Your tooth fairy not mine

Your tooth fairy not mine


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Walk your Faith


24 May 04

If any argument, discussion, debate that arises about the tooth fairy is simply an exercise of imagination, any point of view is no different from another if the discussion is about the tooth fairy’s relative essentialness to reality. Mistakenly identifying any other topic that is not equally unimportant as no different can cause major issues and dangerous consequences.

14 Mar 15
1 edit

@kellyjay said
If any argument, discussion, debate that arises about the tooth fairy is simply an exercise of imagination, any point of view is no different from another if the discussion is about the tooth fairy’s relative essentialness to reality. Mistakenly identifying any other topic that is not equally unimportant as no different can cause major issues and dangerous consequences.
I'm sure that makes sense to you Kelly.

To me, all things created by mankind's imagination sit in the same pot and share the same irrelevance to all the important questions.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04

@ghost-of-a-duke said
I'm sure that makes sense to you Kelly.

To me, all things created by mankind's imagination sit in the same pot and share the same irrelevance to all the important questions.
That is what I am saying if is just an imaginary anything all things being considered are equal in who cares. Comparing what we know to be true within reality, to with possibilities that we also know can be true and exist, means not all possible explanations should be ignored out of hand if they are the most reasonable in comparison, to what we know cannot explain with reason. Mind and mindlessness comes to mind, in which makes the most sense while speaking to information driving processes.


Behind the scenes

27 Jun 16
1 edit

@kellyjay said
If any argument, discussion, debate that arises about the tooth fairy is simply an exercise of imagination, any point of view is no different from another if the discussion is about the tooth fairy’s relative essentialness to reality. Mistakenly identifying any other topic that is not equally unimportant as no different can cause major issues and dangerous consequences.
If any argument, discussion, debate that arises about the tooth fairy is simply an exercise of imagination

You've ruined day. I don't want to "adult" anymore now. I'm going to make a blanket fort, crawl in it and eat a cookie! ๐Ÿ˜ 


28 Oct 05

@kellyjay said
not all possible explanations should be ignored out of hand if they are the most reasonable in comparison
Two questions.

[1] what does "ignored out of hand" mean when you use it in this way?

[2] when nobody knows, and we can only speculate, why do you think everyone should invest in your personal opinion about what "the most reasonable explanation" is, especially given that you are not a credible or coherent commentator on morality as a direct result?


31 May 12
1 edit

@kellyjay said
That is what I am saying if is just an imaginary anything all things being considered are equal in who cares. Comparing what we know to be true within reality, to with possibilities that we also know can be true and exist, means not all possible explanations should be ignored out of hand if they are the most reasonable in comparison, to what we know cannot explain with reas ...[text shortened]... ssness comes to mind, in which makes the most sense while speaking to information driving processes.
Nobody was ever burnt at the stake for not believing in the tooth fairy. All imaginary things aren't equal.

14 Mar 15

@kellyjay said
That is what I am saying if is just an imaginary anything all things being considered are equal in who cares. Comparing what we know to be true within reality, to with possibilities that we also know can be true and exist, means not all possible explanations should be ignored out of hand if they are the most reasonable in comparison, to what we know cannot explain with reas ...[text shortened]... ssness comes to mind, in which makes the most sense while speaking to information driving processes.
By repeatedly saying 'ignored out of hand' (despite me clearly saying to you that not all atheists have done that) do you somehow think that will make it true?

I fully appreciate it suits your agenda to believe all non believers have made no effort to understand your religion (or others) but that simply isn't true. I have put significant study into Christianity and have most certainly not 'ignored out of hand' its beliefs.

14 Mar 15

@moonbus said
Nobody was ever burnt at the stake for not believing in the tooth fairy.
Well, there was that one chap in Lowestoft.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04

@mchill said
If any argument, discussion, debate that arises about the tooth fairy is simply an exercise of imagination

You've ruined day. I don't want to "adult" anymore now. I'm going to make a blanket fort, crawl in it and eat a cookie! ๐Ÿ˜ 
We know about the tooth fairies and Santa's beginnings, some here have even talked to little kids about them as well as if they were real. No adult comes to believe in either of those later in life and has life-altering experiences where they turn from wicked lives to lives where righteousness matters. The equalization of these putting, them equally real as Jesus, is not justifiable or reasonable, but that doesn't stop people. Even in days of scripture people wanted to make Jesus King by force, they wanted Him to be the King Jesus they wanted, He never went along with that, He is already King and doesn't need our approval for that. So the mix is some make up their own Jesus as they want Him to be after some fashion they approve of, or deny Him together, but the Jesus in scripture does not require our approval or even our belief to be who He is, truth is not dependent upon us.

14 Mar 15

@kellyjay said
We know about the tooth fairies and Santa's beginnings, some here have even talked to little kids about them as well as if they were real. No adult comes to believe in either of those later in life and has life-altering experiences where they turn from wicked lives to lives where righteousness matters. The equalization of these putting, them equally real as Jesus, is not j ...[text shortened]... re does not require our approval or even our belief to be who He is, truth is not dependent upon us.
Is it just your particular God that should be taken seriously and set apart from other human imaginings? What about Shiva or Zeus? What about Allah or Horus?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04

@ghost-of-a-duke said
By repeatedly saying 'ignored out of hand' (despite me clearly saying to you that not all atheists have done that) do you somehow think that will make it true?

I fully appreciate it suits your agenda to believe all non believers have made no effort to understand your religion (or others) but that simply isn't true. I have put significant study into Christianity and have most certainly not 'ignored out of hand' its beliefs.
There is hardly anything that "all anyone does that" is not the point. If you have reasons to reject evidence, that then flows from reason that is one thing; however, if it's to reject a prior then the rejects come first, then reasons are not required. Rejecting evidence or questions calling them unimportant because of an already-held belief system without examination is both unreasonable and illogical, you cannot reason with someone who holds a view that is not built on reason only a stance due to presuppositions.

14 Mar 15

@kellyjay said
There is hardly anything that "all anyone does that" is not the point. If you have reasons to reject evidence, that then flows from reason that is one thing; however, if it's to reject a prior then the rejects come first, then reasons are not required. Rejecting evidence or questions calling them unimportant because of an already-held belief system without examination is b ...[text shortened]... ason with someone who holds a view that is not built on reason only a stance due to presuppositions.
Again (for the last time) I HAVE examined so my position is not unreasonable and illogical.

Can you confirm you have read and understood that, "I have put significant study into Christianity and have most certainly not 'ignored out of hand' its beliefs" ?

My rejection has not come first. My rejection occurs after examining and study. It is clear to me that the 'evidence' is entirely absent and that gods and God are entirely from human imaginings, with no more basis in reality than tooth fairies and Santa Claus. Of course Christianity is a more grown up version of human imaginings with a richer history, but that doesn't elevate it beyond the imaginary.

14 Mar 15

@ghost-of-a-duke said
Is it just your particular God that should be taken seriously and set apart from other human imaginings? What about Shiva or Zeus? What about Allah or Horus?
Bump for Kelly.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04

@moonbus said
Nobody was ever burnt at the stake for not believing in the tooth fairy. All imaginary things aren't equal.
All imaginary things are equal, they are simply imaginary nothing of substance. Human nature can take something imaginary or quite real and do incredibly good or evil with whatever they want and feel. That doesn’t alter the truth about the object of their reasoning it has more to do with people, Charles Mason took a song from the Beatles White album and thought he was getting a message, the White album was completely independent from Mason and the murders he directed. You are linking human evil with something else as the cause instead of just looking at the people.


28 Oct 05

@kellyjay said
All imaginary things are equal, they are simply imaginary nothing of substance. Human nature can take something imaginary or quite real and do incredibly good or evil with whatever they want and feel. That doesn’t alter the truth about the object of their reasoning it has more to do with people, Charles Mason took a song from the Beatles White album and thought he was gett ...[text shortened]... . You are linking human evil with something else as the cause instead of just looking at the people.
Human nature can take something imaginary or quite real and do incredibly good or evil with whatever they want and feel.

Is this why, by your own admission, you are equally as "evil" as a rapist?