Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson fired from TV show...

Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson fired from TV show...


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North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
23 Dec 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
You were asked to explain your so called DNA evidence before, you could not do so and instead provided an incomprehensible reference to some scientific dogma, in fact, your article was torn to shreds for its speculative claims of , 'it could be', 'its thought that', 'its possible that' etc etc etc. Get Mrs Knob to feel your bum and bring you back to reality, all you materialists are reading from the same hymn sheet.
Torn to shreds? LOL!!!! Carrobie tears to shreds the scientific field of genetics. You couldn't make it up.


26 Aug 07
23 Dec 13

Originally posted by Proper Knob
Torn to shreds? LOL!!!! Carrobie tears to shreds the scientific field of genetics. You couldn't make it up.
You couldn't make it up!

Why not, you do! 😛


24 Apr 10
23 Dec 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I see, so you have NO evidence making your assertions, unsubstantiated. Now at least theist the can point to his Holy book as forming the basis of his beliefs, where are you directing him towards your beliefs? The real world? and yet here you are promulgating fantasies in the guise of some kind of truth claims that you have no support for other than ...[text shortened]... t's not a fantasy merchant of the highest order, its I who really does need a reality check ASAP
Many, many books have been written about leprechauns, elves and unicorns. Surely these can form as basis just as much as the bible.

Unicorns are just as likely to exist as God and Jebus.

And you know this, dear Robbie. Stop fooling yourself. Accept reality with all its warts and bumps. You know you want to. No more fantasies now, it's time to grow up. Don't worry, it's all much less scary than you were forced to believe.

Welcome to your new life, Robbie. Enjoy it!

16 Feb 08
23 Dec 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
One cannot force people to partake of the pure waters of Biblical truth, one must content oneself with being an example.
In what ways are you an example of someone who "partakes of the pure waters of biblical truth"?


26 Aug 07
23 Dec 13

Originally posted by Great King Rat
Many, many books have been written about leprechauns, elves and unicorns. Surely these can form as basis just as much as the bible.

Unicorns are just as likely to exist as God and Jebus.

And you know this, dear Robbie. Stop fooling yourself. Accept reality with all its warts and bumps. You know you want to. No more fantasies now, it's time to gr ...[text shortened]... much less scary than you were forced to believe.

Welcome to your new life, Robbie. Enjoy it!
sigh....atheism is an empty deception, we have known this for some time, it cannot make one happy, produces no benefits to the adherent and essentially limits ones search for truth to unintelligent agencies.

There is more historical evidence for Jesus Christ than Alexander the Great but we don't hear our atheist friends calling his existence into question, why not? because of their anti religious bias, look how it has driven you to make unsubstantiated claims with NO evidence, to dispute the very existence of historical characters, it has turned you into a drugged balloonist, unsteady in all his ways!

I have been enjoying my life a thousandfold since embracing Christianity, i have cultivated self reliance, modestly, contentment, compassion and empathy, have an exemplar, the greatest teacher who ever lived, a set of unsurpassed moral values, a book brimming with humanity and wisdom, What has the atheist to offer as recompense for such riches? an Aladdins cave of self certified plastic toys, rudderless boats and teachings blown hither by the wind.

The atheist vision is a purely human vision and with that it contains all the brilliancies of humanity but all the failings as well.

Nothing can separate us from the love of the Christ my friend, you must realise this by now.


26 Aug 07
23 Dec 13
2 edits

Originally posted by divegeester
In what ways are you an example of someone who "partakes of the pure waters of biblical truth"?
I have rejected pagan teachings and refuse to mix my Christianity with paganism, unlike you spiritual adulterers.

16 Feb 08
23 Dec 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I have rejected pagan teachings and refuse to mix my Christianity with paganism, unlike you spiritual adulterers.
Wow, hubris and judgement of others in one succinct post.


26 Aug 07
23 Dec 13
2 edits

Originally posted by divegeester
Wow, hubris and judgement of others in one succinct post.
Are you denying that you are mixing Christianity and paganism, let me here you say it and just for the record, i do not judge you, the scriptures have judged you nor do i think myself better than any type of adulterers, even spiritual ones, you are responsible for your own actions and will give an account not before me, but the Christ, i have therefore no reason to think myself any better.

16 Feb 08
23 Dec 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Are you denying that you are mixing Christianity and paganism, let me here you say it and just for the record, i do not judge you, the scriptures have judged you nor do i think myself better than any type of adulterers, even spiritual ones, you are responsible for your own actions and will give an account not before me, but the Christ, i have therefore no reason to think myself any better.
"For the record" you just called me (and others) a "spiritual adulterer" robbie. You cannot say that and then in your next post say "for the record I do not judge you". You just look like a hypocrite when you do things like that, can you see that?


26 Aug 07
23 Dec 13
6 edits

Originally posted by divegeester
"For the record" you just called me (and others) a "spiritual adulterer" robbie. You cannot say that and then in your next post say "for the record I do not judge you". You just look like a hypocrite when you do things like that, can you see that?
fine lets see you answer the question, are you or are you not guilty of mixing Christianity with paganism, if not then you are not a spiritual adulterer and the words are not applicable to you if so then the words are true and you are, so divesgeester are you or are you not mixing Christianity with paganism, lets see if you have the honesty and decency to say it.

Your opinions of me are meaningless to me, if you want to discuss spirituality then fine but you really same incapable of lifting the tone of your posts above anything other than a purely personal level. Why is that divesgeester, is your spirituality really so devoid of anything? Its no wonder that you come across as a seriously unhappy individual simply intent on trying to tear away the faith of other people. How that can make you happy is quite beyond me.


26 Aug 07
23 Dec 13
1 edit

hum ho, life goes on...........if honesty and decency manage to find their way to divegeesters texts, someone let me know.

16 Feb 08
23 Dec 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
fine lets see you answer the question, are you or are you not guilty of mixing Christianity with paganism, if not then you are not a spiritual adulterer and the words are not applicable to you if so then the words are true and you are, so divesgeester are you or are you not mixing Christianity with paganism, lets see if you have the honesty and decency to say it.
No, I don't mix my Christianity with paganism. Thanks for checking.

16 Feb 08
23 Dec 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
fine lets see you answer the question, are you or are you not guilty of mixing Christianity with paganism, if not then you are not a spiritual adulterer and the words are not applicable to you if so then the words are true and you are, so divesgeester are you or are you not mixing Christianity with paganism, lets see if you have the honesty and decen ...[text shortened]... trying to tear away the faith of other people. How that can make you happy is quite beyond me.
What were the 6 edits for, removing all the ad hominem?


26 Aug 07
23 Dec 13
1 edit

Originally posted by divegeester
No, I don't mix my Christianity with paganism. Thanks for checking.
yes you do, you are sporting a Santa avatar, are you unaware of the pagan origins, if so, then I suggest you are either ignorant of them and you are unknowingly mixing your Christianity with paganism or you do know the origins and are deliberately doing so, either way, its self evident that you are.


26 Aug 07
23 Dec 13

Originally posted by divegeester
What were the 6 edits for, removing all the ad hominem?
I am an artist, my texts are all works in progress.