The new board interface was released today. There are plenty of architectural changes (for reasons to be announced soon), plus a number of presentation changes and new features.
As stated before, some people with older browser may experience problems, so a legacy interface is available.
From the board settings page, click the link contained below :
Note : If you are using an old web browser or a web browser with limited functionality and you are experiencing problems, please click here to select a reduced feature board type that may be compatible.
This alternative interface has reduced functionality, but if you could use the site before the upgrade, then this interface should enable you get by until you can upgrade your browser. (All current versions of most browsers should be compatible.)
I remember asking for an Analyse Board with a "memory" some time ago (so that we don't have to keep playing out the same first four moves of a line our each time to consider variations).
It's great to see that it's now here and I think it will be a great improvement to the site.
Thanks for sorting this out.
Nice. Very nice. Can't remember if we could 'flip the board' before, not quite sure why I'd want to yet, although I'm sure a use will occur to me... 😉
Do like the Time Controls information though. Good to have that sort of data handy, and the re-vamped 'Analyze Board' screen is tasty too.
Good work there! 🙂
Originally posted by danivI had problems with Netscape 7.1 (dearranged board etc). Some people (e.g. Starrman) gave me the advice to switch to Firefox, so I did. It cost me only a few minutes, and everything is fine now regarding the board.
I've installed the latest version (8.51) and still cannot make moves....