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Which aspect of your faith do you most frequently doubt?

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
Which aspect of your faith do you most frequently doubt?
That the crazy mofo sitting next to me in church is likely exactly the kind of person I'm going to have to suffer through in heaven...for eternity!!

Seriously, I think a lot of Christians are going to be VERY suprised at whom they find in heaven...at least, for my sake, I hope so.


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Originally posted by TheSkipper
The the crazy mofo sitting next to me in church is likely exactly the kind of person I'm going to have to suffer through in heaven...for eternity!!

Seriously, I think a lot of Christians are going to be VERY suprised at whom they find in heaven...at least, for my sake, I hope so.

I can't wait to see the look on ivanhoe's face when myself and the rest of the Wolfpack get there.

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
I can't wait to see the look on ivanhoe's face when myself and the rest of the Wolfpack get there.

I suspect he will "alert" your spirit over and over again until god has to send him to timeout.

Oh man, how the hell is Bbarr supposed to enjoy heaven with Ivanhoe constantly haunting him? 😉


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I doubt that a soul can be erased from existence, or suffer
eternally in hell.

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Originally posted by The Chess Express
That a soul can be erased from existence, or suffer
eternally in hell.
I've never heard of the erasure idea. Is that biblical?

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
I've never heard of the erasure idea. Is that biblical?
There are many places in scripture that don’t support it. My feeling is that the church invented it to stay in power through the fear of hell.

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Originally posted by The Chess Express
There are many places in scripture that don’t support it.
But is there any part of scripture that even suggests it?

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
But is there any part of scripture that even suggests it?
Yes, depending on interpretation. If it's true though, it doesn't reconcile with the rest of scripture.

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Originally posted by The Chess Express
Yes, depending on interpretation. If it's true though, it doesn't reconcile with the rest of scripture.
So, do you believe in this erasure or not? If not, then it falls outside the scope of my question, which is which things do you have faith in but frequently doubt. If you don't believe in erasure at all, then I don't count it among your doubts.

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
So, do you believe in this erasure or not? If not, then it falls outside the scope of my question, which is which things do you have faith in but frequently doubt. If you don't believe in erasure at all, then I don't count it among your doubts.
Faith is the proof of things unseen. To have faith in something is to know that it is true. This means that you don’t doubt it.

I assumed that by faith you were referring to religion. If this is not the case, perhaps you should reword your question.

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Originally posted by The Chess Express
To have faith in something is to know that it is true. This means that you don’t doubt it.
This is a wholly unfamiliar notion of faith to me. Are you saying that religious people who sometimes have doubts don't really have faith at all, since if they did have faith, they wouldn't doubt?

How many people of faith agree that faith is equivalent to knowledge?

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
This is a wholly unfamiliar notion of faith to me. Are you saying that religious people who sometimes have doubts don't really have faith at all, since if they did have faith, they wouldn't doubt?
According to St Paul, “faith is the proof of things unseen.” I would argue that there is a difference between faith and blind faith. Blind faith is just a belief based on a religion. Faith is knowledge of that which has been directly experienced.

Too many religious people put all there stock into blind faith assuming that the guy who interpreted the scripture for them somehow knows for sure what the truth is. This is why there are hundreds of different kinds of Christianity, and each believes that they are right.

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Originally posted by The Chess Express
Faith is knowledge of that which has been directly experienced.
Do you have faith that you have two arms ?

Do you have faith that 2+2=4 ?

Do you know that a person was turned into a pillar of salt?

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
Do you have faith that you have two arms ?

Do you have faith that 2+2=4 ?

Do you know that a person was turned into a pillar of salt?
Do you have faith that you have two arms ?

Do you have faith that 2+2=4 ?

Yes, I experience my arms on a daily basis, and if I put two apple together with two apples, I get four. This is all direct experience, proof.

Do you know that a person was turned into a pillar of salt?

No, do you?

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