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can we have paece

can we have paece


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Regardless of what religious practice we all my have or lack of practice. From believing in Jesus, to Ali, Budda, the universe, science etc. Can we learn to except one anothers differences without insults? I enjoy a good debate when both parties are open, not just trying to prove their own point for the sake of trying to sound smart. I myself I live in Renton Washington if you live near by perhaps a game of chess face to face. I have been on several post lately and to anyone I may have offended I do apologize, I am far from perfect. Back to my subject, if Chess is truly a game of intellects we should behave in that manner, so having said that is peace possible? Your opinions please.

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Originally posted by realeyez
Regardless of what religious practice we all my have or lack of practice. From believing in Jesus, to Ali, Budda, the universe, science etc. Can we learn to except one anothers differences without insults? I enjoy a good debate when both parties are open, not just trying to prove their own point for the sake of trying to sound smart. I myself I live in Rent ...[text shortened]... ts we should behave in that manner, so having said that is peace possible? Your opinions please.
It seems that if you are heavily committed / involved/ indoctrinated / attached to a particular belief structure that most people are unable to truly be dispassionate about their belief when they feel they are being "threatened" and openly talk.

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Originally posted by nook7
It seems that if you are heavily committed / involved/ indoctrinated / attached to a particular belief structure that most people are unable to truly be dispassionate about their belief when they feel they are being "threatened" and openly talk.
Well to be honest i can't say most people are unable to be dispassionate about their beliefs when they feel threatened. I just don't think people are willing to listen. I have wittnessed more name calling, jokes at someones expense, and Im right your wrong mentality, then just sharing opinions. Not to say that, that doesnt happen. I once post "I Love Jesus" that was it no shots at anyone. The replies I got were less then friendly to say the lease. So I'm Jesus follower and I try to love i.e. love everyone as you would love yourself. I have family, friends, co-worker, people I meet on the streets etc. That do not believe as I, but we all show respect to one another, and respect to whatever the other person believes. I dont force feed anyone my thoughts and say that if you do think as I do that Jesus is the way then hell you will go. If anything that turns people away. I simple ask people what they think, then we share a conversation and that's it. No name calling, mockery, just two or more adults learning from each other.

My intention is not to stir up anything, but to grow closer to my fellow chess players tho I my never meet many of the people on this site. A mutual respect for everyone and getting the same in return would be great. True telling jokes and insults can lead to a good time, but thats usually when your amongst friends. So that being said thats my goal.

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Originally posted by realeyez
Well to be honest i can't say most people are unable to be dispassionate about their beliefs when they feel threatened. I just don't think people are willing to listen. I have wittnessed more name calling, jokes at someones expense, and Im right your wrong mentality, then just sharing opinions. Not to say that, that doesnt happen. I once post "I Love Jesus" good time, but thats usually when your amongst friends. So that being said thats my goal.
I have wittnessed more name calling, jokes at someones expense, and Im right your wrong mentality, then just sharing opinions.
You might want to consider that proclaiming "Jesus is Lord. The King of kings and the Lord of lords. I Love You" with no other content, you are in effect exhibiting an "Im[sic] right your[sic] wrong mentality".

I dont force feed anyone my thoughts and say that if you do think as I do that Jesus is the way then hell you will go.
You might also want to consider that by saying, "They don't believe so I know what the next life has in store for him", you are saying just that.

Finally your subsequent rhetoric about them not having the courage to say it to your face, them hiding behind their mama's skirt, telling them to find you in Renton Washington, having 16 years of martial arts training, being the PROUD owner of 75 weapons, etc., hardly engenders the "Peace" that you are asking for.

How are the above not just plain false and/or hypocrisy?

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Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
[b]I have wittnessed more name calling, jokes at someones expense, and Im right your wrong mentality, then just sharing opinions.
You might want to consider that proclaiming "Jesus is Lord. The King of kings and the Lord of lords. I Love You" with no other content, you are in effect exhibiting an "Im[sic] right your[sic] wrong mentality".

I do ...[text shortened]... " that you are asking for.

How are the above not just plain false and/or hypocrisy?
I believe my apology that I mentioned within this post covers all the things you mentioned covers that. Like I said Im not perfect. I am man enough to admit when I have gone to far or have said something I should not have said. Sorry to repeat so that nothing can be misunderstood. For all things that I have ever said that may have offended anyone. Be it a misunderstanding or not I do apologize. I will work harder at not allowing my temper to flare up. Rather everyone can forgive me or not is on you (people in general no you specifically ThinkOfOne unless this applies to you). With the asking for forgiveness I have done my part. Hopefully it can be granted if not dont allow what I have said to stress you out (people in general).

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Originally posted by realeyez
I believe my apology that I mentioned within this post covers all the things you mentioned covers that. Like I said Im not perfect. I am man enough to admit when I have gone to far or have said something I should not have said. Sorry to repeat so that nothing can be misunderstood. For all things that I have ever said that may have offended anyone. Be it a m ...[text shortened]... ully it can be granted if not dont allow what I have said to stress you out (people in general).
Actually the point was about false and/or hypocritical statements, not about any "offense" you may have given.

It seems like most of the time when people make blanket apologies to "anyone they may have offended" like you did in your OP and here again, they are disingenuous because they do not explicitly take responsibility for specific actions. Also Christians often believe that in "asking for forgiveness" that they "have done [their] part" even though Jesus calls them to repentance which requires that they cease such actions.

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Originally posted by realeyez
Back to my subject, if Chess is truly a game of intellects we should behave in that manner, so having said that is peace possible? Your opinions please.
Having participated on this site's forums for the past 6 years, I can easily say that chess is by no means a "game of intellects".

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Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Actually the point was about false and/or hypocritical statements, not about any "offense" you may have given.

It seems like most of the time when people make blanket apologies to "anyone they may have offended" like you did in your OP and here again, they are disingenuous because they do not explicitly take responsibility for specific actions. Also C ...[text shortened]... even though Jesus calls them to repentance which requires that they cease such actions.
Well ceasing in those actions is my goal, and I mean this from the heart. By me admitting my actions were wrong I am taking responsibility. I would list specifics but to be honest I don't remember them all. I have called people cowards, I've have said that they hide behind their mother's skirt etc. That was wrong of me to do, hence the Im sorry. If people dont want to except it they dont have to, it's their choice to. I am man just trying to do what is right. I realize life is too short to hold on to anger, so I am determined to enjoy it.

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Originally posted by darvlay
Having participated on this site's forums for the past 6 years, I can easily say that chess is by no means a "game of intellects".
Well what game would you consider a "game of intellects". I would love to try.

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Originally posted by realeyez
Well what game would you consider a "game of intellects". I would love to try.
Knowing how to play chess, or any game for that matter, does not make one an intellect.

That was my point.

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Out of sheer curiosity ThinkOfOne, does my request arger (this word may not be the best one to use) you? Just going by your replies, my answers seem to upset you to some degree, or you just disagree with me for what ever reason you have that is unknown to me. Every thing I have said you have rebutal for. Wanting people to get along is a good thing. But like I said if you dont want to accept the Im sorry, as you know you dont have to. My anger was my fault, along with my reactions. But I live and learn, and I should not allow life to get me to that point. I should just place my trust in Him, and to not allow my emotions to answer for me, as I have done on this forum.

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Originally posted by realeyez
Out of sheer curiosity, does my request arger you? Just going by your replies, my answers seem to upset you to some degree, or you just disagree with me for what ever reason you have that is unknown to me. Wanting people to get along is a good thing. But like I said if you dont want to accept the Im sorry, as you know you dont have to. My anger was my fault ...[text shortened]... ace my trust in Him, andto not allow my emotions to answer for me, as I have done on this forum.
You only "hear" anger because that's what you're looking for.

EDIT - Sorry, thought you were talkng to me.

EDIT 2 - Feel free to use my answer if you like, ToO.

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Originally posted by darvlay
You only "hear" anger because that's what you're looking for.

EDIT - Sorry, thought you were talkng to me.

EDIT 2 - Feel free to use my answer if you like, ToO.
You are correct with the intellet comment, what Im looking for is just more games the challenege the mind. Otheo I believe is what its called tho I have seen it under different names I love. So I am just looking for a wider varity thats all. Do you have any in mind?

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Originally posted by realeyez
You are correct with the intellet comment, what Im looking for is just more games the challenege the mind. Otheo I believe is what its called tho I have seen it under different names I love. So I am just looking for a wider varity thats all. Do you have any in mind?
Try bridge.

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Originally posted by darvlay
Try bridge.
Isn't that a card game? if so (or not) whats the objective

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