It is commonly said that evolution and Creation are both theories. A "theory" has no definite proof in its support, only some evidence favoring it. In this book, we have found that evolution has no evidence supporting it and a ton of facts which destroy it.
But Creation is different. It has a mammoth number of facts from the natural world supporting it. And those facts do not fit any other possible explanation.
Regardless of what the evolutionists may claim, Creation is not a theory; it is a proven scientific fact.
To fill space at the end of the chapters in this book, a sampling of facts from the natural world have been included; each of which could only be explained by Creation. (They are all listed on the top of page 916.)
Here are three more. As you read them, be open-minded and think. Accept the reality of the situation. Our world was made by a super-powerful, massively intelligent Creator. The world did not make itself.
(1) Compound eyes able to analyze polarized light for navigation and flower recognition. (2) Three additional eyes for navigation. (3) Two antennae for smell and touch. (4) Grooves on front legs to clean antennae. (5) Tube-like proboscis to suck in nectar and water. When not in use, it curls back under the head. (6) Two jars (mandibles) to hold, crush, and form wax. (7) Honey tank for temporary storage of nectar. (8) Enzymes in honey tank which will ultimately change that nectar into honey. (9) Glands in abdomen produce beeswax, which is secreted as scales on rear body. (10) Five segmented legs which can turn in any needed direction. (11) Pronged claws, on each foot, to cling to flowers. (12) Glands in head make royal jelly. (13) Glands in body make glue. (14) Hairs on head, thorax, and legs to collect pollen. (15) Pollen baskets on rear legs to collect pollen. (16) Several different structures to collect pollen. (17) Spurs to pack it down. (18) Row of hooks on trailing edges of front wings, which, hooking to rear wings in flight, provide better flying power. (19) Barbed poison sting, to defend the bee and the hive. (20) An enormous library of inherited knowledge regarding: how to grow up; make hives and cells; nurse infants; aid queen bee; analyze, locate, and impart information on how to find the flowers; navigate by polarized and other light; collect materials in the field; guard the hive; detect and overcome enemies;—and lots more!
How can a honeycomb have walls which are only 1/350th an inch [.007 cm] thick, yet be able to support 30 times their own weight?
How can a strong, healthy colony have 50,000 to 60,000 bees—yet all are able to work together at a great variety of tasks without any instructors or supervisors?
How can a honeybee identify a flavor as sweet, sour, salty, or bitter? How can it correctly identify a flower species and only visit that species on each trip into the field—while passing up tasty opportunities of other species that it finds en route?
All these mysteries and more are found in the life of the bee. A honeybee averages 14 miles [25.5 km] per hour in flight, yet collects enough nectar in its lifetime to make about 1/10th of a pound [.045kg] of honey. In order to make a pound of honey, a bee living close to clover fields would have to travel 13,000 miles [20,920 km], or 4 times the distance from New York City to San Francisco!
With all this high-tech equipment on each bee, surely it must have taken countless ages for the little bee to evolve every part of it. Yet, not long ago, a very ancient bee was found encased in amber. Analyzing it, scientists decided that, although it dated back to the beginning of flowering plants, it was just like modern bees! So, as far back in the past as we can go, we find that bees are just like bees today!
Originally posted by dj2beckeras much as I agree with creation, you are no different from the evolutionists in this regard.
Regardless of what the evolutionists may claim, Creation is not a theory; it is a proven scientific fact.
Science is observable, repeatable, and faliable. Neither creation or evolution is. Neither are scientific facts. I like that a lot of evidence supports intelligent design, but it isn't a fact.
Originally posted by dj2beckerI'm quite simply not going to bother with this. dj2 why not present your own view for a change?
It is commonly said that evolution and Creation are both theories. A "theory" has no definite proof in its support, only some evidence favoring it. In this book, we have found that evolution has no evidence supporting it and a ton of facts which destroy it.
But Creation is different. It has a mammoth number of facts ...[text shortened]... go, we find that bees are just like bees today!
Originally posted by dj2beckerYou're an idiot .
It is commonly said that evolution and Creation are both theories. A "theory" has no definite proof in its support, only some evidence favoring it. In this book, we have found that evolution has no evidence supporting it and a ton of facts which destroy it.
But Creation is different. It has a mammoth number of facts ...[text shortened]... go, we find that bees are just like bees today!
Well, that Bee would be about 120 million years old? Let me take a stab at 'your' (lol) assumption.
You assume that Bees came about at the same time as flowering plants. Right? Heck, Bees couldn't have existed before that time, it's what Bees do now!
I'm not going to go searching and cut and paste for you, but from what I understand life on Earth has been around a lot longer than that. The Oldest Bee ever found might have been captured in amber, but that doesn't make it the first Bee ever, does it?
You assume too much, or at least whoever wrote that page does. So, you are also saying that Bees are older than 6000 years, right? That seems to go agains some of the other crap you spew on this subject.
"Creation is different. It has a mammoth number of facts from the natural world supporting it."
WOW! and LOL! Great facts... I thought the earth was about 6000 years old? Is that one of the facts supported?! I love how many numbers are thrown around in what you pasted, but it starts with no date for the found Bee. Why is that? Ancient Bee... With all the numbers thrown in for support, how about an age for the Bee?
If people are so confident the earth was evolved from particle of gasoline (that would still not give any clue to how the earth started, because from the start something has to be made from nothing) then why do they feel obligated to defend their beleif? Simple. They are pesimists.
Whereas Christians have a positive intent in their ministry evolutionists have a negative one. Christians are spending too much energy trying to convert (is that really possible for most of these people? Or are they just interested in argument?) people with falsities such as muffy and evolution. There is only one truth but there are endless lies to refute.
Spend your energy with more constructive ministries like missions. Besides being funner and more productive you get to connect with pepole rather than argue with them. And if you believe in evolutionism than what can I say? Even the guy who made it up became a Christian in the end. And not all are as lucky as him. Also scientists have all sorts of information as to why evolution is bogus. If anyone is interested then just look around.
--bob bob
Originally posted by bobbob1056thoh cripes They are coming outta da woodwork
If people are so confident the earth was evolved from particle of gasoline (that would still not give any clue to how the earth started, because from the start something has to be made from nothing) then why do they feel obligated to defend their beleif? Simple. They are pesimists.
Whereas Christians have a positive intent in their ministry evolution ...[text shortened]... ation as to why evolution is bogus. If anyone is interested then just look around.
--bob bob
Originally posted by dj2beckerThis is one thing these people fail to do, and are perhaps incapable of. If you read the previous posts you will find they all immediately get defensive when such a topic is brought up and become pesimistic. If you study psychology you will see that this is only typical when sensitive issues are brought up (maybe because it implies there is a possibility of God existing).
As you read them, be open-minded and think.
Originally posted by bobbob1056thLol...thats funny
This is one thing these people fail to do, and are perhaps incapable of. If you read the previous posts you will find they all immediately get defensive when such a topic is brought up and become pesimistic. If you study psychology you will see that this is only typical when sensitive issues are brought up (maybe because it implies there is a possibility of God existing).
Originally posted by bobbob1056thSorry Charley, I defend the word of the Kingdom, so stick your fundy script back in your pocket.
This is one thing these people fail to do, and are perhaps incapable of. If you read the previous posts you will find they all immediately get defensive when such a topic is brought up and become pesimistic. If you study psychology you will see that this is only typical when sensitive issues are brought up (maybe because it implies there is a possibility of God existing).
and go psychoanalyse you own fundament.
Originally posted by bobbob1056thSomeone wants to yell "Fact! Fact!" about something, you can expect someone is not going to agree. Especially on a topic like Creationism vs. Evolution.
This is one thing these people fail to do, and are perhaps incapable of. If you read the previous posts you will find they all immediately get defensive when such a topic is brought up and become pesimistic. If you study psychology you will see that this is only typical when sensitive issues are brought up (maybe because it implies there is a possibility of God existing).
Don't be saying 'psychology' is the reason people shoot down these false statements. I hope there is a God, but I don't need to prove the earth is 6000 years old to do that, and I don't need to prove God did it all in 6 days. I just think Bees probably evolved and there is lame proof to say otherwise.
Originally posted by PhlabibitThe thumpers don't realize the disservice they do to God with preaching such utter garbage.
Someone wants to yell "Fact! Fact!" about something, you can expect someone is not going to agree. Especially on a topic like Creationism vs. Evolution.
Don't be saying 'psychology' is the reason people shoot down these false statements. I hope there is a God, but I don't need to prove the earth is 6000 years old to do that, and I don't need t ...[text shortened]... l in 6 days. I just think Bees probably evolved and there is lame proof to say otherwise.