Saratoga is and was known for not having a lot of street lights, by the way, so the sky was really noticeable.
I have always felt like it changed me, letting me see there was a peaceful place to be with all the troubles I had. It wasn't escape, if anything, it established my sense of personal responsibility for what my life was; my role as author. I haven't been in that particular cosmic space since then, with the same degree of immediacy, but knowing it is there is enough. I still am subject to lows, moments of bad interpersonal behavior, and the like. I have left the habit of weed behind, and smoking in general, and have kicked some other habits too. Maybe its just part of the process for me.
Does anyone have something similar they want to describe?
Originally posted by JS357Once on mushrooms I had the "everything is everything" experience. This was before I knew anything at all about Eastern thought. Numerous times on pot in the early days I felt spiritual awakenings that I can't explain away. Sometimes I think certain drugs give you a vision of possible states of consciousness that you never tap into in everyday life. I heard a certain Guru say once taking LSD to experience enlighenement is like putting yourself in a cannon and blasting yourself through the celling so you can see the sky. You might get a glimpse, but look at all the damage you did to yourself for the peek.
Karoly's post reminds me of this topic.
I am speaking of real, chemical drugs here. YDMV.
Once about 35 years ago, outside an Alpha Beta grocery store in Saratoga, CA, I, being high on weed, had an experience that is hard to wordify but I will call it being one with the universe. It began by noticing the star filled sky. (You know the pothead question: H just part of the process for me.
Does anyone have something similar they want to describe?
Originally posted by JS357Yes. I do not like to speak of it much.
Karoly's post reminds me of this topic.
I am speaking of real, chemical drugs here. YDMV.
Once about 35 years ago, outside an Alpha Beta grocery store in Saratoga, CA, I, being high on weed, had an experience that is hard to wordify but I will call it being one with the universe. It began by noticing the star filled sky. (You know the pothead question: H just part of the process for me.
Does anyone have something similar they want to describe?
I played lead guitar in a rock group. We played a lot of Hendrix and some Pink Floyd.
My bass player and I were the real core of the group. So we would get together and .... and jam and practice and talk enthusiastically about plans for the group.
One night he and I were improvising together, me on electric guitar, he on bass. And I was very good and imaginative. We were high on something, weed or hashish.
In the middle of an majestic sounding improvisation in the fine key of D Major I began to have scenes of the future world where mankind was totally unified and there was no war anymore. I remember that as I played around with the chords I also began to lean over and weep with the visions I was having.
Latter, probably much latter, I evaluated my experience. These were days before I had turned to Christ. However, I think my imaginative visions that night were enfluenced by a picture book of Bible stories I had as a little kid. Many of the illustrations were pictures by the famous artist Gustav Dore who had done any biblical scences.
I think my imaginative mind drew up from my subconscous (for it has been many years before ) childhood reminicents of a scene by Gustav Dore of the 12rst and 22nd chapter of Revelation - the New Jerusalem.
I think that scene was in my subconscious and a vague replica arose in my memory and imaginization under those phsychodelic drugs. The experience was enough to make me weep.
My bassist as oblivious to what I was going through. Anyway, that did happen to me.
Originally posted by JS357I submit my easterner's understanding of this "drug scene " if you call it that. I submit that the western youth of the 60s being dissatisfied with the then existing society, its selfishness, its imperialism, its presumptuousness of having found all the answers turned to drugs as a kind of rebellion or as an escape or a search for alternate paths to joy ( in plainer talk, alternate ways of having a Kick ). I doubt if western youth turned to drugs for spiritual realization excepting maybe some disciples of Dr.Leary etc. So your experience was a chance occurence. Bukky is so right in the quote he quotes in his post below. What is the need for drugs, if you can experience Spiritual Realization by alternate and much safer ways ?
Karoly's post reminds me of this topic.
I am speaking of real, chemical drugs here. YDMV.
Once about 35 years ago, outside an Alpha Beta grocery store in Saratoga, CA, I, being high on weed, had an experience that is hard to wordify but I will call it being one with the universe. It began by noticing the star filled sky. (You know the pothead question: H ...[text shortened]... just part of the process for me.
Does anyone have something similar they want to describe?
Originally posted by rvsakhadeoI would say the way you express your "easterner's understanding" is far, far too cliche-ridden to be of much use to someone who has actually tried drugs and wants to discuss it.
I submit my easterner's understanding of this "drug scene " if you call it that. I submit that the western youth of the 60s being dissatisfied with the then existing society, its selfishness, its imperialism, its presumptuousness of having found all the answers turned to drugs as a kind of rebellion or as an escape or a search for alternate paths to joy ( ...[text shortened]... eed for drugs, if you can experience Spiritual Realization by alternate and much safer ways ?
Originally posted by JS357I caught the tale end of the rave generation here in the UK. A heady mix was taking ketamine with MDMA (ecstasy), it would literally blow you mind into another dimension. From the wiki article -
Karoly's post reminds me of this topic.
I am speaking of real, chemical drugs here. YDMV.
Once about 35 years ago, outside an Alpha Beta grocery store in Saratoga, CA, I, being high on weed, had an experience that is hard to wordify but I will call it being one with the universe. It began by noticing the star filled sky. (You know the pothead question: H ...[text shortened]... just part of the process for me.
Does anyone have something similar they want to describe?
At sufficiently high doses (75-125 mg IM), users may experience what is called the "K-hole", a state of dissociation whose effects are thought to mimic the phenomenology of schizophrenia. Users may experience worlds or dimensions that are ineffable, all the while being completely unaware of their individual identities or the external world. Users have reported intense hallucinations including visual hallucinations; perceptions of falling; fast and gradual movement and flying; "seeing God"; feeling connected to other users, objects and the cosmos; experiencing psychotic reactions; shared hallucinations and thoughts with adjacent users.
I once felt i was in the presence of something i would describe as God, but like a dream that fades i have very little recollection of it.
Originally posted by rvsakhadeoyour eastern 'safe' method doesnt give the world the beatles, stones, hendrix, dylan, and all the other awesome musicians and artists that were influenced by drugs....oh and all the sex that went with it (jaywill knows what im talking about😉)
I submit my easterner's understanding of this "drug scene " if you call it that. I submit that the western youth of the 60s being dissatisfied with the then existing society, its selfishness, its imperialism, its presumptuousness of having found all the answers turned to drugs as a kind of rebellion or as an escape or a search for alternate paths to joy ( ...[text shortened]... eed for drugs, if you can experience Spiritual Realization by alternate and much safer ways ?
Originally posted by stellspalfieMust we always disagree? Put aside the sex crack, which I'm not sure what you meant.
your eastern 'safe' method doesnt give the world the beatles, stones, hendrix, dylan, and all the other awesome musicians and artists that were influenced by drugs....oh and all the sex that went with it (jaywill knows what im talking about😉)
The East gave us Ravi Shankar who was a tremendous enfluence on the Beatles and other 60s groups as well as other composers of symphonic music.
By the way. I don't know how "spiritual" was my experience that night. Maybe, maybe not. I don't know for certain.
"If you remember the 60s, you probably weren't there."
Originally posted by jaywillyou mentioned your drug and rock and roll past and we all know what goes to complete that holy trinity 🙄 .............sorry no more sex jokes, honest.
Must we always disagree? Put aside the sex crack, which I'm not sure what you meant.
The East gave us Ravi Shankar who was a tremendous enfluence on the Beatles and other 60s groups as well as other composers of symphonic music.
ravi shanker may have influenced the beatles but hardly changed the face of music on a global scale. how many more world famous eastern musicians and artists can you name from that era?
Originally posted by stellspalfie
you mentioned your drug and rock and roll past and we all know what goes to complete that holy trinity 🙄 .............sorry no more sex jokes, honest.
ravi shanker may have influenced the beatles but hardly changed the face of music on a global scale. how many more world famous eastern musicians and artists can you name from that era?
you mentioned your drug and rock and roll past and we all know what goes to complete that holy trinity .............sorry no more sex jokes, honest.
Whew ! Thanks.
ravi shanker may have influenced the beatles but hardly changed the face of music on a global scale. how many more world famous eastern musicians and artists can you name from that era?
I was a music major. I could list a lot of groups and composers.
I don't think they all had to change the world. Shankar was extremly popular in the West. I remember that.
Besides, I'm not sure that the Beatles were that good. I think the last serious rock group was probably Franky Lyman and the Teenagers.
Originally posted by jaywillactually id have to agree about the beatles, im not a huge fan, but it has to be said theyve had a massive effect on the general population of the planet.you mentioned your drug and rock and roll past and we all know what goes to complete that holy trinity .............sorry no more sex jokes, honest.
Whew ! Thanks.
ravi shanker may have influenced the beatles but hardly changed the face of music on a global scale. how many more world famous eastern musicians and artists can ...[text shortened]... re that good. I think the last serious rock group was probably Franky Lyman and the Teenagers.
Franky Lyman and the Teenagers!! we have something in common!! we are both children of the 90's, only i was the 1990's to your 1890's 😀
Originally posted by stellspalfielol. You know I was just joking.
actually id have to agree about the beatles, im not a huge fan, but it has to be said theyve had a massive effect on the general population of the planet.
Franky Lyman and the Teenagers!! we have something in common!! we are both children of the 90's, only i was the 1990's to your 1890's 😀
Actually it is hard for me to take any pop group seriously after the Chordettes. Now that rocks !
Originally posted by jaywillThe New Jerusalem
Yes. I do not like to speak of it much.
I played lead guitar in a rock group. We played a lot of Hendrix and some Pink Floyd.
My bass player and I were the real core of the group. So we would get together and .... and jam and practice and talk enthusiastically about plans for the group.
One night he and I were improvising together, me on electr ...[text shortened]... me weep.
My bassist as oblivious to what I was going through. Anyway, that did happen to me.
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