What do you get if you were to cross a black pimp wit evangelist Benny Hinn? Anybody? Anybody? OK, I let you off on this one. May I introduce you to The Right Reverend Frederick Eikerenkoetter. Long before Benny Hinn. Long Before Jimmy Swaggert. Long before Jim Bakker there was Reverend "Ike." From humble beginnings in South Carolina, this brotha perfected two things. The gerry curl and gettin Rolls Royces like nobody else. He combined a strange mixture of theology and psychology (though I wouldn't call it that) and the end result was $MONEY$. There is no bowing of ya head when this brotha prays, no sir! See it is all gonna come down from heaven so you better be lookin up!
Here is his philosophy (though I wouldn't call it that): "My philosophy may be described as self-image psychology. The ultimate goal is to teach the individual to master his/her own mind and affairs by changing his/her own self-image and attitude. Through positive self-awareness, the individual can change the conditions and circumstances in his or her own life. I teach the individual that they can BE what they want to be, DO what they want to do and HAVE what they want to have, through the Presence and Power of God, whcih is in each person."
This brotha is real deep too. Here's an example that I have yet to hear a sisngle brainy-type on RHP explain to me what the hell this means: "Giving presupposes that I have and brings to pass that which it presupposes."
All I can say is that it put many a Rolls Royce in his driveway. Pay Reverend Eikerenkoetter a visit at www.revike.org. If you all get a Rolls, please let us know. God bless.
Originally posted by kirksey957....... after having watched that video I am positive he brings joy into people's lives ...... he brought it into mine ....... LMSO ... 😀
What do you get if you were to cross a black pimp wit evangelist Benny Hinn? Anybody? Anybody? OK, I let you off on this one. May I introduce you to The Right Reverend Frederick Eikerenkoetter. Long before Benny Hinn. Long Before Jimmy Swaggert. Long before Jim Bakker there was Reverend "Ike." From humble beginnings in South Carolina, this b ...[text shortened]... erenkoetter a visit at www.revike.org. If you all get a Rolls, please let us know. God bless.
Originally posted by checkbaiterCheckbaiter, what kind of car do you drive? I have a '97 Camry. I have a hunch you and I are not as self-actualized in the Spirit as we should be. "By their cars you shall know them."
I have one verse that came to mind immediately....and it is directed to Rev.Ike...
Rom 2:24
24 For "The name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you," as it is written.
I have to call it a night ...see you soon....CB
Originally posted by ivanhoeLMSO...laughing my seat off?
....... after having watched that video I am positive he brings joy into people's lives ...... he brought it into mine ....... LMSO ... 😀
God must be tightening the rules - his followers may not swear at all, even under cloak of an acronym.
Originally posted by kirksey957lol.
What do you get if you were to cross a black pimp wit evangelist Benny Hinn? Anybody? Anybody?
This brotha is real deep too. Here's an example that I have yet to hear a sisngle brainy-type on RHP explain to me what the hell this means: "Giving presupposes that I have and brings to pass that which it presupposes."
I think it means he thinks you should give. To his ministry. And then you'll be a better person. Lord knows you could use some Churchin'-up.
Originally posted by David CThe closest I can come to interpreting that statement is this: "I want, therefore I get."
[b]This brotha is real deep too. Here's an example that I have yet to hear a sisngle brainy-type on RHP explain to me what the hell this means: "Giving presupposes that I have and brings to pass that which it presupposes."
I think it means he thinks you should give. To his ministry. And then you'll be a better person. Lord knows you could use some Churchin'-up.[/b]
Originally posted by kirksey957If I don't drive, but my girlfriend drives me everywhere and she drives a 2 litre Toyota Primera fuel injection, does that weigh me up or down in God's eyes?
Well that just goes to show you that you have indeed experienced blessins from above, in a Reverend Ike sort of way.