are the americans just missing the point..?

are the americans just missing the point..?


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31 Jul 06
24 Nov 06

Originally posted by sally cinnamon
Err quite frankly no. If they invited competion from other teams outside italy to compete then yes they could say they were world champions. Even if no other teams entered from outside italy at least they have given others a chance. Heres a good example, the world championship of snooker takes place in the uk every year. The players that enter are nea ...[text shortened]... owl champions can not be crowned as world champions. American champions yes, world champions no.
are there other american football leagues other than the NFL?? well.. in europe there is NFL europe but thats just where the teams send all their washouts and players that need to develop... theres the canadian football league but the skill level there is far less than the NFL... if there are other leagues that have very skilled players could you please tell me so i can go be their agents and sign them to multi-million dollar contracts while getting 10% of the $$ 🙂

RHP Prophet

pursuing happiness

22 Feb 06
24 Nov 06
3 edits

Originally posted by Palynka
No, it's not correct. They're the NBA Champions, nothing more nothing less.

The World Champions are Spain. If clubs want to call themselves World Champions, there must be a World Championship. It's that simple.
There are a lot of events that describe themselves as "world championships" or world events, like "world's strongest man" Recently, there were two "world champions" of chess.

Calling something a "World's championship" doesn't make it the most important event.

Track & Field has a "World's championship", but almost every athelete would rather win an olympic medal.

The basketball "world's championship" are neat and gaining attention, but the NBA Championship is still the most difficult and important basketball title to win.

The same holds true for baseball, the World Series and the Japanese equivalent are probably more coveted than a world championship which is also less important than a Olympic title.

Spain, Argentina, Greece, have fielded some exciting basketball teams and it is a tribute to the growth of another American game. But, each and every player on those teams would trade their "world's championship" in a second for a shot at NBA glory.

I think the whole argument is an example of the quaint parochialism of our cousin's across the pond.

Let's not forget, the USA plays some pretty good soccer these days. We'll probably win a world cup before england does. Lot's of Americans appreciate and enjoy the game.

As for cricket, it is viewed here in the states as a quaint, old-fashioned, arcane, tradition along the lines of croquet or shuffle board; much as it is viewed by the rest of the world.

blunderer of pawns

Rhode (not an)Island

17 Apr 04
24 Nov 06

Originally posted by omg1337
are there other american football leagues other than the NFL?? well.. in europe there is NFL europe but thats just where the teams send all their washouts and players that need to develop... theres the canadian football league but the skill level there is far less than the NFL... if there are other leagues that have very skilled players could you please tell ...[text shortened]... o be their agents and sign them to multi-million dollar contracts while getting 10% of the $$ 🙂
There's also this:

The next World Cup of American Football will be held next year, and the USA will be participating for the first time. Our national team will consist of college players from around the country.


10 Nov 05
24 Nov 06

Originally posted by Red Night
Cricket is one the most played sport in the world?????

Check your facts.

Let's see most played behind:

Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Golf, Hockey, Rugby,

Are they any sports left?

While it is true that Cricket has hung on in various backwaters of a crumbling empire it is hardly a growing sport.

BTW, I have never heard the Super Bowl Ch ...[text shortened]... rred to as the World Champions. They are the Super Bowl Champions, a more distingusihed title.
To say that cricket is not one of the most played sports in the world is pure ignorance.


28 Nov 05
24 Nov 06

Originally posted by Red Night
Cricket is one the most played sport in the world?????

Check your facts.

Let's see most played behind:

Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Golf, Hockey, Rugby,

Are they any sports left?
Anything popular in Asia:
Badminton, Table Tennis
I expect both of those are above Rugby, Hockey, Baseball, Cricket, and probably Golf


28 Nov 05
24 Nov 06

"Table tennis has become the world's largest participation sport, with 40 million competitive players worldwide and countless millions playing recreationally."

For RHP addons...

16 Mar 04
24 Nov 06

Originally posted by Phlabibit
I do, but I couldn't care any less about it. It's too slow, too low scoring, and too boring.

Too slow? How long is a NFL game? And how long does it take to play out including all the stoppages between play, time-outs, changing of teams every 15 seconds, etc.

How many balls get thrown in an average baseball game. How many hours does that take?


Soccer isn't just about goals. You should have watched Cannavaro in the World Cup to see what beautiful defensive play looks like.


Instant Buzz


28 Feb 05
24 Nov 06
1 edit

Originally posted by Red Night
We'll probably win a world cup before england does
You're too late for that.

Mystic Meg

27 Mar 03
24 Nov 06

Originally posted by Ragnorak
Too slow? How long is a NFL game? And how long does it take to play out including all the stoppages between play, time-outs, changing of teams every 15 seconds, etc.

How many balls get thrown in an average baseball game. How many hours does that take?


Soccer isn't just about goals. You should have watched Cannavaro in the World Cup to see what beautiful defensive play looks like.

There is a Simpson's episide that sums it up for us Americans.

They show Kent Brokman calling a soccer game... looking very bored.

"The defender kicks the ball to the forward, back to the defender, back to the forward...." and the guy looks like he's going to fall asleep.

Next, they show an Hispanic guy calling the same line, word for word but he's jumping all over his desk going crazy saying it.

Too slow as in they just pass the ball around.

In NFL they all line up, start clubbing each other trying to move the ball forward. It takes them less than a minute to line up and get each play off. Action.

In baseball you need to appreciate the wait (just like soccer) but at least there is a ball flying around at near 90+ MPH all the time, diving catches, super hard hit balls, running the bases trying to beat a ball to the bag. Basemen throwing the ball to the last base while jumping over a guy trying to lift his shoe into their chest.

The best is when that guy gets called to home and the ball is just about there. Now the runner will probably put his shoulder down and plow into the catcher sending him ass over tea kettle. If the catcher can hold onto the ball after taking this 'real hit' the runner will be out.

Next, everyone gets so mad they charge out onto the field and start throwing punches and people to the ground. No kicking, no hair pulling.



05 Jan 04
24 Nov 06

Originally posted by Ragnorak
Too slow? How long is a NFL game? And how long does it take to play out including all the stoppages between play, time-outs, changing of teams every 15 seconds, etc.

How many balls get thrown in an average baseball game. How many hours does that take?


Soccer isn't just about goals. You should have watched Cannavaro in the World Cup to see what beautiful defensive play looks like.

60 minutes on the clock.

Clock stops for every incomplete pass, timeout, penalty, change of possession or out of bounds play. Play clock is 30 seconds (I think?)

Usually a game will run for about 3 hours.

One thing about football games is that when a team is getting blown out, the last quarter can be frightfully dull.

I watched a lot of the World Cup and Cannavarro was great. Along the same lines, watching Brian Urlacher and the Chicago Bears defense destroy the opposing team's offense is also a thing of beauty.

But most of all, I love the complexity of football. It's an incredibly studious game where players and coaches speand hours of each day studying film of their opponents schemes and plays along with their grueling physical training regiment.

Each football game is similar to an intense chess game. There is no other sport that I've watched where strategy and mental discipline are as important.

blunderer of pawns

Rhode (not an)Island

17 Apr 04
24 Nov 06

Originally posted by Phlabibit
There is a Simpson's episide that sums it up for us Americans.

They show Kent Brokman calling a soccer game... looking very bored.

"The defender kicks the ball to the forward, back to the defender, back to the forward...." and the guy looks like he's going to fall asleep.

Next, they show an Hispanic guy calling the same line, word for word but he ...[text shortened]... and start throwing punches and people to the ground. No kicking, no hair pulling.

Phlab, I'm sorry, because you know that for the most part I'm on your side in this argument, but anyone who is a baseball fan has no business calling soccer "slow". I can recall another Simpsons episode in which Homer is trying to go 30 days without drinking beer. He goes to a baseball game, where the announcer is sayig things like, "Here it is, the 2-0 pitch- no wait! The batter is calling for time. Looks like he's going to get himself a new bat. And now there's a beachball on the field, and the ballboys are discussing which one of them is going to go get it." Then Homer thinks to himself, "I never realized just how boring this game is."

Anyway, to the rest of the world, I say: Hey, we're trying. We really are. Soccer is now the most popular youth sport in America, so just keep in mind that today's youth soccer players are tomorrow's overweight, beer-belching soccer fans. Also keep in mind that Major League Soccer, the "premier league" of the United States, is only about ten years old. Sadly, it is the only chance for a surge in popularity of the sport here in America, because as good as the quality of play is in the Premier League, you'll never get Americans to tune in in large numbers to any league that has no American representation. Especially if they have to get up at 4 o'clock in the morning.

By the way, I'm not professing to be a soccer fan, but I am giving the sport a chance. I tuned in to the World Cup, watched proudly as my country's team made its glorious exit from the qualifying round. I have Winning Eleven 9 for the PS2, and I'll tell you that the best measure of a sports video game is its ability to convert non-fans. This game definitely qualifies.

RHP Prophet

pursuing happiness

22 Feb 06
24 Nov 06

Originally posted by Wheely
You're too late for that.
Yes, yes, yes, 40 years ago you won ONE. One moment of glory sandwiched between 40 year thick slices of dissapointment.

And I expected this response from one noodle head or another.

Of course, what I'm saying is that the USA will win a World Cup before England wins another. I'll go further, we'll probably win four before you win a second.

RHP Prophet

pursuing happiness

22 Feb 06
24 Nov 06
1 edit

Originally posted by aging blitzer
Anything popular in Asia:
Badminton, Table Tennis
I expect both of those are above Rugby, Hockey, Baseball, Cricket, and probably Golf
Ping Pong? that is your response? Ping Pong?

Why not Darts? Poker? Tiddlywinks?

Tennis probably deserves a mention, but Ping Pong? And were you trying to make yourself sound even sillier when you threw in Badminton? What about Tetherball?

Volleyball might deserve a mention.

Let's face it there are 2 major world team sports: Soccer and Basketball.

And, two minor world team sports: Hockey and Baseball.

There are two major individual sports: golf and Tennis.

Then there are some regional team sports that are pretty exciting like american football and asutralian rules football.

Most everything else is just a game like tetherball or Ping Pong or a quaint tradition like Cricket and tossing the caber.


16 Oct 06
24 Nov 06

Originally posted by Red Night
Ping Pong? that is your response? Ping Pong?

Why not Darts? Poker? Tiddlywinks?

Tennis probably deserves a mention, but Ping Pong? And were you trying to make yourself sound even sillier when you threw in Badminton? What about Tetherball?

Volleyball might deserve a mention.

Let's face it there are 2 major world team sports: Soccer and ...[text shortened]... t a game like tetherball or Ping Pong or a quaint tradition like Cricket and tossing the caber.
Your ignorance is astounding.


07 Sep 05
24 Nov 06
1 edit

Originally posted by Ian68
Your ignorance is astounding.
Impressive, isn't it?

The problem with arguing about the biggest sports is that there are so many different ways of looking at it. Are you talking about spectators, or participants? If participants, are you talking about registered players, or everyone that plays the sport? Are you talking about number of countries where it's significant, or total interested population?

Table tennis is massive in China. Cricket is massive in India. Their populations are so big that automatically makes them major sports if population is what you want - immediately dwarfing any US sports. Football is clearly the biggest sport in the UK in terms of attention, but I've seen sources that suggest badminton and fishing are actually the biggest participation sports!