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NYT: Mask mandates are basically useless

NYT: Mask mandates are basically useless




The idea that masks work better than mask mandates seems to defy logic. It inverts a notion connected to Aristotle’s writings: that the whole should be greater than the sum of the parts, not less.

The main explanation seems to be that the exceptions often end up mattering more than the rule. The Covid virus is so contagious that it can spread during brief times when people take off their masks, even when a mandate is in place.

Airplane passengers remove their masks to have a drink. Restaurant patrons go maskless as soon as they walk in the door. Schoolchildren let their masks slide down their faces. So do adults: Research by the University of Minnesota suggests that between 25 percent and 30 percent of Americans consistently wear their masks below their nose.

Obvious, I know. But tell that to Philadelphia.

Very un-NYT-like, but finishing up with a breathtaking display of common sense.

One-way masking

The country is probably never going to come to a consensus on masks. They have become yet another source of political polarization. Democrats are more likely to wear masks than Republicans, and Democrats who identify as “very liberal” are more likely to support mandates.

Fortunately, the scientific evidence points to a reasonable compromise. Because masks work and mandates often don’t, people can make their own decisions. Anybody who wants to wear a snug, high-quality mask can do so and will be less likely to contract Covid.

If anything, that approach — one-way masking — is consistent with what hospitals have long done, as Doron, the Tufts epidemiologist, points out. Patients, including those sick with infectious diseases, typically have not worn masks, but doctors and nurses have. “One-way masking is how we have always used them,” she wrote.

The same system can work for Covid outside of hospitals. Wachter, for example, believes that the time for mandates has passed but — with cases at their current level — still wears one at the supermarket, in classrooms, on airplanes and elsewhere. Different people can reasonably make different choices.

Who knew the NY Times was so radical?



Cases of people contracting the flu were significantly lower during the 2020-2021 season, specifically due to mask mandates and lockdowns.

Clearly, both masks and mandates work.


@vivify said

Cases of people contracting the flu were significantly lower during the 2020-2021 season, specifically due to mask mandates and lockdowns.

Clearly, both masks and mandates work.
The cdc says the cdc was right, who'd have thought it. About the only good thing to come from the covid drama is trust in goobermint, goobermint bueraurats, goobermint departments and the MSM has never been lower, a well overdue circumstance.

MVAs (motor vehicle accidents) were down during lock downs too, guess we should remain in lock down forever.

Wear your mask it helps to identify the sheep.

3 edits

@wajoma said
The cdc says the cdc was right, who'd have thought it. About the only good thing to come from the covid drama is trust in goobermint, goobermint bueraurats, goobermint departments and the MSM has never been lower
So you don't trust the government, you don't trust news outlets, medical doctors or scientists.

What do you trust? Right-wingers on YouTube? Facebook posts?


@vivify said

Cases of people contracting the flu were significantly lower during the 2020-2021 season, specifically due to mask mandates and lockdowns.

Clearly, both masks and mandates work.
they were simply attributed to covid 19 as was other conditions by the democrats to keep their boo game going.
remember when Trump said masks would increase your likelihood of catching the disease? because of fidgeting with the mask. looks like he was right.


@vivify said
So you don't trust the government, you don't trust news outlets, medical doctors or scientists.

What do you trust? Right-wingers on YouTube? Facebook posts?
damned dont trust this govt and complicit media


@vivify said
So you don't trust the government, you don't trust news outlets, medical doctors or scientists.

What do you trust? Right-wingers on YouTube? Facebook posts?
4chan. Wajoma just splooges of a 4chan tripcuck.


@vivify said
So you don't trust the government, you don't trust news outlets, medical doctors or scientists.

What do you trust? Right-wingers on YouTube? Facebook posts?
Did I mention doctors in my post? You're MO is misrepresentation, do you work for the goobermint? it would make sense.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking out with Science.



@wajoma said
Did I mention doctors in my post?
You are anti-mask and anti-vax, both of which are recommended by the vast majority of doctors during the pandemic, not just in America but all around the world.

So which is it? Do you trust these doctors or no?

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@vivify said
You are anti-mask and anti-vax, both of which are recommended by the vast majority of doctors during the pandemic, not just in America but all around the world.

So which is it? Do you trust these doctors or no?
Not going to bother reposting, it's the 3rd one down if you want to read it. I'm not anti-mask (more representation) as an ex welder of 20 years, I've worn many masks so I know that the stupid rags people are wearing are useless, worse than useless the way some people handle them. Also in my post I recommended you wear your mask (more misrepresentation) so the ijits sheeple are easily recognised. You could also wear a t-shirt "I'm with stupid" with the arrow pointing upwards at your stupid mug.

1 edit

@wajoma said
I know that the stupid rags people are wearing are useless
So you're anti-mask. Got it.

And you're also anti-vax, despite the advise of the majority of doctors around.


@vivify said

Cases of people contracting the flu were significantly lower during the 2020-2021 season, specifically due to mask mandates and lockdowns.
Or voluntary social distancing, or viral interference, or lack of travel.

It's impossible to attribute the effect to a single variable (mask mandates, which is the variable I was referenced).


@sh76 said
Or voluntary social distancing, or viral interference, or lack of travel.

It's impossible to attribute the effect to a single variable (mask mandates, which is the variable I was referenced).
Social distancing, travel restrictions, etc., are all part of anti-COVID mandates, like wearing masks.


@vivify said
Social distancing, travel restrictions, etc., are all part of anti-COVID mandates, like wearing masks.
LOL...comprehension issues?


Good grief.
It’s not like only the CDC recommended masks and mandates and everything else.
Every health body in the world did so, every virologist and most doctors.

It’s also rather obvious: a multi-layered approach generally works better than a single layer approach.

Washing hands, keeping distance, isolating the ill and wearing any sort of facial protection is always step 1 during any outbreak (certainly of unknown origin).

Masks alone don’t do much. And the way people wore them didn’t make it any better.
But, if you sneeze, cough or breathe in public and you’re wearing something over your nose and mouth, you are less likely to spread droplets. There is no point debating that, it’s common bloody sense.

And I, personally, hate masks. But hey, common good and all that.

And the lot of you do my head in: who the hell is pro-mask wearing (unless you’re the trailer park gimp)?
And, again personally, I love shaking hands when I meet someone. It tells me a lot about that person. So, this whole distancing and bumbing bloody elbows… good grief! And worse are people who want to bump fists…dan that, I’m not a bloody rapper.

But, common good… and all that jive.

A pandemic. Lots of vulnerable people at risk… and having to man up for a short period of time and play your part to combat a common enemy… so much resentment, paranoia and hate.

You people make me sick. And your behaviour literally made people sicker than they had to be. Morons.

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