
The "free gift"


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04 Apr 04
14 Feb 23

@kellyjay said
Nothing about that scripture suggests work trumps faith. You take one scripture as if that is the only one that deals with the topic and ignore the rest.
You are a scripture worshiper. You are not a believer in the teachings of Christ but a believer in the interpretations of men, like the goats of Matt 25.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
14 Feb 23

@rajk999 said
You are a scripture worshiper. You are not a believer in the teachings of Christ but a believer in the interpretations of men, like the goats of Matt 25.
Guilty I believe that the scripture is the Word of God, I am also guilty in believing Jesus is the Word of God made flesh who died for our sins laying down His life for us.

The scriptures are one of the means by which God’s revelation is revealed to us. So I do not pick and choose what scriptures I like and ignore the rest, you do just that, pick what scriptures you will accept and ignore all text that do not fit your personal opinion on what is acceptable and not.

14 Jan 19
14 Feb 23

A free gift? Words? There are a lot of "free" words being tossed to the wind.

There is no such a thing as "free." Especially free gifts. Everything has a price, and all free things have a hidden cost associated with them. Nothing is free, absolutely nothing. Life, if it's a gift, is not a free.


16 Feb 08
14 Feb 23

@pettytalk said
A free gift? Words? There are a lot of "free" words being tossed to the wind.

There is no such a thing as "free." Especially free gifts. Everything has a price, and all free things have a hidden cost associated with them. Nothing is free, absolutely nothing. Life, if it's a gift, is not a free.
Being a non sub member here is free.


15 Jun 10
14 Feb 23

@kellyjay said
It isn't an either-or.
Yes it is, you've made two contradictory statements, which can't both be true.


15 Jun 10
14 Feb 23

@kellyjay said
I have shown you evidence for God, but only God can prove Himself I cannot, you see things that are not naturally done, that have a supernatural element in the explanation transcending the natural world, and you ignore, with any excuse, because any excuse will do. It isn't that there isn't evidence, being shown, because if it gets accepted, as soon as you do, you lose a big excuse, it is an all-or-nothing type of thing.
All you have shown is what you believe to be evidence for god.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
14 Feb 23

@indonesia-phil said
Yes it is, you've made two contradictory statements, which can't both be true.
When something can be true in two different ways, claiming either is true does not cancel the other. Find something worth talking about, you going on and on about something that doesn't matter hardly at all.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
14 Feb 23

@indonesia-phil said
All you have shown is what you believe to be evidence for god.
Was there a point in that statement? What we think about anything centers on the fact that something is or isn't true, which is different from the reality of what we are thinking about. Just because I have a thought about something doesn't change anything about the truthfulness of the topic, if all you got is I have an opinion about something, you too have thoughts about things, sometimes your right, and sometimes you're not. The fact you can have an opinion is not the issue, it is if what we believe is or is not valid.



04 Apr 04
14 Feb 23

@kellyjay said
Guilty I believe that the scripture is the Word of God, I am also guilty in believing Jesus is the Word of God made flesh who died for our sins laying down His life for us.

The scriptures are one of the means by which God’s revelation is revealed to us. So I do not pick and choose what scriptures I like and ignore the rest, you do just that, pick what scriptures you will accept and ignore all text that do not fit your personal opinion on what is acceptable and not.
Billions of people since the coming of Christ are like you... unfortunately only those who qualify as stated in Matt 25 and who fed the hungry, help those in need, clothed the naked etc etc, will enter the Kingdom of God. The rest will be cast out.

Therefore there is no virtue in believing. Nobody enters the Kingdom based on belief. Jesus said people MUST love their neighbour as themselves. Your doctrine of waiting for God to prepare works for you to do is unadulterated garbage.

So while Christians of your ilk sit and wait, and pray, and sing and study the bible, and go to church and make the pastor rich, the good and righteous people of this world are living the lives Jesus said to live, and He will reward all people according to their works.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
14 Feb 23

@rajk999 said
Billions of people since the coming of Christ are like you... unfortunately only those who qualify as stated in Matt 25 and who fed the hungry, help those in need, clothed the naked etc etc, will enter the Kingdom of God. The rest will be cast out.

Therefore there is no virtue in believing. Nobody enters the Kingdom based on belief. Jesus said people MUST love their ne ...[text shortened]... rld are living the lives Jesus said to live, and He will reward all people according to their works.
No argument from me that good works will be done by those who follow the Jesus as Lord and Savior. The only difference between what I say when I talk about that and you, is you claim we have to do it to be saved, while I say it because we are saved.

If Jesus is not your Lord and Savior I don’t care how many good works you do without Christ no amount of good works will be enough.



04 Apr 04
15 Feb 23

@kellyjay said
No argument from me that good works will be done by those who follow the Jesus as Lord and Savior. The only difference between what I say when I talk about that and you, is you claim we have to do it to be saved, while I say it because we are saved.

If Jesus is not your Lord and Savior I don’t care how many good works you do without Christ no amount of good works will be enough.
I never said ... " ..good works will be done by those who follow the Jesus as Lord and Savior"

That line you keep using is a fabrication of your church and is not in the bible. In fact Jesus said the opposite, ie that there are many who follow Him with their mouth but their heart is far from him.

When Jesus preached nowhere did he say that you have to proclaim that he is your Lord and Saviour. That is more church baloney. Jesus preached to thousands and thousands and never once told them to do that.

Your church promotes a bunch of false mumbo jumbo totally contrary to Christ, and misleads the simpleminded who cannot read the bible for themselves.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
15 Feb 23

@rajk999 said
I never said ... " ..good works will be done by those who follow the Jesus as Lord and Savior"

That line you keep using is a fabrication of your church and is not in the bible. In fact Jesus said the opposite, ie that there are many who follow Him with their mouth but their heart is far from him.

When Jesus preached nowhere did he say that you have to proclaim ...[text shortened]... totally contrary to Christ, and misleads the simpleminded who cannot read the bible for themselves.
Well, as I said, you are very selective about what parts of the Bible you acknowledge.



04 Apr 04
15 Feb 23
1 edit

@kellyjay said
Well, as I said, you are very selective about what parts of the Bible you acknowledge.
I am selective because I know that the Bible does not give anyone eternal life. If it did then all the Pharisees would be in the Kingdom of God. They were all bible scholars like you. But Jesus said they will be cast out of the Kingdom of God.

What gives eternal life is Jesus Christ.
However :
- professing faith is Christ does not give eternal life
- professing to love Christ / God does not give eternal life
- believing that God gave you works to do does not give eternal life

It is obedience to the commandments that determines who gets in and who is cast out, and that is where you have failed. You have not once acknowledge the critical nature of good works and obedience. You lamely state like a parrot that God gives you works to do... what utter garbage !!

If you cannot even acknowledge what Jesus preached how can you actually do it. There are those who profess no belief in any kind but they know and understand what Jesus preached, and they believe that these are good teachings which they themselves try to follow. I say with certainty, that these unbelievers will fare better than your type on judgment day. How do I know? Jesus said so and I believe Jesus.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
15 Feb 23

@rajk999 said
I am selective because I know that the Bible does not give anyone eternal life. If it did then all the Pharisees would be in the Kingdom of God. They were all bible scholars like you. But Jesus said they will be cast out of the Kingdom of God.

What gives eternal life is Jesus Christ.
However :
- professing faith is Christ does not give eternal life
- professing to love ...[text shortened]... will fare better than your type on judgment day. How do I know? Jesus said so and I believe Jesus.
You are very selective because you are attempting to prove your points over what the Bible says in full, so you have to select those parts that you like over those parts that do not agree with you. So you make up things like works trump faith, you cherry-pick some scripture that talks about our works and judgment day and claim that is all that matters when it does not. Scripture is clear on who will receive eternal life and why. It is Jesus who takes away the sins of the world, we don't acquire God's righteousness on our own by earning it, when we are attempting to do that we are building up our self-rightness not trusting in Christ.

John 17:3
And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.

John 3:18
Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.

Matthew 25:41
“Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.



04 Apr 04
15 Feb 23

Matthew 25:41
“Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.
... Because ... they did no good works. Read the whole thing.
They are cast out because they waited on God to prepare good works for them ... lol

The sheep are given eternal life BECAUSE they did good works. Your church doctrine is rubbish.