Mohammed is an anti-Christ and a false prophet.
Islam is the whore of Babylon.
Mecca is known as the city of seven hills by the Arabs.
Islam is bastardized just like a whore is bastardized.
The strick Muslim's would just as soon cut your head off as look at you.
There’s a pall of fear over the civilized world. Cause? Islam. Islam has pronounced itself the only true religion that must take over, tax or kill all others.
How can Islam be “the true religion”‘when we all know that Christianity is the true religion. There can’t be two true religions with totally opposite doctrines.
Islam is a doctrine of hate vs. Love, death vs. Life, Grimness vs. Joy, etc.
We proclaim Jesus Christ and him crucified and this is blasphemy to Islam.
Pull your heads out of your arses fellow Christians.
Read your bibles and turn to revelations, then put Islam as the Whore and
Mohammed as an anti-Christ, which they actually are if you examine them
closely and objectively.
Even some of the Muslims claim the Quran (Koran) is what is referred to In the Book of
Revelation by the "666" as proof the Mohammed is a true prophet. A former Muslim
said it was not Greek letters but was arabic. He said the X like symbol was crossed
swords representing Islam and the other part was arabic meaning "in the name of Allah".
The strict Muslim's would just as soon cut your head off as look at you.This is just one of the many idiotic parts of your post. Do you have any personal experiences with Muslims? You have already admitted that you don't know the book of revelations very well. Are you trying to expand your knowledge on this book by drumming up some crackpot's blog? When you make statements like this, you look like an exteremist yourself. Would you rather cut the head off of a Muslim than look at them?
I editied your OP to the word strict. (I don't like messing with OP, but I could tell what you meant)
Sorry if the edit was offensive.
Originally posted by usmc7257This was meant for fellow Christians, not for you. 😏
This is just one of the many idiotic parts of your post. Do you have any personal experiences with Muslims? You have already admitted that you don't know the book of revelations very well. Are you trying to expand your knowledge on this book by drumming up some crackpot's blog? When you make statements like this, you look like an exteremist yourself. Would ...[text shortened]... 't like messing with OP, but I could tell what you meant)
Sorry if the edit was offensive.
Originally posted by RJHindsWhy are you so fixated on a religion other than your own? How many threads have you started on "Islam"? How many threads have you tried to steer round to the topic of "Islam"? What is it you want your "fellow Christians" to do exactly?
Pull your heads out of your arses fellow Christians.
Originally posted by FMFI want Christians to think about the possibility that the evils of Islam is what
Why are you so fixated on a religion other than your own? How many threads have you started on "Islam"? How many threads have you tried to steer round to the topic of "Islam"? What is it you want your "fellow Christians" to do exactly?
John is seeing in his vision about Babylon the Great, Mother of Harlots.
Originally posted by RJHindsHow do you think it helps Christians if they see this "possibility"?
I want Christians to think about the possibility that the evils of Islam is what
John is seeing in his vision about Babylon the Great, Mother of Harlots.
As a matter of interest, how many Muslim friends have you got? How many Muslims have you sat down with and discussed God, family, community, charity etc.?
Originally posted by FMFI have no Muslim friends. I do not associate with people in Satanic inspired
How do you think it helps Christians if they see this "possibility"?
As a matter of interest, how many Muslim friends have you got? How many Muslims have you sat down with and discussed God, family, community, charity etc.?
religions, like Islam. Or Muslims who wish to fly airplanes into buildings to
kill the infidels, Christians. Or Muslims that want to drive all the Jews living
in Israel into the sea.
Originally posted by RJHindsPerhaps if you knew some, or even befriended a few, you wouldn't feel the need to mention airplanes flying into buildings, or killing Christians or driving Jews into the sea, when you tackle the topic of Islam. It's not very helpful to your understanding to use the actions of terrorists to represent a faith with 1.5 billion devotees. Perhaps if you had some Muslim friends, or spent some time living in a Muslim majority country, your perspective wouldn't be so narrow and fearful. Perhaps if you discussed God, family, community, charity, and a code for everyday life, and saw what it is like to live in a predominantly Mulsim [but multi-faith] neighbourhood, you would see that - while a different religion, which a different approach to God - you have much in common with them. No one is asking you to befriend Muslims who wish to fly airplanes into buildings.
I have no Muslim friends. I do not associate with people in Satanic inspired
religions, like Islam. Or Muslims who wish to fly airplanes into buildings to
kill the infidels, Christians. Or Muslims that want to drive all the Jews living
in Israel into the sea.
Originally posted by FMFWell, Walid Shoebat was a Muslim terrorist at one time before he saw the light
Perhaps if you knew some, or even befriended a few, you wouldn't feel the need to mention airplanes flying into buildings, or killing Christians or driving Jews into the sea, when you tackle the topic of Islam. It's not very helpful to your understanding to use the actions of terrorists to represent a faith with 1.5 billion devotees. Perhaps if you had some Musl ...[text shortened]... with them. No one is asking you to befriend Muslims who wish to fly airplanes into buildings.
and repented of his sins and accepted Christ as his savior. So he had Muslim
friends who turned against him and wanted to kill him. I don't want friends
that would want to kill me if I disagreed with their religion or dishonored their
false prophet.
Originally posted by RJHindsWell, my whole point is that you have an extraordinarily distorted and paranoid perspective on "Muslims" and this response from you just confirms it. I have lived with Muslim neighbours and friends and colleagues for 20 years. The Muslims I know here would welcome a "terrorist" seeing the light and repenting. Wouldn't "Muslim friends" who turned against a "Muslim terrorist", and "wanted to kill him" for changing his ways, themselves be "terrorists"? You seem to be conflating stereotypes and then projecting them onto ordinary, decent, devout Muslim people. People on this forum would be forgiven for seeing your tirades are rooted in an ignorance of what you're railing against rather than an insight into it.
Well, Walid Shoebat was a Muslim terrorist at one time before he saw the light and repented of his sins and accepted Christ as his savior. So he had Muslim friends who turned against him and wanted to kill him. I don't want friends that would want to kill me if I disagreed with their religion or dishonored their false prophet.
Originally posted by FMFWell, it is all there in black and white for you to see. However, you are still
Well, my whole point is that you have an extraordinarily distorted and paranoid perspective on "Muslims" and this response from you just confirms it. I have lived with Muslim neighbours and friends and colleagues for 20 years. The Muslims I know here would welcome a "terrorist" seeing the light and repenting. Wouldn't "Muslim friends" who turned against a "Musli ...[text shortened]... rooted in an ignorance of what your railing against rather than an insight into it.
free to believe as you wish right now. However, who knows how long that will
last. I wish you luck.
Originally posted by RJHindsWhat's pretty black and white for all to see, I reckon, is that you're looking at some other group's superstitions through the prism of your own superstitions, and then heaping almost apoplectic condemnations upon them that may say more about your mind map than about the everyday reality of their faith. Your demeanour does not come across as spiritually healthy or balanced at all. Indeed, it seems rather defensive and insecure - in a kind of he doth protest too much, methinks, kind of way.
Well, it is all there in black and white for you to see.