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The Beast out of the Earth

The Beast out of the Earth



We have determined that the beast coming up out of the sea in Revelation 13 is the endtime Islamic political, military, and religious empire. However, there is a smaller portion of this empire that is pictured as a beast rising up out of the earth.

The two horns represent the two separate leaderships, but without any crowns because their is no king. This beast nation has a political leader and a religious leader. The religious leadership is able to convince the people to give their allegience to the first beast empire. This second beast is called the "false Prophet" in chapter 16:13, then in chapter 19:20, and again in chapter 20:10. So the False Prophet will have the people make for the purpose of worship an "IMAGE OF THE BEAST."

Jesus said--"There shall arise 'FALSE CHRISTS' and 'FALSE PROPHETS,' and shall show GREAT SIGNS AND WONDERS: insomuch that, if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect." Matt. 24:24. Could these two beasts that John sees be the ultimate fulfillment of that prophecy. Could this also relate back to the Mahdi riding in on a white horse with empty bow giving the appearance of a peaceful lamb, like Christ, but with all powers and lying wonders to deceive the Islamic world.

So these two beasts, one of the sea and the other out of the earth, represent the total earthly empire of Satan the Dragon during the endtime events. The first beast, with its political and military power of many kings and their armies, and the second beast, with great religious and spiritual powers, are able to subdue and convince many to take the mark of the beast and worship the image of the dragon, also know as Satan the devil.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
We have determined that the beast coming up out of the sea in Revelation 13 is the endtime Islamic political, military, and religious empire. However, there is a smaller portion of this empire that is pictured as a beast rising up out of the earth.

The two horns represent the two separate leaderships, but without any crowns because their is no king. Thi he dragon, also know as Satan the devil.

Other than your op being total trash I would like to point out just 2 points for you to ponder.

1- In the very first line ,( "We have determined..." ), who is this "We" ?
Is it the U.S. and it's allies, the coalition of the willing? Remember the last war in Iran saw the U.S. , Australia (shame😞 ), and the U.K. make up the coalition of the killing, err, I mean willing. The traditional U.S. allies, ie. the European countries voted against the invasion.
That's 3 countries, count 'em, three, who were on board.
Of course the propaganda in the daily news showed us that "we" were right to attack, that targets were being systematically removed, etc, etc.

Bullcrap!! 'The first casualty of war is truth'.

2- A lot of christians who reside in places like Iran, Afghanistan,etc. have identified the "beast" as the U.S. and it's allies, (blessed and therefore legitamized by the Christian leaders).

You are a classic example of how misinformation/disinformation has worked. You have gobbled up the tripe hook, line and sinker.
You would make a great case study.

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
Other than your op being total trash I would like to point out just 2 points for you to ponder.

1- In the very first line ,( "We have determined..." ), who is this "We" ?
Is it the U.S. and it's allies, the coalition of the willing? Remember the last war in Iran saw the U.S. , Australia (shame😞 ), and the U.K. make up the coalition of the k ...[text shortened]... e gobbled up the tripe hook, line and sinker.
You would make a great case study.
I hope it doesn't surprise you if I were to say that I agree with every word of your post.

Well said.

I, too, was wondering just who is this "we" in the first line.

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Originally posted by Suzianne
I hope it doesn't surprise you if I were to say that I agree with every word of your post.

Well said.

I, too, was wondering just who is this "we" in the first line.
No it doesn't surprise me, but I am glad to hear it. (I sense you are one of the more informed and intelligent Christians we have here)

I don't know about you, but I've been really saddened about some of the stuff going on in this forum lately. Whatever your religious inclinations, open declaration of violence against anyone must be shown for what it is - undesirable and ultimately totally out of sync with what enlightened persons such as JC would have had us do.

Those that continue to incite hatred and violence to solve our problems are just doing exactly what the powers that be would want us to do - continue divisions on our beautiful planet which will be bad for all life on this rock.


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Originally posted by karoly aczel
Other than your op being total trash I would like to point out just 2 points for you to ponder.

1- In the very first line ,( "We have determined..." ), who is this "We" ?
Is it the U.S. and it's allies, the coalition of the willing? Remember the last war in Iran saw the U.S. , Australia (shame😞 ), and the U.K. make up the coalition of the k e gobbled up the tripe hook, line and sinker.
You would make a great case study.
What I meant by "We have determined" is that "we" on this Spirituality Forum have determined the identity of the beast coming up out of the sea of Revelation 13.

I believe this was discussed on the thread entitled "Mark of the Beast" and it seemed to me that the conclusion by the majority was that this beast referred to the Islamic empire in the middle east that was being raised up under the authority of Satan.

The instructor

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Originally posted by RJHinds
What I meant by "We have determined" is that "we" on this Spirituality Forum have determined the identity of the beast coming up out of the sea of Revelation 13.

I believe this was discussed on the thread entitled "Mark of the Beast" and it seemed to me that the conclusion by the majority was that this beast referred to the Islamic empire in the middle east that was being raised up under the authority of Satan.

The instructor
Oh you mean johnnylongwoody's recent comments?

So just because he said those things, suddenly that makes a "we" ?

Why don't you take this up with Suzianne, who is a Christian that I would like to know whether or not you include in your "we".

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
No it doesn't surprise me, but I am glad to hear it. (I sense you are one of the more informed and intelligent Christians we have here)

I don't know about you, but I've been really saddened about some of the stuff going on in this forum lately. Whatever your religious inclinations, open declaration of violence against anyone must be shown for what i ...[text shortened]... do - continue divisions on our beautiful planet which will be bad for all life on this rock.
Flattery will get you everything with suzianne. keep it up.

The instructor

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Originally posted by RJHinds
What I meant by "We have determined" is that "we" on this Spirituality Forum have determined the identity of the beast coming up out of the sea of Revelation 13.

I believe this was discussed on the thread entitled "Mark of the Beast" and it seemed to me that the conclusion by the majority was that this beast referred to the Islamic empire in the middle east that was being raised up under the authority of Satan.

The instructor
Not that it matters to anyone, but this 'we/I' does not concur with your assumption. I think your assessment of the 'beast', 'antichrist', etc. is driven by those who publish books, make youtube videos and look for ways to capitalize on the latest events in the middle east. It's not that I don't believe in the end times, I do! But the stuff you have presented here is based more on somebody's interpretation and less on the Word of God... IMHO. As I have indicated previously in another thread, eschatology has been going strong for 65+ years, ever since Israel returned to the land and became a nation in 48. Nothing new here, just a different culprit.

With all due respect, I think you should tone down your "______________" (fill in the blank) of Muslims and Islam, you may open your door one day to some gentlemen to whom you will answer questions. In our political climate, castigating others in the way you are doing is not the best thing one can do.

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
Oh you mean johnnylongwoody's recent comments?

So just because he said those things, suddenly that makes a "we" ?

Why don't you take this up with Suzianne, who is a Christian that I would like to know whether or not you include in your "we".
Well, Suzianne has been against me from the very moment I came on this Forum, so I would not expect anything else from her. If johnnylongwoody wishes to agree, then I will welcome him, even though he has not declared a belief in the Son of God.

HalleluYah !!! Praise the Lord! Glory be to God! Holy! Holy! Holy!

The Instructor

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Originally posted by kd2acz
Not that it matters to anyone, but this 'we/I' does not concur with your assumption. I think your assessment of the 'beast', 'antichrist', etc. is driven by those who publish books, make youtube videos and look for ways to capitalize on the latest events in the middle east. It's not that I don't believe in the end times, I do! But the stuff you have presen ...[text shortened]... limate, castigating others in the way you are doing is not the best thing one can do.
I am not castigating others by inflicting severe punishment on them. All I am doing is criticizing them by telling the truth. To do nothing and allow these deceptions to continue would be ignoring my duty as a lover of Christian righteousness and justice.

The Instructor

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Originally posted by RJHinds
I am not castigating others by inflicting severe punishment on them. All I am doing is criticizing them by telling the truth. To do nothing and allow these deceptions to continue would be ignoring my duty as a lover of Christian righteousness and justice.

The Instructor
I am just offering up some constructive criticism based on what I see is all, carry on if wish.


Originally posted by RJHinds
Well, Suzianne has been against me from the very moment I came on this Forum, so I would not expect anything else from her. If johnnylongwoody wishes to agree, then I will welcome him, even though he has not declared a belief in the Son of God.

HalleluYah !!! Praise the Lord! Glory be to God! Holy! Holy! Holy!

The Instructor
Johnny Longwoody has no time for any religion.
The world might be a better place without religion.
Islam is the most backward religion in the world
with archaic penalties for simple breeches of rules.
Women are oppressed and have no say or rights.

I was raised a Roman Catholic and they have also failed
miserably to be a shepherd for their flock. Abusing kids
and misappropriating money and threatening bankruptcy
on those who took legal action.

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Originally posted by kd2acz
I am just offering up some constructive criticism based on what I see is all, carry on if wish.
Because you can not see constructive criticism does not mean it is not there. I am certainly not telling them to continue hijacking planes and piloting them into buildings to kill many innocent people, nor am I telling them to strap bombs on their bodies to blow up innocent bystanders, or to launch rockets into israel to kill the innocent school childeren. If you tell them to stop, they don't listen anyway. So what constructive criticism must I offer?

The instructor

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Originally posted by johnnylongwoody
Johnny Longwoody has no time for any religion.
The world might be a better place without religion.
Islam is the most backward religion in the world
with archaic penalties for simple breeches of rules.
Women are oppressed and have no say or rights.

I was raised a Roman Catholic and they have also failed
miserably to be a shepherd for their f ...[text shortened]... ing kids
and misappropriating money and threatening bankruptcy
on those who took legal action.
I have no respect for the leadership of the Roman Catholic Church either. However, one does not throw the baby out with the bath water. There are many good Christians within the Roman Catholic Church just as there are in other denominations of Christianity.

Problems within the church have been prophesied, so this should have been expected. And now I am addressing the endtime prophecies that deal with the antichrist religion of Islam. So your acknowledgement of the necessity to confront these evils is still welcome.

HalleluYah !!! Praise the Lord! Holy! Holy! Holy!

The Instructor

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