Originally posted by shavixmirNo, it's because a lesbian was chosen to host the Emmys.
With all these storms battering the US, is this God's way of punishing the US for breaking the ten commandments on so many levels?
And if so, can we expect such storms to reach London anytime soon?
Originally posted by shavixmirIf GOD has chosen this day and time to punish the United States, for it's sin. Rest assured England will be punished as well.
With all these storms battering the US, is this God's way of punishing the US for breaking the ten commandments on so many levels?
And if so, can we expect such storms to reach London anytime soon?
Originally posted by shavixmirI think God's just making sure the score stays about even. We kill a few thousand people in Iraq, God takes a few Americans. Of course recently things are starting to even out on their own in Iraq.
With all these storms battering the US, is this God's way of punishing the US for breaking the ten commandments on so many levels?
And if so, can we expect such storms to reach London anytime soon?
Too bad the US spent that 200 Billion on a war we didn't need. We could damn sure use the money for New Orleans and for what's about to happen to the people of Texas. I hope every single soul can get the hell out of there before Rita wrecks the place. At least this time maybe more lives can be saved.
Originally posted by shavixmirBecause we're rubbish at sinning Britain will be punished with a spell of light rain
With all these storms battering the US, is this God's way of punishing the US for breaking the ten commandments on so many levels?
And if so, can we expect such storms to reach London anytime soon?
Originally posted by DoctorScribblesIn GENESIS 8:20-22 and 9:8-17, GOD, has promised that HE would not ever again destroy all life by a flood of water. As HE has kept all of HIS promises, HE will keep that one as well. HE has promised as well to punish all of mankind for refusing to repent from our sins.
Didn't he promise Noah that he wouldn't do that?