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The False teachings of christianity.

The False teachings of christianity.


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Look, Ive explained before, how christianity and islam are just fabrications by dishonest or misguided persons with their personal agendas to fill, (mostly power and control over the stupid masses)

Anyway let the bible hang itself, and it can do this quiet easily by asking the reader to accept the nonsense it teaches,....for example, just get your bible and go to the chapter called Numbers and read it, and if you dont end up throwing the book in the bin after that, then you can label yourself fool number one and an insincere person, because that chapter alone when god talks to moses, is the most childish stupid text that you could ever read, if its suppose to be god speaking.

God would never speak the way god has been depicted in this chapter, concerning the goings on of these people in the desert, and the bible has reduced the all powerfull god to some mundane nerotic entity (that gets upset by peoples mundane activities)....this is certainly proof that the bible is a concoction of fabricated stories)

Christians get real and stop teaching false doctrine (especially to the little children)

Ask yourself one question, could the supreme god have such a silly stupid conversation with this moses character!...its stupifyingly nonsense.

There is only one true source of spiritual knowledge ( Vedanta) and jesus in the early part of his life travelled and studied Vedanta as a young man, and when he returned, he preached this new higher conciousness to the people, and the powerfull leaders at the time (prompted by the current priestly class) banded together and killed him, because he was undermining their authority.

Ask yourself, if god comes to planet earth, then why does he turn up 32 yrs later.

Later on when the bible was compiled, it was suggested that jesus died for our sins, but this is also a fabrication, because to assume so, would make jesus a martyr, which the ruling class wanted, because they where making christianity the authorized religion......and jesus being a martyr would make the new religion more powerfull.

They also made the man jesus into a god, because this would certainly attract new converts if Jesus was a god instead of just a man.

Now iam not being rude or arrogant, just direct and frank, and truthfull and its quiet ironic that modern day christianity is the anti christ (wolves desguised as sheep) and what the christians do is, build hospitals, open chuches, feed orphans and teach false doctrine (very sneaky).....on the surface they seem squeaky clean, but they misguide the whole world with false teachings about god and life, and one example would be that they say if jesus is not your saviour, then you will go to the lake of fire after you die (what nonsense)....and they also teach that a person has one life only (more nonsense)

I could give many more examples.


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Originally posted by vishvahetu
....jesus in the early part of his life travelled and studied Vedanta as a young man, ...
Got some proof of this?

Forget it. I know you have none.

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Originally posted by Rajk999
Got some proof of this?

Forget it. I know you have none.
I would actually like to see this theory DISproven! Where did christ get his knowledge from ? Was he born with it?
I am very curious about what happened to christ between 1 and 30.

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
I would actually like to see this theory DISproven! Where did christ get his knowledge from ? Was he born with it?
I am very curious about what happened to christ between 1 and 30.
Well if you make a claim then the onus is in YOU to support/prove that claim. You cant make a claim for which no rational foundation exists and say DISprove this claim .. makes no sense.

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Originally posted by Rajk999
Well if you make a claim then the onus is in YOU to support/prove that claim. You cant make a claim for which no rational foundation exists and say DISprove this claim .. makes no sense.
I know, you are right, the onus is on him, however, can you just look beyond that and possibly give me some viable answer(s) to my question? What do you think Jesus was doing til 30? Fishing? Carpenterring? Are you not fascinated with such great historical/mythological figures lives? I am. I want to know about their whole lives...

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
I want to know about their whole lives...
Well asking people to make wild guesses about it won't educate you on that matter. Jesus' early life is not documented, so all you can really do is make educated guesses based on where he lived and what he apparently knew as in the recorded parts. In other words - not very much can be known.

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Originally posted by twhitehead
Well asking people to make wild guesses about it won't educate you on that matter. Jesus' early life is not documented, so all you can really do is make educated guesses based on where he lived and what he apparently knew as in the recorded parts. In other words - not very much can be known.
I'm not asking for wild guesses. Perhaps an informed guess about a couple of plausible possibilities or a direct admission that no one knows for sure .

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
I'm not asking for wild guesses. Perhaps an informed guess about a couple of plausible possibilities or a direct admission that no one knows for sure .
It is likely that he lived and worked not far from where his parents lived. It is highly unlikely that he "travelled and studied Vedanta".
If the words attributed to him in the New Testament are genuinely his (which I doubt for the most part), then he at some point learnt quite a lot of Hebrew scripture, as many of his words show knowledge of it. It is odd though that we have no writings of his. This suggests that either he was illiterate, or not popular enough during his lifetime for people to hang on to and copy any of his writings.

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well his rant made me laugh.

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
I know, you are right, the onus is on him, however, can you just look beyond that and possibly give me some viable answer(s) to my question? What do you think Jesus was doing til 30? Fishing? Carpenterring? Are you not fascinated with such great historical/mythological figures lives? I am. I want to know about their whole lives...
I agree totally. I have had this discussion with Christians and they insist that Christ for the 18 years or so thats missing in the NT, he was at home looking after his family and sheep etc. Its the least likely scenario. Its more likely that he would have travelled as far as he can and preached and taught people.

But there is no documentation to show that this is the case, and opening post said that this is the case.

Actually if you really want to hear some rubbish arugments ask RC and Galveston what did Christ do from age 12 to 30 (I think) .. you are going to laugh !

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And I will state it once again:
Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all cargo cults.

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
I'm not asking for wild guesses. Perhaps an informed guess about a couple of plausible possibilities or a direct admission that no one knows for sure .
We finally found it! Here is the explanation for the missing years!

And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.

Amazing! It was there in the Bible the entire time, but we all somehow missed it!

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
I'm not asking for wild guesses. Perhaps an informed guess about a couple of plausible possibilities or a direct admission that no one knows for sure .
The word is he visited Jerusalem at approx 30-32 years of age and suffered from "Jerusalem syndrome" and started thinking he was the messiah.

Strange as in my times there l just felt like myself.

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Originally posted by vishvahetu
Look, Ive explained before, how christianity and islam are just fabrications by dishonest or misguided persons with their personal agendas to fill, (mostly power and control over the stupid masses)

Anyway let the bible hang itself, and it can do this quiet easily by asking the reader to accept the nonsense it teaches,....for example, just get your bibl ...[text shortened]... ch that a person has one life only (more nonsense)

I could give many more examples.

Vish, I accept that you believe what you're saying, but I have to say that you do come across as a little rude and arrogant. God knows I'm no christian (ha ha), but you can't just dismiss a faith that has persisted for as long as christianity or even islam in this manner. They may seem 'silly' or 'stupid' to you, but very many greater minds than yours have considered deeply and found merit in these ideas over the years. Perhaps some might think your beliefs 'childish nonsense' too?

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
I know, you are right, the onus is on him, however, can you just look beyond that and possibly give me some viable answer(s) to my question? What do you think Jesus was doing til 30? Fishing? Carpenterring? Are you not fascinated with such great historical/mythological figures lives? I am. I want to know about their whole lives...
The thing is that almost everyone else has a different mindset, thus they will tell you whats going on in their head about certain stuff that Jesus did in the time He lived on earth. I also agree with some of the other people here that you'll certainly laugh at these remarks.

The thing is, you need to read all the books you can find about Jesus, and that will answer your questions, plus you get the benefit of satisfying the need to know everything their is about Him. I honestly don't have an idea what books and were to find them, but you could start with the Bible.

This just is my opinion.

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