Have you ever wondered why some are always denouncing right-leaning things, and others are always denouncing left-leaning things? Both may be right in what they are saying, but if there isn't an acknowledgment by each favored side of errors that they don't denounce is anyone seeing clearly what is wrong, but instead are only going to see the faults in those that they dislike, doesn't that make them blind to their own sides errors?
@KellyJay saiddoesn't that make them blind to their own sides errors?
Have you ever wondered why some are always denouncing right-leaning things, and others are always denouncing left-leaning things? Both may be right in what they are saying, but if there isn't an acknowledgment by each favored side of errors that they don't denounce is anyone seeing clearly what is wrong, but instead are only going to see the faults in those that they dislike, doesn't that make them blind to their own sides errors?
JMHO - Yes it does, and that situation is only magnified by very large media companies who make big profits telling each side only what they want to hear, by cherry picking facts and packaging them into slick 30- or 60-min. segments.
@KellyJay saidYes.
Have you ever wondered why some are always denouncing right-leaning things, and others are always denouncing left-leaning things? Both may be right in what they are saying, but if there isn't an acknowledgment by each favored side of errors that they don't denounce is anyone seeing clearly what is wrong, but instead are only going to see the faults in those that they dislike, doesn't that make them blind to their own sides errors?
But worse, they lose sight of what needs to be done.
There are many roads that lead to Rome, but if you constantly argue over the road and can't find middle ground or do concessions, you're just not going to make it to Rome at all.
@mchill saidWhat have their profits got to do with you? Maybe I am missing something.
doesn't that make them blind to their own sides errors?
JMHO - Yes it does, and that situation is only magnified by very large media companies who make big profits telling each side only what they want to hear, by cherry picking facts and packaging them into slick 30- or 60-min. segments.
@shavixmir saidWe have been on the road, and have made it many times over, for 250 years. But you little fellers are trying to put a stop to it. Since all of you missed the train, you are really pissed and taking it out on us. Why is that? You can make up stuff and sit grumbling on the curb, or make some plans for a happy life.
But worse, they lose sight of what needs to be done.
There are many roads that lead to Rome, but if you constantly argue over the road and can't find middle ground or do concessions, you're just not going to make it to Rome at all.
Hey, I just saw a rich guy. That ruins my day.
@AverageJoe1 said250 years? Of what?
We have been on the road, and have made it many times over, for 250 years. But you little fellers are trying to put a stop to it. Since all of you missed the train, you are really pissed and taking it out on us. Why is that? You can make up stuff and sit grumbling on the curb, or make some plans for a happy life.
Hey, I just saw a rich guy. That ruins my day.
That’s when you were crossing the bloody borders.
Seriously. What are you on about?
How about: we’ve been at this business for over 2000 years, and you have no idea what you are on about.
@shavixmir saidThis Forum poster says that the United States has not evolved in unbelievable success over the last 250 years to be the most successful of all countries. Pick up a paper and see if Nethterlands is mentioned, about anything! How much Netherlands stuff do you Americans have in your homes? Vice versa??? haha
250 years? Of what?
That’s when you were crossing the bloody borders.
Seriously. What are you on about?
How about: we’ve been at this business for over 2000 years, and you have no idea what you are on about.
I doubt Shav is wearing those wooden shoes, more like ...uhh, Nikes?
Oh, this is for Shav. I don't see anything where Netherlands helped the USA. Oh, it did say somewhere that Dutch merchants provided some goods, may baskets and wooden shoes, during the American revolutionary war. What!?!?!? They made money off of us? It just gets worse...............
@AverageJoe1 saidUh... didn't you copy your constitution from the Dutch?
Oh, this is for Shav. I don't see anything where Netherlands helped the USA. Oh, it did say somewhere that Dutch merchants provided some goods, may baskets and wooden shoes, during the American revolutionary war. What!?!?!? They made money off of us? It just gets worse...............
Yes. Yes you did.
Or was it the declaration of independence? I forget. It was so long ago.
@KellyJay said"Within party purity" is a natural consequence of a two-party system. There is a mechanism that produces it which doesn't exist in multi-systems.
Have you ever wondered why some are always denouncing right-leaning things, and others are always denouncing left-leaning things? Both may be right in what they are saying, but if there isn't an acknowledgment by each favored side of errors that they don't denounce is anyone seeing clearly what is wrong, but instead are only going to see the faults in those that they dislike, doesn't that make them blind to their own sides errors?
In a multi-party system, let's say there was a group of Democrats that believed in a solid borders, financial responsibility and ignoring pronouns. They might split off, form a decent-sized group, and win election.
That can't happen in a two-party system because as soon as they Democrats split, they lose. They don't 'pick up' enough Republicans because two-party systems don't produce sophisticated political thinkers. People who are used to two parties use simple rules like: 'Vote Republican.' So before they can comprehend, "Hey, these New Democrats are really good..." the election is over and the lesson has been learned: never split the party.
And then the "purifying" sets in. Democrats who believe in borders and good finances and are against pronouns are criticized, marginalized, and taken out of leadership positions - but all the while being told that they 'better keep voting Democrat.'
Same with Republicans. Those that are pro-choice, support social safety nets, and believe the rich should pay taxes are similarly criticized. They are thrown down - all the while being reminded that 'there is no choice but to vote Republican.'
As the moderate voices get squelched, the extremists honk and snoot and blare even more loudly.
@mchill saidAnd yet, who will pay to hear something they DON'T want to hear?! 😆
who make big profits telling each side only what they want to hear
A for-profit, capitalist, free press will always only produce things that people want to hear!
EDIT: Truth is something very few people actually value. So trying to get people to pay to hear the truth...? Well, if people did like it, I'd be raking in tons of dough and THAT ain't happening, so... 😀
@AverageJoe1 saidThe dams constructed to help stem floods… Dutch engineers.
This Forum poster says that the United States has not evolved in unbelievable success over the last 250 years to be the most successful of all countries. Pick up a paper and see if Nethterlands is mentioned, about anything! How much Netherlands stuff do you Americans have in your homes? Vice versa??? haha
I doubt Shav is wearing those wooden shoes, more like ...uhh, Nikes?
The Voice… Dutch (nothing to be proud of).
Your versions of protestantism… Dutch (Calvin himself didn’t spread it too far).
Pancakes, CD players, the stock market, wi-fi, microscopes, all your levees… Dutch.
Vermeer, van Gogh, Rembrandt… Dutch.
Picasso… not Dutch, but he bloody well wished he was…
Submarines, telescopes, speed cameras, the dollar (oh yes), fire hose… Dutch.
Want me to go on? You narrow minded fool of a redneck?
@shavixmir saidProbably,,,your 10,000 year history definitely would turned out some great men, some great ideas, you may have invented the wheel!!! Henry ford used your wheel to invent the assembly line, and left y'all in the dust. He did not see money in ice skates. !!
Uh... didn't you copy your constitution from the Dutch?
Yes. Yes you did.
Or was it the declaration of independence? I forget. It was so long ago.
@spruce112358 saidI think that you are saying that no two people (parties notwithstanding) are alike?
"Within party purity" is a natural consequence of a two-party system. There is a mechanism that produces it which doesn't exist in multi-systems.
In a multi-party system, let's say there was a group of Democrats that believed in a solid borders, financial responsibility and ignoring pronouns. They might split off, form a decent-sized group, and win election.
That c ...[text shortened]... '
As the moderate voices get squelched, the extremists honk and snoot and blare even more loudly.
@AverageJoe1 saidDid you see the extended list?
Probably,,,your 10,000 year history definitely would turned out some great men, some great ideas, you may have invented the wheel!!! Henry ford used your wheel to invent the assembly line, and left y'all in the dust. He did not see money in ice skates. !!