The Name!

The Name!


Black Beastie


12 Jun 08
05 Jan 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
those gigantic and ominous tomes, ones knows that it must be good for one to enter but many prefer the dance on thin ice rather than to skate dear beetle.
Methinks he is one of the best; his analyses are scientific predictions, for they are based on a scientific theory, thus they are reproducible and consistent, whilst the theory they are based on is not in conflict with available data already.

And a prediction, for our Irish friend; White: Ke7, Nh6, Ba1. Black: Kh8, pawns g7 and h7. I predict that the White will mate in three. Now, my prediction as regards a specific future event is based on a theory of endgames and it is falsifiable, reproducible, consistent and in accordance with the data available😵


Dublin Ireland

31 Oct 12
05 Jan 13

Originally posted by black beetle
Methinks he is one of the best; his analyses are scientific predictions, for they are based on a scientific theory, thus they are reproducible and consistent, whilst the theory they are based on is not in conflict with available data already.

And a prediction, for our Irish friend; White: Ke7, Nh6, Ba1. Black: Kh8, pawns g7 and h7. I predict that the ...[text shortened]... ames and it is falsifiable, reproducible, consistent and in accordance with the data available😵
I'll predict your future for you my friend,
if you truly live in that place which flies that flag you've got.

The European garbage can.

The lies that Greece told in order to get it's nose into the
European food trough will be the same lies that will get
to ejected as probably the worst economy in Europe
built on corruption and lies.

At least the Irish are coming back with integrity.

The French, Germans, Dutch and Finns are right when they
say we should cut you loose and let you fall off the edge.

I would agree with them.

Black Beastie


12 Jun 08
05 Jan 13

Originally posted by johnnylongwoody
I'll predict your future for you my friend,
if you truly live in that place which flies that flag you've got.

The European garbage can.

The lies that Greece told in order to get it's nose into the
European food trough will be the same lies that will get
to ejected as probably the worst economy in Europe
built on corruption and lies.

At ...[text shortened]... they
say we should cut you loose and let you fall off the edge.

I would agree with them.
This is not a scientific prediction but a prophecy, probably because you fail to understand the reason why an exit option from the Eurozone and/ or a default option of Greece are both unrealistic scenarios. The rest of your post is full of hatred for my nation, an opinion one finds in fine newspapers like "Bild". Oh well😵


26 Aug 07
05 Jan 13
1 edit

Originally posted by black beetle
Methinks he is one of the best; his analyses are scientific predictions, for they are based on a scientific theory, thus they are reproducible and consistent, whilst the theory they are based on is not in conflict with available data already.

And a prediction, for our Irish friend; White: Ke7, Nh6, Ba1. Black: Kh8, pawns g7 and h7. I predict that the ...[text shortened]... ames and it is falsifiable, reproducible, consistent and in accordance with the data available😵
art is no substitute for science for sure, but its the adornment of life, without which, it
would not be complete 🙂

Quiz Master

RHP Arms

09 Jun 07
05 Jan 13

Originally posted by kd2acz
I figured that might be your response
Citing the virgin birth as proof of Jesus fulfilling a
prophecy can hardly be deemed proof!

1. Most clergymen dont believe it.

2. How would it be tested?

3. Jesus does not reference this "fact"

4. It was added to the story many years after Jesus's death.

I asked for your best ... and you come up with this?
It's rubbish.


26 Aug 07
05 Jan 13
1 edit

Originally posted by wolfgang59
Citing the virgin birth as proof of Jesus fulfilling a
prophecy can hardly be deemed proof!

1. Most clergymen dont believe it.

2. How would it be tested?

3. Jesus does not reference this "fact"

4. It was added to the story many years after Jesus's death.

I asked for your best ... and you come up with this?
It's rubbish.
How do you suppose Christ engineered the casting of lots over his clothes? or being
pierced in the side with a spear? or not having his legs broken to quicken death or
being given vinegar to drink, or being reviled while dying, or being buried with the rich,
or being betrayed for thirty pieces of silver, which of these events did Christ engineer?


03 Sep 12
05 Jan 13

Originally posted by wolfgang59
Citing the virgin birth as proof of Jesus fulfilling a
prophecy can hardly be deemed proof!

1. Most clergymen dont believe it.

2. How would it be tested?

3. Jesus does not reference this "fact"

4. It was added to the story many years after Jesus's death.

I asked for your best ... and you come up with this?
It's rubbish.
1) Why would you use what clergyman believe to try and make the point about the virgin birth, seems self defeating to me. On one hand if clergyman don't believe it you are good with it, if they do believe it they are wrong.

2) You tell me.

3) Why would he?

4) it's the truth.

Sorry to disappoint little buddy.

Quiz Master

RHP Arms

09 Jun 07
05 Jan 13

Originally posted by kd2acz
1) Why would you use what clergyman believe to try and make the point about the virgin birth, seems self defeating to me. On one hand if clergyman don't believe it you are good with it, if they do believe it they are wrong.

2) You tell me.

3) Why would he?

4) it's the truth.

Sorry to disappoint little buddy.
You are the one giving the "evidence" not me.
And its pitiful.

Quiz Master

RHP Arms

09 Jun 07
05 Jan 13

Particularly "its the truth"

Brilliant rhetoric!


The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
06 Jan 13

Originally posted by Agerg
I don't know...might have been Jack, or Jebediah, or someone whose name didn't even begin with 'J'.

You have no compelling evidence for the historical existence of Jesus - prophecies that were written true by people who'd read the Old Testament, or vague prophecies that could be rendered true in almost any circumstance for some interpretation are completely worthless.
His name was Yahshua. He had the same name as the God of the Old Testament "Yah" meaning "I am" and the remainder of the name was to describe His mission to "save" the lost. Yahshua means "Yah saves" or "God saves", if you like. You can thank me now for this bit of knowledge I have bestowed on you. 😏


26 Aug 07
06 Jan 13
2 edits

Originally posted by RJHinds
His name was Yahshua. He had the same name as the God of the Old Testament "Yah" meaning "I am" and the remainder of the name was to describe His mission to "save" the lost. Yahshua means "Yah saves" or "God saves", if you like. You can thank me now for this bit of knowledge I have bestowed on you. 😏
Jah does not mean i am, you are mistaken and keep clinging to doctrines formed on
the basis of inaccurate translations of the Greek and Hebrew text. To wantonly
know this and to portray it as bestowing knowledge is to live a lie. Above all things,
to live a lie must be the worst of all outcomes.

In the second half of the first millennium C.E., Jewish scholars introduced a system
of points to represent the missing vowels in the consonantal Hebrew text. When it
came to God’s name, instead of inserting the proper vowel signs for it, they put
other vowel signs to remind the reader that he should say Adhonai (meaning
Sovereign Lord) or Elohim (meaning God)

The Codex Leningrad B 19A, of the 11th century C.E., vowel points the
Tetragrammaton to read Yehwah, Yehwih, and Yehowa;. Ginsburgs edition of the
Masoretic text vowel points the divine name to read Yehwah;. (Ge 3:14, ftn) Hebrew
scholars generally favor “Yahweh” as the most likely pronunciation. They point out
that the abbreviated form of the name is Yah (Jah in the Latinized form), as at Psalm
89:8 and in the expression HaleluYah (meaning Praise Jah, you people) (Ps 104:35;
150:1, 6) Also, the forms Yehoh, Yoh, Yah, and Yahu, found in the Hebrew spelling of
the names Jehoshaphat, Joshaphat, Shephatiah, and others, can all be derived from
Yahweh. Greek transliterations of the name by early Christian writers point in a
somewhat similar direction with spellings such as Iabe and Iaoue, which, as
pronounced in Greek, resemble Yahweh. Still, there is by no means unanimity
among scholars on the subject, some favoring yet other pronunciations, such as
“Yahuwa,” “Yahuah,” or “Yehuah.”

Since certainty of pronunciation is not now attainable, there seems to be no reason
for abandoning in English the well-known form “Jehovah” in favor of some other
suggested pronunciation. If such a change were made, then, to be consistent,
changes should be made in the spelling and pronunciation of a host of other names
found in the Scriptures: Jeremiah would be changed to Yirmeyah, Isaiah would
become Yeshayahu, and Jesus would be either Yehohshua (as in Hebrew) or Iesous
(as in Greek). The purpose of words is to transmit thoughts; in English the name
Jehovah identifies the true God, transmitting this thought more satisfactorily today
than any of the suggested substitutes.


03 Sep 12
06 Jan 13

Originally posted by wolfgang59
You are the one giving the "evidence" not me.
And its pitiful.
Well I tried.


03 Sep 12
06 Jan 13

I don't think some of the JW's have really chimed in. Robbie, Galveston, others what does the name Jesus mean to you?


26 Aug 07
06 Jan 13
4 edits

Originally posted by kd2acz
I don't think some of the JW's have really chimed in. Robbie, Galveston, others what does the name Jesus mean to you?
What does the name of the father, Jehovah, mean to you?

(Matthew 6:9-13) "Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. Let
your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth. Give us
today our bread for this day and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our
debtors. And do not bring us into temptation, but deliver us from the wicked one."

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
06 Jan 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Jah does not mean i am, you are mistaken and keep clinging to doctrines formed on
the basis of inaccurate translations of the Greek and Hebrew text. To wantonly
know this and to portray it as bestowing knowledge is to live a lie. Above all things,
to live a lie must be the worst of all outcomes.

In the second half of the first millennium C ...[text shortened]... od, transmitting this thought more satisfactorily today
than any of the suggested substitutes.
Perhaps you can understand the information on the name from the following link:

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