Why we believe

Why we believe


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26 Dec 14
24 Nov 22

Our belief in God is primarily based on where we grew up, what our parents taught us, and the environment around us, during the impressionable time of our youth.

Proof of this can be found in other belief scenarios:. Believing in Santa Claus and flying reindeer simply because that's what we were told, and the entire community was involved.
Look at the children of neo-nazi parents. They grow up with the same belief and hatred of certain people, simply because that's what they were taught.

****When discussing matters of belief in a certain "God", one should carefully consider WHY they believe what they do. Instead of insisting it's because they have the "truth", they should look back and see that the seed was planted many years ago.***

The point:. Everyone who believes in their version of "God".... thinks they are right.

Fighting for men’s

right to have babies

16 Feb 08
24 Nov 22

@chaney3 said
Everyone who believes in their version of "God".... thinks they are right.
… and here’s a slightly nebulous text from my holy book to prove it.


26 Dec 14
24 Nov 22

@divegeester said
… and here’s a slightly nebulous text from my holy book to prove it.
Yep.....every person, from all types of beliefs and Gods has their specific bible, and hold fast to it, based on what they've known their entire life.

Some will modify their faith, or completely change their mind about believing at all, based on having an open mind to learning, and allowing themselves to break away from childhood tradition.


15 Jun 10
24 Nov 22

@chaney3 said
Our belief in God is primarily based on where we grew up, what our parents taught us, and the environment around us, during the impressionable time of our youth.

Proof of this can be found in other belief scenarios:. Believing in Santa Claus and flying reindeer simply because that's what we were told, and the entire community was involved.
Look at the children of neo-nazi ...[text shortened]... rs ago.***

The point:. Everyone who believes in their version of "God".... thinks they are right.
Indoctrination and conditioning, so how does anyone who is, for example, born into a Christian family/society actually 'become' a Christian? One may say 'I've found God for myself' but you're never going to be sure, are you? Applying any kind of rational thought to it, the indoctrination and conditioning factor is always going to be there.


26 Dec 14
24 Nov 22

@indonesia-phil said
Indoctrination and conditioning, so how does anyone who is, for example, born into a Christian family/society actually 'become' a Christian? One may say 'I've found God for myself' but you're never going to be sure, are you? Applying any kind of rational thought to it, the indoctrination and conditioning factor is always going to be there.
I wholeheartedly agree.
The reason for this thread is to show that if KellyJay were born in a different country, raised in a different culture, and taught about a different "God", then his faith and supposed truth would be completely different......and he wouldn't know any better.


15 Jun 10
24 Nov 22

@chaney3 said
I wholeheartedly agree.
The reason for this thread is to show that if KellyJay were born in a different country, raised in a different culture, and taught about a different "God", then his faith and supposed truth would be completely different......and he wouldn't know any better.
I've raised this as a general point in these forums on more than one occasion, and it applies to anyone who falls in, as it were, with the generally accepted religious beliefs with which they grow up. The herd mentality can be a hard thing to kick against, and harder in some cultures and societies than others, of course. The England in which I was born was a relatively secular affair, and I had access to enough scientific, philosophical and other literature to convince me at an early age that the 'God Delusion' was indeed delusional, but we each of us come at the whole god/gods thing from a different place.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
25 Nov 22
1 edit

@chaney3 said
I wholeheartedly agree.
The reason for this thread is to show that if KellyJay were born in a different country, raised in a different culture, and taught about a different "God", then his faith and supposed truth would be completely different......and he wouldn't know any better.
Where we start isn't always where we end up, that is a choice. I was not raised as
a Christian, I didn't become one until I was 25, and I'm 66 now. Not everyone who
was raised one is, and some people have become something other than the faith
they were brought up in. Your point isn't valid.

Secret RHP coder

on the payroll

26 Nov 04
25 Nov 22

@kellyjay said
Where we start isn't always where we end up, that is a choice. I was not raised as
a Christian, I didn't become one until I was 25, and I'm 66 now. Not everyone who
was raised one is, and some people have become something other than the faith
they were brought up in. Your point isn't valid.
I think it's valid. You gave some outliers. Outliers don't disprove the overall trend.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
25 Nov 22

@bigdogg said
I think it's valid. You gave some outliers. Outliers don't disprove the overall trend.
I gave outliers, no, I gave exactly what he said wouldn't happen. It is always a choice
for us, it isn't a nationality that brings one to Jesus Christ, nor is it a culture, it is a
living hope, not some set of acceptable rules and doctrines that we find appealing
and meaningful to us, you can be raised in a church, and miss Jesus Christ.


28 Oct 05
25 Nov 22

@kellyjay said
I gave outliers, no, I gave exactly what he said wouldn't happen.
Where did he say it "wouldn't happen"? Do you understand what "outlier" means?


28 Oct 05
25 Nov 22

@kellyjay said
It is always a choice
for us, it isn't a nationality that brings one to Jesus Christ, nor is it a culture
I'd say the religious faith one ends up with can be attributed probably about 95% to culture, whether that's Muslims/ Hindus/ Christians here in Indonesia or people ending up as Christians/Jews/ Muslims [or whatever] in your country.


28 Oct 05
25 Nov 22

@kellyjay said
It is always a choice
for us
Choices people make can contribute to being drawn into a religion. But faith is not a choice. Faith is a realization.


Behind the scenes

27 Jun 16
25 Nov 22

@kellyjay said
Where we start isn't always where we end up, that is a choice. I was not raised as
a Christian, I didn't become one until I was 25, and I'm 66 now. Not everyone who
was raised one is, and some people have become something other than the faith
they were brought up in. Your point isn't valid.
Where we start isn't always where we end up-

Yes indeed. I was raised in a family of atheists. Just mentioning the word God was frowned upon (unless you were cursing of course) Once in High School some my friends on the track team took me to their Christian youth group. It was pretty low key, just a few songs and a prayer. No one tried to convert me, but that lighthearted experience got me interested enough to start researching, and over the next 5 years I slowly converted myself. Needless to say, my parents were less than thrilled.

The herd mentality is indeed strong, but it's not insurmountable.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
26 Nov 22

@mchill said
Where we start isn't always where we end up-

Yes indeed. I was raised in a family of atheists. Just mentioning the word God was frowned upon (unless you were cursing of course) Once in High School some my friends on the track team took me to their Christian youth group. It was pretty low key, just a few songs and a prayer. No one tried to convert me, but that lighthearted e ...[text shortened]... nts were less than thrilled.

The herd mentality is indeed strong, but it's not insurmountable.
Blending in is easy, taking a stand, setting your self apart is very difficult, which is why we are told to count the cost.

Secret RHP coder

on the payroll

26 Nov 04
26 Nov 22

@kellyjay said
I gave outliers, no, I gave exactly what he said wouldn't happen. It is always a choice
for us, it isn't a nationality that brings one to Jesus Christ, nor is it a culture, it is a
living hope, not some set of acceptable rules and doctrines that we find appealing
and meaningful to us, you can be raised in a church, and miss Jesus Christ.

I guess the Middle East is opposed to 'choosing hope'?