I wonder how many non-christians and people not believing in Jesus Christ would enter this thread just because the name says "Christians ONLY please!!!".
If so, may you be blessed upon entering this thread by Jesus Christ, and please dont leave any kind of any remarks here please?
Christians! We need to pray for these people. We need to ask God to forgive these people and make their hearts soft. We need to ask Him to open their hearts, sothat they may feel His love, open their ears sothat they could listen when He is talking and open their eyes sothat they could see the wonders of God.
We should not approach non-christians (atheists/other religions not believing in Jesus Christ) without praying first. We need the full armor of God to protect is from not falling into the devils trap. We must not get anry but keep calm sothat God may do His work. I know that they are mocking our God, calling Him names, even swearing Him. It is difficult to keep calm, but we should not let anyone get to us. If we cant win Souls for God, God will take it further. God knows that we are only human and He knows that we have tried our best, but then it had to be the best.
Dear Lord, I ask that You will give us the strength to do Your work. May we not fall down, but keep on going until You will come and take us home. Amen.
Originally posted by NicolaasSo, how did that experiment work out for you, Nick?
I wonder how many non-christians and people not believing in Jesus Christ would enter this thread just because the name says "Christians ONLY please!!!".
If so, may you be blessed upon entering this thread by Jesus Christ, and please dont leave any kind of any remarks here please?
Originally posted by NicolaasYou have already made your own head soft.
I wonder how many non-christians and people not believing in Jesus Christ would enter this thread just because the name says "Christians ONLY please!!!".
If so, may you be blessed upon entering this thread by Jesus Christ, and please dont leave any kind of any remarks here please?
Christians! We need to pray for these people. We need to ask God to ...[text shortened]... o Your work. May we not fall down, but keep on going until You will come and take us home. Amen.
Originally posted by NicolaasI doubt it. Most people who call themselves xtians make too many absurd claims for me to wish such association. In addition to the absurdities in many of their spiritual claims, many embrace unethical political causes, or advocate repulsive anti-intellectualism in favor of gross misreadings of sacred texts.
Are you one now?
As a former xtian, I will suggest that instead of praying that we become as you, perhaps you might pray that God fashion you into a being that reflects all that is good, and true, and pure. If xtians were, in fact, a light in the world (as Jesus advocated in his most important, and most complete sermon), thinking people with a moral sense might not find themselves quite so repulsed.
Originally posted by WulebgrFor me a Christian is a person that has a living relationship with Jesus Christ.
I doubt it. Most people who call themselves xtians make too many absurd claims for me to wish such association. In addition to the absurdities in many of their spiritual claims, many embrace unethical political causes, or advocate repulsive anti-intellectualism in favor of gross misreadings of sacred texts.
As a former xtian, I will suggest that instead o ...[text shortened]... omplete sermon), thinking people with a moral sense might not find themselves quite so repulsed.
edit: typo
Originally posted by David CNo one said there were biscuits! Is the tea English Breakfast? Hmm...I may have to rethink this Christian jazzamatazz.
Nope. Sorry, Nic. Hope your next segregated thread works out better for you.
Although, I can't speak for Howard. Maybe your prayer softened his heart, and he welcomed in Jesus for tea and biscuits!