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Top 10 Films.


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Anyone have their favourtie top ten films handy? Write them down here.

1. Kill Bill
2. The Shawshank Redemption
3. Alien
4. The Exorcist
5. Reservoir Dogs
6. There's Something about Mary
7. A Beautiful Mind
8. Pulp Fiction
9. Shaun of the Dead
10. Aliens

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No particular order as they change constantly

1. Harvey (James Stewart)
2. This is Spinal Tap
3. The Hustler
4. Star Wars
5. Highlander
6. Way out West (Laurel & Hardy)
7. Life of Brian
8. Italian Job (original Michael Caine)
9. Underworld
10. Shaun of the Dead

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1. The Big Lebowski
2. The Big Lebowski
3. The Big Lebowski
4. The Big Lebowski
5. The Big Lebowski
6. The Big Lebowski
7. The Big Lebowski
8. The Big Lebowski
9. The Big Lebowski
10. The Big Lebowski

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repo man
rita sue and bob too
something about mary
in like flint
the gauntlet
me myself and irene
shawshank redemption
pulp fiction

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Originally posted by D43M0N
Anyone have their favourtie top ten films handy? Write them down here.

1. Kill Bill
2. The Shawshank Redemption
3. Alien
4. The Exorcist
5. Reservoir Dogs
6. There's Something about Mary
7. A Beautiful Mind
8. Pulp Fiction
9. Shaun of the Dead
10. Aliens
Tarantino fan, are we? 😉

Well I don't necessarilly have a Top 10 handy but I'll play too (no particular order):

American Beauty
Taxi Driver
The Godfather
Citizen Kane
2001: A Space Odyssey
A Clockwork Orange
Pulp Fiction
Toy Story
White Chicks................................. hehe ok just kidding 😉


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Lord of the Rings (all counted as 1, but especially The Two Towers and Return of The King)
The Green Mile
Legend of the Drunken Master
Cidade De Deus
Fight Club
Kill Bill Volume 1
Life of Brian

No particular order.


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grosse point blank....
the deerhunter....
true romance............
cinema paradiso
this is..spinal tap--- a popular choice here :-)
angels with dirty faces (classic)
mean streets

I could go on....the list is endless


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ok, my serious list, in no real order (except for no. 1 and 2):

1. The Big Lebowski
2. Dr. Strangelove
3. Fargo
4. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
4. Waiting For Guffman
5. Kids
6. Requiem For A Dream
7. Silence Of The Lambs
8. South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut
9. The Shawshank Redemption
10. The Shining

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Originally posted by eyeqpc
No particular order as they change constantly

1. Harvey (James Stewart)
2. This is Spinal Tap
3. The Hustler
4. Star Wars
5. Highlander
6. Way out West (Laurel & Hardy)
7. Life of Brian
8. Italian Job (original Michael Caine)
9. Underworld
10. Shaun of the Dead
Harvey, lol, I didn't think I'd see that on anyone's list. Nice choice, Robbo! 😉

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i need to add 'midnight express' to my list...can I have 11?

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Originally posted by darvlay
ok, my serious list, in no real order (except for no. 1 and 2):

1. The Big Lebowski
2. Dr. Strangelove
3. Fargo
4. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
4. Waiting For Guffman
5. Kids
6. Requiem For A Dream
7. Silence Of The Lambs
8. South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut
9. The Shawshank Redemption
10. The Shining
Ohhhh Dr. Strangelove!!!! I should have added that to my list! 😕

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You're all a bunch of teenage dolts for leaving out the greatest movie of all time: Casablanca! At least one of you actually saw Dr. Strangeglove another classic! Of the movies in the last twenty years, probably Pulp Fiction was the greatest and most influential; most of the rest that has been cited is tripe.

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you are wrong my films are not tripe just some are typical british humour, repo man is an american made film by alex cox he is one of the coolest directors ever,and can i just say the wicker man was also a great film ...thats 11 not ten

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Originally posted by fiesta
you are wrong my films are not tripe just some are typical british humour, repo man is an american made film by alex cox he is one of the coolest directors ever,and can i just say the wicker man was also a great film ...thats 11 not ten
Repo Man is one of my favorite movies and the Shawshank Redemption is an excellent movie, although I wouldn't put either on a Top 10 list. The rest of your list sucks [not Pulp Fiction obviously] (and I don't know if you realize this, but they actually made movies BEFORE 1985).

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yes think they might have made movies before then ...but hey i wouldnt like to say they were all great movies before 1985,just some are great and will stay in your memories,forever,and some are just plain crud!

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