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Played a brilliant game? Wanna Share it? POST H...

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ok so i like seeing other peoples games, and showing off my own.
A few guidlines for posts,
1.I'd like this to be a collection of great games not great blunders, if your opponent blundered his queen or missed a checkmate or something akin to that please don't post here.
2.If you post here be ready for people to critque your game, i enjoy debating variations and such but if you don't want someone to poke holes in what you thought was a perfect game maybe this isn't the place to post it.

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i'll start off with a few of my better games.

Game 2200113

Game 2161054

Game 2164401

and i lost this one but i still think it was well played on both sides,
i think i could've won after 21.Kc1!
Game 2161911

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a game TOMMYC posted in another thread, i think its fantastic


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Originally posted by Sicilian Smaug
4 recent finished games I liked:
Game 2202056 Yugoslav Attack
Game 2202004 No defence against Ne3-g2-f4
Game 2202005 Resigns on account of Nxf3+. gxf3, Nxf3+ wins Q, I like the move 13..Nf6, manouvering the knight to a more useful spot, If Qxf6?? then Bg5! wins Q
Game 2201508 Ruy Lopez
picture perfect yugoslav
but in the second game i think a better finish would be 37.Nxg4!! gh? 38.Qxg4 for a very sound smacking, but i really like the way you repositioned your knight ever so slowly.

and the last game was poorly played by black after getting his Q to h3 if he had castled you would be hard pressed to recover. i think 7.h3 is warranted.(transposes back into mainline ruy lopez after 7...b5)

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Originally posted by Sicilian Smaug
My opponent suggested this as well, I had looked at it but:
Nxg4?!, hxg4
Qxg4, Bg7
Qg6, kf8
h5, Qg7!
And my task suddenly looks complicated.
37.Nxg4 hg 38.Qxg4 Bg7! 39.Qg6+! Kf8 40.h5 Qf7 (i think you meant this as the bishop is on g7) 41.Qh7!! and h6 is inevitable e.g.
41...Rxe6?? 42.ef Qg8? 43.e7+ +-
41...Qg8? 42.Rxe8+ +-

i think after 41.Qh7 black must lose his queen, if the bishop takes h6
Qh8+ Qg8 Qxh6+ Qg7 Rxe8+ or other similar scenarios.

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Originally posted by Sicilian Smaug
edit.. 1 minute...Yep, I think you're right, the knight sac does seem to work. Oh well, I got the results, I usually take the risky way and sometimes come unstuck from doing so, so that's why I thought I'd go for the slower way there.
well you opponent saw the sack and resigned so its almost like you played it 🙂 a very classy game anyway

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here's another one of mine which i posted in another thread Game 2213221

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This was an exciting game for me. Not a typical Caro-Kann…

Game 1919408

(Not 16…Bxh1? 17. Qg4+ Kh8 18. Be6 Bxg1 19. Rd8+ QxR 20. BxR and mate is inevitable)

I am still curious and uncertain of the lines after 16. Rd1. I think black’s passed pawns have potential, even if black has to give up a bishop. For example, 22…Nd7 23. cxd, cxd looks intimidating, with black having three connected/ 2 passed pawns, which may compensate for the bishop.

The critical moves are black’s 18th and 20th moves. I think 18…Na6 looks better.
And I also think 20…f5 works best for black.

Analysis appreciated after 16. Rd1.

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I find this one aesthetically pleasing...especially move 23 onwards, a sac of the exchange followed by my Knights just overpowering the defences...

Game 1989369

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Originally posted by aginis
a game TOMMYC posted in another thread, i think its fantastic

Thanks 🙂

I think the endgame of my win in Game 2187493 is probably my other favourite moment from my games here, the last ten moves or so, although I haven't checked with Fritz to see if black had a better defence. (If my play was unsound obviously the result of the game would have been different.) There are some prettier mates in there depending on what black does, eg, viz 40. ... Rxd4 41. Kf6 Re4 42. Rg7+ Kh8 43. Kf7 Re8 44. Rg8+ Rxg8 45. Be5+, etc.

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Originally posted by Yuga
This was an exciting game for me. Not a typical Caro-Kann…

Game 1919408

(Not 16…Bxh1? 17. Qg4+ Kh8 18. Be6 Bxg1 19. Rd8+ QxR 20. BxR and mate is inevitable)

I am still curious and uncertain of the lines after 16. Rd1. I think black’s passed pawns have potential, even if black has to give up a bishop. For example, 22…Nd7 23. cxd, cxd looks inti ...[text shortened]... oks better.
And I also think 20…f5 works best for black.

Analysis appreciated after 16. Rd1.
Black plays a variation of the Caro Kahn that opens the kingside for attack and the kingside castles. The crucial play was 11...Nd7 instead of 11...O-O??

16.Rd1 looks ok to me

20...f5 21.Qg5!!
A.21...Qb6 (Qd6) 22.cxd4 Bxf3 23.Bc4 +-
B.21...Qf6 22.Be2! Bxf3 23.Bxf3 Qxg5 24.Bxg5 Bxc3 25.Rd8+ Kg7 26.Bd5 and the rook can't move (Rf8? RxR KxR Bxb7 +-)
even material but his rook and knight are stuck so white should win

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Keeping in mind my ranking 😀

My opponent was ranked a little higher than I was during the game and apart from a few aimless moves by my queen early on I quite liked my effort from move 13 on - 13. ... Bc8xg4.

Although quite obvious, I guess, for higher ranked players, I really stormed his king's side once he'd castled (I had the pieces) ... this is the only game I've ever really put a lot of (1400 level) thought into! 🙂

[gid]Game 1432550[/gid]

About to unleash lucky move 13.
(not sure how to post a snapshot of the board - will look it up and try soon!)

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