Would any of you know Spirituality...

Would any of you know Spirituality...


Secret RHP coder

on the payroll

26 Nov 04
24 Jul 18

....if it bit you on the arse?

I am beginning to think not.

Most of the posters left here have no fvcking clue what Spirituality implies.

That is why my interest in this forum had declined.

There is no wisdom left here.

There is no insight as to the human condition.

I come in here, and see a bunch of Christians bickering over silly doctrine they has zero effect on human beings and their search for meaning in LifE.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
24 Jul 18

Originally posted by @bigdoggproblem
....if it bit you on the arse?

I am beginning to think not.

Most of the posters left here have no fvcking clue what Spirituality implies.

That is why my interest in this forum had declined.

There is no wisdom left here.

There is no insight as to the human condition.

I come in here, and see a bunch of Christians bickering over silly doctrine they has zero effect on human beings and their search for meaning in LifE.
This has long been a focal forum for those who only want to argue. Once it's noticed that a lot of what goes on in here is about deeply held beliefs, then the arguers who have honed their technique come in to piss on everyone's parade simply because it gets a reaction they can then use to paint people as inhuman, getting another reaction. Rinse and repeat ad infinitum.

So spirituality, not required; the ability to piss people off with words, preferred.


Saved by grace

18 Dec 16
24 Jul 18

Originally posted by @bigdoggproblem
....if it bit you on the arse?

I am beginning to think not.

Most of the posters left here have no fvcking clue what Spirituality implies.

That is why my interest in this forum had declined.

There is no wisdom left here.

There is no insight as to the human condition.

I come in here, and see a bunch of Christians bickering over silly doctrine they has zero effect on human beings and their search for meaning in LifE.
That's why you need Jesus just like everyone else.

Go ahead and kick Jesus out of the equation and show everyone just how spiritual you are.


28 Oct 05
24 Jul 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @bigdoggproblem
I come in here, and see a bunch of Christians bickering over silly doctrine they has zero effect on human beings and their search for meaning in LifE.
I understand the frustration that is prompting this protest by you but I don't agree. I think religious doctrine is certainly a part of 'spirituality' but it should not be the be all and end all. It should - to my way of thinking - be one of the gateways to a broader embrace of the human spirit, our capacity for abstraction and for affecting one another, and the application of those religious ideas to the nuts and bolts of the human condition.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
24 Jul 18

Originally posted by @secondson
That's why you need Jesus just like everyone else.

Go ahead and kick Jesus out of the equation and show everyone just how spiritual [b]you
In North America, back when Native Americans lived much closer to the land and their environment, they were much more spiritual, out of necessity, than the millions of white men, claiming to follow Jesus, who came later.


28 Oct 05
24 Jul 18

Originally posted by @secondson
That's why you need Jesus just like everyone else.
There are billions and billions of people out there in the world who "need" their religious beliefs.

Child of the Novelty

San Antonio, Texas

08 Mar 04
24 Jul 18

If one believes that one has all the answers, one ceases to be a seeker of the truth.
One should be open to the distinct possibility that everything you know may be wrong.

16 Feb 08
24 Jul 18
3 edits

Originally posted by @bigdoggproblem
....if it bit you on the arse?
I am beginning to think not.
Most of the posters left here have no fvcking clue what Spirituality implies.
That is why my interest in this forum had declined.
There is no wisdom left here.
There is no insight as to the human condition.
I come in here, and see a bunch of Christians bickering over silly doctrine they has zero effect on human beings and their search for meaning in LifE.
And yet the best thing you can think of doing from your lofty position is to start a thread bickering at the people you are sneering at.

Thumbs up nevertheless.

16 Feb 08
24 Jul 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @suzianne
This has long been a focal forum for those who only want to argue. Once it's noticed that a lot of what goes on in here is about deeply held beliefs, then the arguers who have honed their technique come in to piss on everyone's parade simply because it gets a reaction they can then use to paint people as inhuman, getting another reaction. Rinse and repea ...[text shortened]... finitum.

So spirituality, not required; the ability to piss people off with words, preferred.
A second post bickering at the people who are bickering.


28 Oct 05
24 Jul 18

Originally posted by @caissad4
If one believes that one has all the answers, one ceases to be a seeker of the truth.
One should be open to the distinct possibility that everything you know may be wrong.
I think 'seeking' makes a good synonym for 'spirituality'.

Ideologies ~ whether they are religionist and not-religionist ~ especially when they are rote-learned and recited under the guise of 'teaching' ~ are often employed to disable 'seeking' or make it redundant, to remove doubt and replace it with unsupported certainty, and to generally stifle discourse.

16 Feb 08
24 Jul 18

Originally posted by @caissad4
If one believes that one has all the answers, one ceases to be a seeker of the truth.
One should be open to the distinct possibility that everything you know may be wrong.
Why not start a thread on this very subject?


28 Oct 05
24 Jul 18

cassad4: If one believes that one has all the answers, one ceases to be a seeker of the truth. One should be open to the distinct possibility that everything you know may be wrong.

Originally posted by @divegeester
Why not start a thread on this very subject?
I think ~ with the line "I come in here, and see a bunch of Christians bickering over silly doctrine they has zero effect on human beings and their search for meaning in life" ~ that BigDoggProblem has done just that, albeit with a pointy stick.

16 Feb 08
24 Jul 18
1 edit

Fellow forum followers.

If you want this forum to be something different from what it is, then start contributing to threads and adding a different context, or maybe start your own threads about alternative spirituality or philosophical ideas, instead of lazily criticising those who already get stuck into topics that are of interest to them.

I am here not to seek spirituality, friendship or chit-chat (although I have made one or two very good friends and about 20 others via this site), I come to this forum to contend for an element of truth within spiritual construct I find myself in. Perhaps my mission as I could view it, is of no interest to others, perhaps it is seen as futile and self-serving, perhaps some see it it is my “axe to grind”, or perhaps as a “chip on my shoulder”. Nevertheless it is my purpose for posting here, I believe in it and I get on with it in the best way I see fit.

If what you seek are the green pastures beside still waters, or even castles filled with unicorns in sky’s of rainbows, then please start threads about such constructs as I would be very interested in your thoughts. Honestly. 🙂

16 Feb 08
24 Jul 18

Originally posted by @fmf
I think ~ with the line "I come in here, and see a bunch of Christians bickering over silly doctrine they has zero effect on human beings and their search for meaning in life" ~ that BigDoggProblem has done just that, albeit with a pointy stick.
Agreed, this thread is itself one of the most interesting in recent weeks.


Saved by grace

18 Dec 16
24 Jul 18

Originally posted by @suzianne
In North America, back when Native Americans lived much closer to the land and their environment, they were much more spiritual, out of necessity, than the millions of white men, claiming to follow Jesus, who came later.
Without Jesus man is spiritually dead. What man identifies as spiritual without Jesus is merely a religious enactment of ritual designed to illicit an emotional response mimicking a spiritual experience.

One must be born again as a result of an encounter with the one and only true and living God. Jesus is the only way.

As for "Native Americans" and "millions of white men", I nearly laughed at you assertions.

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