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Breaking Free of Self-Abuse-Why? How?

Breaking Free of Self-Abuse-Why? How?


Proper Knob

North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
20 Dec 11
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Watchtower 1973 Sep 15 pp.564-5 Breaking Free of Self-Abuse-Why? How?

In this age of promiscuity one must agree with the doctors about the general "universality" of masturbation. Look at the statistics: "Every serious statistical study that we have shows clearly that . . . at least ninety-five per cent of boys and young men between thirteen and twenty-five years of age pass through periods of habitual masturbation of varying lengths," says one authority on the subject. As for girls, this source says that "forty to fifty per cent are found to actually masturbate." ...

Of course, the claim is made that such feelings of guilt exist only because individuals from childhood have been trained to view masturbation as indecent. Many say these guilt feelings are unwarranted. But is that the case?

Most persons will acknowledge that, actually, few parents take the time or interest to discuss masturbation with their children. So, then, why is it that the young boy (or girl) who engages in masturbation for the first time nevertheless feels a sense of guilt, of self-accusation? Why is it that by far the majority who engage in the practice do so in a secret, furtive way?

Because masturbation is unnatural. Granted, small children have little concept of the sexual relationship of male and female. But with adolescence comes an inner awareness that tells the male his satisfaction of sexual desire is to be found in the female, and vice versa. Masturbation (like homosexuality) ignores or bypasses that natural arrangement. It is one form of leaving "the natural use of the female" for "one contrary to nature." The vestige of God-given conscience that is inherent in all humans, therefore, makes itself heard in disapproving of such practice, causing an internal sense of guilt.-Compare Romans 1:26, 27; 2:14, 15.

So, while many psychiatrists and doctors make it appear that guilt feelings about masturbation are attributable entirely to one's 'social indoctrination and upbringing,' the opposite may well be the case. That is, it is more likely that, where there is an absence of such feeling of guilt, this is due to the individual's previously having been influenced by others to believe that the practice of masturbation is really "all right," "normal," even "beneficial." In reality modern propaganda tries to stifle or undermine God-given conscience.

Because the practice is one "contrary to nature," the masturbator pays a mental penalty. The habitual practice cripples his social and emotional development, hinders his attaining a healthful outlook and attitude toward the other sex and toward people in general. It can 'turn the person inward' upon himself, making him introverted. Or it can, and frequently does, lead into homosexuality, in which the person, not satisfied with his lonely sexual activity, seeks a partner for mutual sex play. Though speaking of the 'normality' of masturbation, medical and psychiatric authorities are obliged to recognize the frequency with which habitual masturbation becomes a real hindrance to a happy and contented marriage later in life. The facts show that it is not uncommon for the practice to persist after marriage to the point where the masturbator feels obliged to seek psychiatric help. Why so, if the practice is "normal," "natural" and "beneficial"?

It is natural therefore for a healthy, normal male to feel a measure of sexual 'drive.' The marriage arrangement provides the means for satisfying such sexual desire. But what of those not married? Is masturbation the only means-short of fornication-for relieving the pressure of such desire? And if masturbation is not indulged in, will the buildup of semen have some damaging effect?

The answer to these questions is, No. There are other ways to reduce or relieve sexual pressure. One is "sublimation"-that is, redirecting the pressure toward various physical and mental activities. Thus the growing boy and young man can keep busy and happy working hard in various projects and personal hobbies.

What of the buildup of semen in the body? There is no danger of this reaching the point of causing any physical damage. And, in reality, sexual interest is governed far more by what the individual entertains in his mind. Then, too, the male body normally reduces the amount of semen through periodic nocturnal or nighttime emissions during sleep. Less than 5 percent of nineteen-year-old boys, for example, are said not to experience these. (Though one does not have such emissions, this does not necessarily indicate any sexual deformity.) What occurs with the average male is that, during the night as the bladder fills with urine, pressure develops on the adjoining seminal vesicles. This may periodically trigger an involuntary emission of semen during one's sleep.

Explaining why such nocturnal emissions are called "wet dreams," and are often accompanied by irrational, strange and absurd dreaming, sociology professor Herbert J. Miles writes:

"The increasing need for emptying the bladder causes the person to move gradually out of sleep where the conscious mind is at rest toward active mental consciousness, that is waking. During this gradual shift from sleep toward waking the mind is in a kind of 'twilight zone' in which the subconscious mind is operating. Ideas and thoughts are mixed, confused, and may move swiftly from one idea, experience, or act to another. These fumbled, topsy-turvy, indiscriminate ideas may involve sexual thoughts or activities that would not be tolerated if the conscious mind were directing thought."-Sexual Understanding Before Marriage, pp. 160, 161.

There is no need, then, for the individual to feel guilty because of such emissions or the dreams contributing to them-unless he knows that he had been letting his thoughts dwell immorally or in an unhealthy way on sexual matters.

But, is not masturbation more effective and satisfying in relieving sexual tension than these nocturnal emissions?

No; for instead of a simple and immediate release of tension, the masturbator finds that his whole nervous system is thrown into a high state of excitement as tension is built up due to the self-stimulation. Afterward this may leave him with a feeling of nervous frustration and dissatisfaction. Yet he soon has a compelling desire to repeat the act. It is a vicious cycle that is hard to break and that gives no genuine satisfaction.

That masturbation is abnormal and unnatural is also indicated by the fact that abnormal, mentally deranged people are notorious masturbators. Somewhat similarly, The Bremerton Sun (Washington) states that many mentally disturbed priests and nuns are chronic masturbators.

As it is now clear nothing has ben taken out of conext, would you like to answer the question Galvo and Rob

Do you believe masturbation can lead to homosexuality as the article claims?


04 Feb 05
20 Dec 11
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i stopped reading after they said that even if psychiatrists say masturbation is whatever, they know better because some kids feel guilty for doing something their parents don't know (freakin duh man)

but with the spoilers you provided at the end, i don't need to


04 Feb 05
20 Dec 11
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dude i must thank you for this thread, it has given me lots of giggles at work.

"That masturbation is abnormal and unnatural is also indicated by the fact that abnormal, mentally deranged people are notorious masturbators. Somewhat similarly, The Bremerton Sun (Washington) states that many mentally disturbed priests and nuns are chronic masturbators."

sure, why bother to prove that masturbation leads to something bad. it is much more easy to say that people who are ill also masturbate.

look ma, i can do it too:

"That pottery is abnormal and unnatural is also indicated by the fact that abnormal, mentally deranged people are notorious potters. Somewhat similarly, <Insert news paper here" states that many mentally disturbed inmates at <generic prison> are chronic potters".


26 Aug 07
20 Dec 11
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Originally posted by Proper Knob
Watchtower 1973 Sep 15 pp.564-5 Breaking Free of Self-Abuse-Why? How?

[quote]In this age of promiscuity one must agree with the doctors about the general "universality" of masturbation. Look at the statistics: "Every serious statistical study that we have shows clearly that . . . at least ninety-five per cent of boys and youn tion can lead to homosexuality as the article claims?
clearly any sexual fantasising , which masturbation essentially is, can lead to sexual
activity when other persons are sought out to share the fantasy as the article clearly
stares (perhaps you missed that aspect or it was not apparent from the initial reading,
taken out of context as it was), so the article is entirely accurate and correct.

Proper Knob

North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
20 Dec 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
clearly any sexual; fantasising , which masturbation essentially is, can lead to sexual
activity when other persons are sought out to share the fantasy as the article clearly
stares (perhaps you missed that aspect or it was not apparent from the initial reading,
taken out of context as it was), so the article is entirely accurate and correct.
What a joke you are.

Have a good Christmas.


26 Aug 07
20 Dec 11
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Originally posted by Proper Knob
What a joke you are.

Have a good Christmas.
what? I dont celebrate Christmas, Jehovahs Witnesses, a ringing any bells (not sleigh bells naturally)



04 Apr 04
20 Dec 11

Originally posted by Proper Knob
What a joke you are.

Have a good Christmas.
The lengths you have to go to get these JWs to speak the truth about their beliefs.
It is clear that they are embarrassed by some of the utter nonsense which their so-called elders publish.



16 Aug 05
20 Dec 11
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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
clearly any sexual fantasising , which masturbation essentially is, can lead to sexual
activity when other persons are sought out to share the fantasy as the article clearly
stares (perhaps you missed that aspect or it was not apparent from the initial reading,
taken out of context as it was), so the article is entirely accurate and correct.
So are you indicating, or indeed professing, that you never had a play with yourself, in all your youth and pre-marital years??

Come on, pull the other one! 😀

-m. 😉


26 Aug 07
20 Dec 11
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Originally posted by Rajk999
The lengths you have to go to get these JWs to speak the truth about their beliefs.
It is clear that they are embarrassed by some of the utter nonsense which their so-called elders publish.
says the plastic fraud who has posted nothing but lie after lie after lie. Haha, all ones
needs to do is post the original article and all your dumba$$ claims, slander ,
defamation disappear, because its all you can do.


26 Aug 07
20 Dec 11
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Originally posted by mikelom
So are you indicating, or indeed professing, that you never had a play with yourself, in all your youth and pre-marital years??

Come on, pull the other one! 😀

-m. 😉
why should my youthful fantasies interest you Mike, do tell?



04 Apr 04
20 Dec 11
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Originally posted by mikelom
So are you indicating, or indeed professing, that you never had a play with yourself, in all your youth and pre-marital years??

Come on, pull the other one! 😀

-m. 😉
He did and he got caught.
He was made to say 50 "Hail Russels" in front of the congregation


26 Aug 07
20 Dec 11
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Originally posted by Rajk999
He did and he got caught.
He was made to say 50 "Hail Russels" in front of the congregation
at least i haven't been caught posting lies , fifty Hail my own insignificant little self
proclaimed religion , for you.



04 Apr 04
20 Dec 11
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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
at least i haven't been caught posting lies , fifty Hail my own insignificant little self
proclaimed religion , for you.
I posted no lies. There are other similar statements about education. Plus I have heard from JWs themselves about the organization's policy on education.

Do not pursue higher education. There is very little time left! Make pioneer service, the full-time ministry with the possibility of Bethel or missionary service, your goal.WT 3/15/1969, p. 171

What about professional careers? The position has not changed. If you are a young person thinking about a career-forget it. The end will be "in a few years". Do you remember expecting the end by the mid-1970's. Awake!, 5/22/69, p. 15.

Professional people, doctors and lawyers are often "inconsiderate of others" due to their undesirable higher education. Awake!, 918168, p.1 0. It is foolish to want to be a doctor or a lawyer. Watchtower, 8/1/75, p.451.


26 Aug 07
20 Dec 11
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Originally posted by Rajk999
I posted no lies. There are other similar statements about education. Plus I have heard from JWs themselves about the organization's policy on education.

Do not pursue higher education. There is very little time left! Make pioneer service, the full-time ministry with the possibility of Bethel or missionary service, your goal.WT 3/15/1969, p. 171

8, p.1 0. It is foolish to want to be a doctor or a lawyer. Watchtower, 8/1/75, p.451.
no, you have been caught posting lies, clearly the watchtower article repeated it more
than ones, stating that it was up to parents to decide what education their children
pursued, making your skunk like claims, just that, pure lies, in fact, you had not even
read the full article, had you, and all you can do is post the few phrases gleaned for
you from some hate site you frequent, your a fraud and have been caught posting lies,
but you have neither the honesty nor the integrity to admit it.


16 Feb 08
20 Dec 11
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I thought it made you go blind not gay! Maybe it's both - don't see many blind gays about though do you...

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