Witness Lee's Local Church Cult

Witness Lee's Local Church Cult


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22 Jul 14
23 Jul 14

We turn now to II Corinthians 3:17,18, keeping in mind that we are observing how the risen and ascended Lord Jesus is one with, and manifested by, the Spirit from Pentecost onwards: “Now the Lord (who is the Lord? Look at 4:5 – “we preach Christ Jesus as Lord.” ) … “Now the Lord (Jesus Christ) is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord (Jesus Christ) is, there is liberty. But we all, with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed in the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord (Jesus Christ), the Spirit.” Is it not evident that Paul is equating the Lord Jesus Christ and the Spirit? I do not see how we can come to any other conclusion if we understand the Triune God, the distinctive three-in-oneness of the Christian understanding of God. — James A. Fowler



04 Apr 04
23 Jul 14
1 edit

Originally posted by Kevin Lee Poracan
Respect please......
Respect ? We have already shown you too much respect. You come here, not to play chess but instead to attempt to indoctrinate people who do not agree with your cult doctrine. You flood the forum with your cut and pastes that nobody reads neither care to discuss. You have no respect for anybody.


22 Jul 14
23 Jul 14
1 edit

Originally posted by Rajk999
Respect ? We have already shown you too much respect. You come here, not to play chess but instead to attempt to indoctrinate people who do not agree with your cult doctrine. You flood the forum with your cut and pastes that nobody reads neither care to discuss. You have no respect for anybody.
ok I'll chess for a while. Why are you so bothered by that?

It is what it is


20 Apr 04
23 Jul 14

Originally posted by Kevin Lee Poracan
Respect please......
I agree with Rajk - not to say that it is necesarrily "utter garbage", but nobody will wade through page after page after page of quotations and cut&paste stuff.

I see you are new her, just joined. If you have something to say, make your point short and sweet, and maybe somebody will take you seriously and respond.

Oh, and btw, it wouldn't be a bad idea just to introduce yourself briefly...



04 Apr 04
23 Jul 14

Originally posted by Kevin Lee Poracan
ok I'll chess for a while. Why are so bothered by that?
Im bothered because you come across as an arrogant prick, just like your friend sonship. Show some humility and people might tolerate you.


22 Jul 14
23 Jul 14

Originally posted by CalJust
I agree with Rajk - not to say that it is necesarrily "utter garbage", but nobody will wade through page after page after page of quotations and cut&paste stuff.

I see you are new her, just joined. If you have something to say, make your point short and sweet, and maybe somebody will take you seriously and respond.

Oh, and btw, it wouldn't be a bad idea just to introduce yourself briefly...
Because I'm a Filipino it would be difficult for me how I interact with Americans or whatsoever. Come on guys, I said the very beginning.


22 Jul 14
23 Jul 14
2 edits

Originally posted by Rajk999
Im bothered because you come across as an arrogant prick, just like your friend sonship. Show some humility and people might tolerate you.
Ok I'm sorry for that. But how can I tolerate people who just labeled us as a cult? Am I not bothered by that? Of course not, if I were in Chine I pretty sure be severely persecuted by the Chinese Government. One of our relatives were somehow separated themselves from us because of the word "cult"!



04 Apr 04
23 Jul 14

Originally posted by Kevin Lee Poracan
Because I'm a Filipino it would be difficult for me how I interact with Americans or whatsoever. Come on guys, I said the very beginning.
Bull$$hitt. How is it that you are interacting now pal ?



04 Apr 04
23 Jul 14

Originally posted by Kevin Lee Poracan
Ok I'm sorry for that. But how can I tolerate people who just labeled us as a cult? Am I not bothered by that? Of course not, if I were in Chine I pretty sure be severely persecuted by the Chinese Government. One of our relatives were somehow separated themselves from us because of the word "cult"!
Spend less time talking about a man or men [Lees or Nees etc] and more time discussing the Bible and maybe people would stop with the 'cult' label. You are in a cult and dont recognise it.


22 Jul 14
23 Jul 14
4 edits

Originally posted by Rajk999
Bull$$hitt. How is it that you are interacting now pal ?
I'm trying to convince people that we are not a cult. If a certain JW would tell me that I'm a cultist. I wouldn't react that he belongs also to a cult group. But to explain him. And I don't assert or believe that they are a cult. How many innocent saints out there are corrupted by false accusations posted on the internet? How many of them are affected and thereby resulting in confusion and even family broken? Who's in charge of this?


22 Jul 14
23 Jul 14

Originally posted by Rajk999
Spend less time talking about a man or men [Lees or Nees etc] and more time discussing the Bible and maybe people would stop with the 'cult' label. You are in a cult and dont recognise it.
And where's your respect now?



04 Apr 04
23 Jul 14

Originally posted by Kevin Lee Poracan
I'm trying to convince people that we are not a cult. If a certain JW would tell me that I'm a cultist. I wouldn't react that he belongs also to a cult group. But to explain him. How many innocent saints out there are corrupted by false accusation posted on the internet. How many of them are affected and thereby resulting in confusion and even family broken?
Foolish people place themselves in that position. First you do not know who are saints and who are not. Are you God or Jesus Christ? Dont claim to know such things. It is a sign of your arrogance.

It is entirely possible to follow the teachings of Christ without being called a cult. You and your sect follow the specific teachings of man and you constantly refer to him to the point of idolizing him. In fact that man almost replaces Christ for you. The JWs do a similar thing with Charles Russel and the Watch Tower Org.

People who end up being persecuted for following Christ in this day and age of religious tolerance must be doing something very stupid. All Christ ask of us is to love your neighbour as yourself and that is proof that you love God as well. No country/town/village/people will persucute someone for showing love to their fellow men.

Having seen how sonship and you operate I can well understand how and why you get persecuted and it has nothing to do with following Christ.



04 Apr 04
23 Jul 14

Originally posted by Kevin Lee Poracan
And where's your respect now?
You dont automatically get respect. You earn that.


22 Jul 14
23 Jul 14

Originally posted by Rajk999
Foolish people place themselves in that position. First you do not know who are saints and who are not. Are you God or Jesus Christ? Dont claim to know such things. It is a sign of your arrogance.

It is entirely possible to follow the teachings of Christ without being called a cult. You and your sect follow the specific teachings of man and you constantly ...[text shortened]... n well understand how and why you get persecuted and it has nothing to do with following Christ.
We care for the Body and for the Body. That is why!


22 Jul 14
23 Jul 14

Originally posted by Kevin Lee Poracan
We care for the Body and for the Body. That is why!
I can't believe that I interacted with...... I don't know...... My fellow countrymen here are not like this. We tend to have discussion but not like this.