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What is Mass Formation Psychosis?

What is Mass Formation Psychosis?



I came to realize that those that dismissed Mass Formation Psychosis as conspiracy theory nonsense do not know what it is.


If you are going to be in denial, at least be informed about what you are denying. Reality.

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@metal-brain said
I came to realize that those that dismissed Mass Formation Psychosis as conspiracy theory nonsense do not know what it is.


If you are going to be in denial, at least be informed about what you are denying. Reality.
Sounds like what has happened to the right-wing in this country.

Here's the reality.


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@suzianne said
Sounds like what has happened to the right-wing in this country.
Why do you always see things through partisan eyes?
Who created the fear and encouraged the social isolation? It was not a political party. It was the corporate news media.

Groupthink is exactly what you are engaging in. Look in a mirror.


@metal-brain said
I came to realize that those that dismissed Mass Formation Psychosis as conspiracy theory nonsense do not know what it is.


If you are going to be in denial, at least be informed about what you are denying. Reality.
It is not a thing.
What you think you’re calling mass formation psychosis is actually just your mind wanting an easy way out and you latch on to BS by a charismatic leader who supplies you with what you need.

There is no hypnosis.

To be exact: you believing in this debunked garbage is the exact proof. You have a source you believe and his explanation is what you need. Even when experts are telling you it’s not a thing.

Exactly the same mechanism as your anti-vax viewpoint. All experts are telling you something, but it’s too complicated (too large a scale in this case to comprehend) so your mind needs a simpler solution. And along come a few people you look up to who feed you garbage and you swallow it hook, line and sinker.

You’re not hypnotised. You’re just gullible and in need of a simpler solution.

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@shavixmir said
It is not a thing.
What you think you’re calling mass formation psychosis is actually just your mind wanting an easy way out and you latch on to BS by a charismatic leader who supplies you with what you need.

There is no hypnosis.

To be exact: you believing in this debunked garbage is the exact proof. You have a source you believe and his explanation is what you need ...[text shortened]... , line and sinker.

You’re not hypnotised. You’re just gullible and in need of a simpler solution.
So mass formation psychosis doesn't exist? Is that what you are saying?
Are you claiming that Dr. Robert Malone made it up? Is he the origin of the term?

Perhaps you would like to find the origin of the term to prove to us all he made it up. You know.... if it is not a thing.


@metal-brain said
So mass formation psychosis doesn't exist? Is that what you are saying?
That is exactly what I am saying.

Mass hypnosis my giant hairy arse. Exactly.
Oh. Yeah. And it’s not recognised in psychiatry either.

What’s happening is that the retarded-right have latched on to this theory which blurs the distinction between belief and delusion, to further a political agenda and attack political opponents. Ironically, forgetting that the same would go for them, and since they’re not backed up by science, even more so.

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@shavixmir said
That is exactly what I am saying.

Mass hypnosis my giant hairy arse. Exactly.
Oh. Yeah. And it’s not recognised in psychiatry either.

What’s happening is that the retarded-right have latched on to this theory which blurs the distinction between belief and delusion, to further a political agenda and attack political opponents. Ironically, forgetting that the same would go for them, and since they’re not backed up by science, even more so.
Are you claiming that Dr. Robert Malone made it up? Is he the origin of the term?

Perhaps you would like to find the origin of the term to prove to us all he made it up. You know.... if it is not a thing.

How did Nazi Germany get people to believe such absurd things?

is Psychosis real?
Just how far into denial are you?

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@metal-brain said
Are you claiming that Dr. Robert Malone made it up? Is he the origin of the term?

Perhaps you would like to find the origin of the term to prove to us all he made it up. You know.... if it is not a thing.

How did Nazi Germany get people to believe such absurd things?

is Psychosis real?
Just how far into denial are you?
Oh, Germany hypnotised people… yah…
Do some bloody research.

I’ve just explained to you the real mechanism.

I’m pretty sure Malone didn’t coin the term, but that’s where you heard it. That’s where you and the madhatter right-wing fringe hooked onto it.

The basis of the hypnosis theory about
Nazi-propaganda is as old as the 60’s and 70’s and thoroughly debunked.

You want a simple solution and a person in power gives you one, you latch on to it.
It’s not hypnosis. It’s not psychosis.

You have a need to understand and when things are above your comprehension, a person you’re charmed by, comes by and tells you what you need.
And everybody else is wrong.

Religions, cults, the Nazis, anti-vax… it’s the same tactic. And it all starts with someone wanting a simpler solution and someone seemingly giving it.

You need to comprehend the distinction between belief and delusion.

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@shavixmir said
Oh, Germany hypnotised people… yah…
Do some bloody research.

I’ve just explained to you the real mechanism.

I’m pretty sure Malone didn’t coin the term, but that’s where you heard it. That’s where you and the madhatter right-wing fringe hooked onto it.

The basis of the hypnosis theory about
Nazi-propaganda is as old as the 60’s and 70’s and thoroughly debunked. ...[text shortened]... e seemingly giving it.

You need to comprehend the distinction between belief and delusion.
Is Psychosis real?

What is the origin of the term "Mass Formation Psychosis"?
Robert Malone? If you can prove that I will be impressed.


@metal-brain said
Is Psychosis real?
What sort of a question is that?

Psychosis has got nothing to do with your need to believe something and a charismatic person giving you a simpler solution.

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@shavixmir said
What sort of a question is that?

Psychosis has got nothing to do with your need to believe something and a charismatic person giving you a simpler solution.
So you believe in psychosis, just not mass psychosis.
Is that about right?

BTW, why do you deny the existence of "gene vaccines"? Isn't that psychosis? You are detached from reality when you deny facts.


@metal-brain said
So you believe in psychosis, just not mass psychosis.
Is that about right?

BTW, why do you deny the existence of "gene vaccines"? Isn't that psychosis? You are detached from reality when you deny facts.
It’s not gene therapy as I’ve explained a 100 times. You don’t know what the defintion of gene therapy is.

Mass psychosis is not a thing.
Psychosis is basically a chemical imbalance in the brain, which results in people losing track of reality, delusional, hallucinating, etc. Generally brought on by either previous traumatic events or underlying psychological illness (like schitzophrenia).

Religious people (generally) or not psychotic.

You believing this theory is misguided, due to your incomprehension and someone offering a simple solution. You are, however, not psychotic.


@shavixmir said
It’s not gene therapy as I’ve explained a 100 times. You don’t know what the defintion of gene therapy is.

Mass psychosis is not a thing.
Psychosis is basically a chemical imbalance in the brain, which results in people losing track of reality, delusional, hallucinating, etc. Generally brought on by either previous traumatic events or underlying psychological illness ( ...[text shortened]... due to your incomprehension and someone offering a simple solution. You are, however, not psychotic.
I didn't say gene therapy. I said gene vaccine. Gene vaccines use gene therapy technology.

Do gene vaccines exist? Yes or no?


@metal-brain said
I didn't say gene therapy. I said gene vaccine. Gene vaccines use gene therapy technology.

Do gene vaccines exist? Yes or no?
The covid vaccination is not a gene vaccine.

Now stick to the topic. Or have you come to realise you’re wrong and are backing away from the psychotic claim… just like your hero Malone has done?


@shavixmir said
The covid vaccination is not a gene vaccine.

Now stick to the topic. Or have you come to realise you’re wrong and are backing away from the psychotic claim… just like your hero Malone has done?
Yes it is.


You are experiencing psychosis, There has been some loss of contact with reality with you. Do you honestly think Harvard Medical School is lying when they call them gene vaccines?

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