Originally posted by SeitseI would think that a stripper would lack modesty and perhaps be left open to the accusation of instilling impure thoughts in others. Christians are counselled to be modest. Selling weed would also conflict with Christian principles for smoking weed is akin to spiritism, the Bible uses the Greek term pharmakia for spiritism (which is condemned) and which literally means druggery, perhaps a reference to the shamanistic practice of a drug induced state where the shaman attempts to make contact with some spiritual realm.
So, let's say I am a Christian and I want to work
as a stripper or own a weed dispensary. Is it o.k.?
I mean, there must be a list of occupations or
businesses which are kosher, right? Anyone
providing the link to such list will be rewarded with
mucho blessing.
You could be a carpenter or a fisherman, or cultivate figs, sell purple dye or make tents with no worries.
Wa alaykumu s-salam
Originally posted by robbie carrobieYou seemed to endorse Prince's means of earning his livelihood and even trumpeted the fact he was a member of your religious organization here on Thread 168515 which you started, so I guess the things you said in that conversation flesh out somewhat your standpoint on 'Christian occupations' and the virtues (or lack thereof) of 'modesty' and 'instilling impure thoughts in others'. 😉
I would think that a stripper would lack modesty and perhaps be left open to the accusation of instilling impure thoughts in others. Christians are counselled to be modest. [...] You could be a carpenter or a fisherman, or cultivate figs, sell purple dye or make tents with no worries.
Originally posted by FMFI see and yet I have not a single piece of his work whereas you collected almost everything. Even the songs where you stated that he fantasised about meeting under-age women you had in your collection. Did you have that on your headphones FMF and were you diggin it? I also stated that i would not go to see him in concert and if I won tickets would have given them away, ouch whereas you no doubt as an avid collector would have been front row, throwing up your jaggy nettle underwear for him to wipe his sweat away. How are we to reconcile these demonstrable facts with your assertion? Shall we call attention to your rather blatant hypocrisy?
You seemed to endorse Prince's means of earning his livelihood and even trumpeted the fact he was a member of your religious organization here on Thread 168515 which you started, so I guess the things you said in that conversation flesh out somewhat your standpoint on 'Christian occupations' and the virtues (or lack thereof) of 'modesty' and 'instilling impure thoughts in others'. 😉
29 May 16
Originally posted by SeitseI think it would be almost impossible to engage in any kind of vocation for a
So, let's say I am a Christian and I want to work
as a stripper or own a weed dispensary. Is it o.k.?
I mean, there must be a list of occupations or
businesses which are kosher, right? Anyone
providing the link to such list will be rewarded with
mucho blessing.
Christian where one holds public office or carries a firearm.
29 May 16
Originally posted by robbie carrobieO.k., I must come clean. I have been offered a business transfer
I would think that a stripper would lack modesty and perhaps be left open to the accusation of instilling impure thoughts in others. Christians are counselled to be modest. Selling weed would also conflict with Christian principles for smoking weed is akin to spiritism, the Bible uses the Greek term pharmakia for spiritism (which is condemned) and ...[text shortened]... herman, or cultivate figs, sell purple dye or make tents with no worries.
Wa alaykumu s-salam
on a sex shop. I am surrounded by Christians and wish not to
disturb my good relations with them.
If I assume that all clients are married and will use the toys (and
stuff to be peddled) within the sanctity of marriage and to rejoice
in the gift of carnal knowledge which the Almighty has bestowed
upon them... can we say it is a Christian occupation for me to
Originally posted by SeitseProbably it would be difficult for you for. Are you selling adult DVD's? or just toys and lingerie? or catering for fetishes? also the likelihood that you would cater exclusively for married persons is rather far fetched. When you say you are surrounded by Christians, is it like next to a church? Another aspect which you might wish to consider is how it would be perceived by others.
O.k., I must come clean. I have been offered a business transfer
on a sex shop. I am surrounded by Christians and wish not to
disturb my good relations with them.
If I assume that all clients are married and will use the toys (and
stuff to be peddled) within the sanctity of marriage and to rejoice
in the gift of carnal knowledge which the Almighty has bestowed
upon them... can we say it is a Christian occupation for me to
Originally posted by robbie carrobieLook at it this way. For a Christian it is legitimate to own a gun
Probably it would be difficult for you for. Are you selling adult DVD's? or just toys and lingerie? or catering for fetishes? also the likelihood that you would cater exclusively for married persons is rather far fetched. When you say you are surrounded by Christians, is it like next to a church? Another aspect which you might wish to consider is how it would be perceived by others.
factory, same as in the old days a Christian could very well be
the blacksmith making swords. Right? Of course, the Christian
businessman wishes his products to end up in the hands of
people who will use them to protect and serve, but is it
considered an "unchristian" trade because the guns may
end up in the hands of the baddies?
What I mean by "surrounded by Christians" is, literally, surrounded
by Christians, both geographically and in my social, business and
family circles.
Originally posted by SeitseNah not a chance a Christian could even work in a munitions factory nevermind own one. A gun factory? well it depends on what type of guns and what they were used for. A Christian might own a gun but it would be difficult I think to justify blood sports. Could a Christian make a sword? I doubt it unless it would be used purely for sport, like fencing with French foils.
Look at it this way. For a Christian it is legitimate to own a gun
factory, same as in the old days a Christian could very well be
the blacksmith making swords. Right? Of course, the Christian
businessman wishes his products to end up in the hands of
people who will use them to protect and serve, but is it
considered an "unchristian" trade because the g ...[text shortened]... , surrounded
by Christians, both geographically and in my social, business and
family circles.
What to say but that there is a huge gap between those professing Christianity and those actually practising it. Are we not living in a post Christian epoch anyway? I heard there was a Muslim sex shop in the Netherlands, you could ask for a transfer! Panic over problem solved!
Originally posted by robbie carrobieEr... Joshua overcame the Amalekite army with the sword*. I
Could a Christian make a sword? I doubt it unless it would be used purely for sport, like fencing with French foils.
am sure he did not buy that sword from an unbeliever, did he?
* Shemot 17:13, or what you Christians call Exodus
Originally posted by Seitse...can we say it is a Christian occupation for me to
O.k., I must come clean. I have been offered a business transfer
on a sex shop. I am surrounded by Christians and wish not to
disturb my good relations with them.
If I assume that all clients are married and will use the toys (and
stuff to be peddled) within the sanctity of marriage and to rejoice
in the gift of carnal knowledge which the Almighty has bestowed
upon them... can we say it is a Christian occupation for me to
No, but seeing as how you are not a Christian where is the conflict?
If you are dependent upon Christian approval in the work place (or anywhere else) then you should proabably try learning if they really are Christians, or Christian in name only. Christians in name only are remarkably easy to fool with ridiculous excuses and back asswards reasoning. Real Christians on the other hand... not so easy to fool.
30 May 16
Originally posted by robbie carrobieThere is no hypocrisy on my part. It was you, after all, and not me, who was lionizing him as a Christian. It was you who started the thread on the Spirituality Forum extolling him on account of the fact he was a Jehovah's Witness, not me.
I see and yet I have not a single piece of his work whereas you collected almost everything [...] Shall we call attention to your rather blatant hypocrisy?
30 May 16
Originally posted by SeitseLOL Joshua was not a Christian, when Peter produced a sword and loped off the ear of Malchus did not the Christ tell him to put it away for he who lives by the sword perished by the sword?
Er... Joshua overcame the Amalekite army with the sword*. I
am sure he did not buy that sword from an unbeliever, did he?
* Shemot 17:13, or what you Christians call Exodus