What are the rules...

What are the rules...


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03 Sep 13
17 Apr 14

... for determining morality?

In another thread I asked the question "What are the rules for determining morality?" For atheists, without using the bible or any religion, what guides and forms your morality?


28 Oct 05
17 Apr 14
1 edit

Originally posted by yoctobyte
... for determining morality?

In another thread I asked the question "What are the rules for determining morality?" For atheists, without using the bible or any religion, what guides and forms your morality?
Atheists can speak for themselves, but for me ~ as a non-religionist ~ I'd say [with "morality" being a code that governs human interactions] that the basic bricks are [1] Do not harm others [2] Do not deceive [3] Do not coerce. Of course life and the complexities of human interactions make things a bit more tricky and involved, but those three things are a starting point.

Quiz Master

RHP Arms

09 Jun 07
17 Apr 14

Originally posted by yoctobyte
... for determining morality?

In another thread I asked the question "What are the rules for determining morality?" For atheists, without using the bible or any religion, what guides and forms your morality?
I don't think there are any rules.


11 Nov 05
17 Apr 14

Originally posted by yoctobyte
... for determining morality?

In another thread I asked the question "What are the rules for determining morality?" For atheists, without using the bible or any religion, what guides and forms your morality?
What's the use of having a bible and still not live by its morals...?

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
17 Apr 14

Originally posted by yoctobyte
... for determining morality?

In another thread I asked the question "What are the rules for determining morality?" For atheists, without using the bible or any religion, what guides and forms your morality?
1. Do not cause harm to others with the possible exception of preventing harm to yourself.
2. Assist others at avoiding harm with the possible exception of when the cost to yourself would be high.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
17 Apr 14

Originally posted by yoctobyte
... for determining morality?

In another thread I asked the question "What are the rules for determining morality?" For atheists, without using the bible or any religion, what guides and forms your morality?
For the follower of Jesus the most important rule is "life and peace".

"The mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the spirit is life and peace." (Romans 8:7)

He or she has the word of God, the Holy Spirit of God, and the sense of "life and peace" deep in the innermost human spirit.

29 Dec 08
17 Apr 14

In among all these rules they should be one fact noted. Sometimes you don't really know how you are going to act until you act. Complete self control is an illusion. Forgiveness for some of your acts will most certainly be needed.

Maybe that.s a non-religionist way of saying we're all sinners.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
17 Apr 14

Originally posted by JS357
In among all these rules they should be one fact noted. Sometimes you don't really know how you are going to act until you act. Complete self control is an illusion. Forgiveness for some of your acts will most certainly be needed.

Maybe that.s a non-religionist way of saying we're all sinners.
It should also be noted that many of our actions are not taken for moral reasons. What I do for love (of family and friends etc) should not be confused with morality. And I may even act immorally for the sake of loved ones - and feel justified in doing so.

31 May 06
17 Apr 14

Originally posted by yoctobyte
... for determining morality?

In another thread I asked the question "What are the rules for determining morality?" For atheists, without using the bible or any religion, what guides and forms your morality?
I am not sure that there are 'The Rules' of how you determine morality...
At least not as I think you mean the phrase.

There are a number of different systems for creating a secular moral code, on
which I am not an expert so I am not about to try to explain them all here.

However, speaking generally, I think you need to start by asking what morality
actually is. And the best description I know of is Sam Harris' where he describes
morality as [and I am paraphrasing] a system for determining what behaviours,
courses of action, and laws, produce a society that best maximises the wellbeing of
it's members.

So the test for a moral system is how well it maximises the wellbeing of the people
who adhere to it. The more we know about how people function, and what makes
people happy, healthy, and content, The better a moral system we can devise.

There may well be more than one way to maximise wellbeing and thus there may
well be no one 'right answer', or 'The Rules' to follow.

This does not mean that there are not clearly wrong answers, which there emphatically


24 Apr 10
17 Apr 14

Originally posted by sonship
For the follower of Jesus the most important rule is [b]"life and peace".

"The mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the spirit is life and peace." (Romans 8:7)

He or she has the word of God, the Holy Spirit of God, and the sense of "life and peace" deep in the innermost human spirit.[/b]
There have been and continue to be lots of wars based on religious differences. If indeed life and peace is the most important rule then god should let himself be known (without room for doubt) and set things straight.

But perhaps god has different idea of "the most important rule".


03 Sep 13
18 Apr 14

Originally posted by FabianFnas
What's the use of having a bible and still not live by its morals...?
Not sure what you are asking, rephrase ?


03 Sep 13
18 Apr 14

Originally posted by wolfgang59
I don't think there are any rules.
How about basis vs rules, do you have one?

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
18 Apr 14

Originally posted by yoctobyte
... for determining morality?

In another thread I asked the question "What are the rules for determining morality?" For atheists, without using the bible or any religion, what guides and forms your morality?
There are no moral rules for atheists. They only have animal instincts to guide them.


28 Oct 05
18 Apr 14

Originally posted by RJHinds
There are no moral rules for atheists. They only have animal instincts to guide them.
I would have thought that you, a Christian, would have believed that atheists were "guided" by the same hard wiring that you believe God gave all humans when he created them.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
18 Apr 14

Originally posted by FMF
I would have thought that you, a Christian, would have believed that atheists were "guided" by the same hard wiring that you believe God gave all humans when he created them.
Surprise. I believe atheist have disconnected any moral hard wiring and live totally on animal instincts. To be rewired they must be born again of the spirit.