JWs: more covering up of child sex abuse

JWs: more covering up of child sex abuse


16 Feb 08
21 Sep 18
2 edits

This time it’s Montana but it’s national, international and spans decades.


A trial begins Monday in the tiny city of Thompson Falls for one of dozens of lawsuits filed nationwide in the last decade over claims of child sexual abuse in Jehovah’s Witness congregations. Worldwide, there have been more allegations of mismanagement and cover-ups of sexual abuse by Jehovah’s Witness clergy and members, including cases in Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom.

“It appears to be a widespread issue within the Jehovah’s Witnesses,” said Devin Storey, an attorney whose San Diego law firm has handled about three dozen sex abuse lawsuits against the Christian religious organization. “Less is being reported than should be.“

How long will the top leaders in this pernicious cult be immune to prosecution!

I wish @robbie-carrobie and @Galveston75 were still here to see them try and defend this disgraceful organisation.


28 Oct 05
21 Sep 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @divegeester
I wish @robbie-carrobie and @Galveston75 were still here to see them try and defend this disgraceful organisation.
@Fetchmyjunk came to robbie carrobie's aid once or twice as he tried to defend the cover-up of child sex abuse cases.

Standard memberRemoved

31 Jan 18
21 Sep 18

16 Feb 08
21 Sep 18

Originally posted by @fmf
@Fetrchmyjunk came to robbie carrobie's aid once or twice as he tried to defend the cover-up of child sex abuse cases.
It doesn’t surprise me that someone who would lie about their own sister being sexually abused would do that. So much for universal objective morality!

Standard memberRemoved

31 Jan 18
21 Sep 18

Originally posted by @divegeester
It doesn’t surprise me that someone who would lie about their own sister being sexually abused would do that. So much for universal objective morality!

“someone” takes a singular personal pronoun - it should read “his own sister,” not “their own sister.”

But good and proper use of the exclamation mark!

Standard memberRemoved

09 Sep 18
21 Sep 18

Originally posted by @divegeester
This time it’s Montana but it’s national, international and spans decades.


[i]A trial begins Monday in the tiny city of Thompson Falls for one of dozens of lawsuits filed nationwide in the last decade over claims of child sexual abuse in Jehovah’s Witness congregations. Worldwide, there have ...[text shortened]... robie and @Galveston75 were still here to see them try and defend this disgraceful organisation.
it is real horror show but tame by the standards of the roman catholic church where it is a prerequisite that you have some sexual deviances to get a gig.

16 Feb 08
22 Sep 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @badradger
it is real horror show but tame by the standards of the roman catholic church where it is a prerequisite that you have some sexual deviances to get a gig.
What’s interesting about the Jehovah’s Witnesess movement is that it’s a religious cult, the Catholic Church isn’t. At least not by say, traditional measures of a cult.

The JWs are elitist, they claim to be the only way, they have charismatic (to them) leaders, they are not open to criticism (Vatican is much more so in recent years), unquestioning obedience to the leaders, unreasonable fear of the outside world, misanthropy, conspiracies etc, the love of being persecuted ( JWs love beige persecuted because they believe it validates their chosen status), stories of abuse by former members, shunning etc and so forth.

The watchtower is a bullying machine, it’s a cult. It’s also been systematically covering up child sex abuse within it’s leadership on a global scale.

I’m a vocal detractor of the organisation and was pretty much hated by robbie carrobie and Galveston75 for highlighting the disgraceful practices of thier religious organisation. I was generally referred to by robbie as being a “son of Satan” because I questioned his right to claim that the JWs were “the sole voice of God’s truth of earth”.

So periodically I flag up the latest burst of horror generated by the pernicious group of cultists.

Standard memberRemoved

31 Jan 18
22 Sep 18

Originally posted by @divegeester
What’s interesting about the Jehovah’s Witnesess movement is that it’s a religious cult, the Catholic Church isn’t. At least not by say, traditional measures of a cult.

The JWs are elitist, they claim to be the only way, they have charismatic (to them) leaders, they are not open to criticism (Vatican is much more so in recent years), unquestioning ob ...[text shortened]... periodically I flag up the latest burst of horror generated by the pernicious group of cultists.
<I’m a vocal detractor of the organisation and was pretty much hated by robbie carrobie and Galveston75 for highlighting the disgraceful practices of thier religious organisation.>

Oh, tiger. Stop pretending to be a martyr. robbie and galveston didn’t hate you at all.

<I was generally referred to by robbie as being a “son of Satan” because I questioned his right to claim that the JWs were “the sole voice of God’s truth of earth”.>

Oh stop it, tiger. This lying is most unattractive. Are you trying to impress Bronwen and Miss Alawat? You could impress them more by telling the truth.

You’re vainly trying to portray yourself as a fearless crusader who’s willing to take the arrows for a righteous cause, and it’s just plain silly.

<So periodically I flag up the latest burst of horror generated by the pernicious group of cultists.>

Very nice use of the word “pernicious,” tiger! Well done!

01 Oct 04
22 Sep 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @fmf
@Fetchmyjunk came to robbie carrobie's aid once or twice as he tried to defend the cover-up of child sex abuse cases.
Have you ever been a rape victim or had a sibling that was a rape victim? If not I suggest you don't judge people before you have walked in their shoes. There are many reasons why rape victims may choose to remain silent about the abuse they suffered and not testify in public. In my sister's case my sister chose not to go public with it and I respected her decision.


28 Oct 05
22 Sep 18

Originally posted by @dj2becker
Have you ever been a rape victim or had a sibling that was a rape victim? If not I suggest you don't judge people before you have walked in their shoes. There are many reasons why rape victims may choose to remain silent about the abuse they suffered and not testify in public. In my case my sister chose not to go public with it and I respected her decision.
What did this claim of yours have to do with the hundreds of victims who actively wanted the commission to hear their testimony about being sexually abused and raped and about the JW's strenuous efforts to cover it all up?

What did your claim have to do with robbie carrobie's defence of his organisation's cover up of child sex abuse and his objection to the commission investigating it?

01 Oct 04
22 Sep 18

Originally posted by @fmf
What did this claim of yours have to do with the hundreds of victims who actively wanted the commission to hear their testimony about being sexually abused and raped and about the JW's strenuous efforts to cover it all up?

What did your claim have to do with robbie carrobie's defence of his organisation's cover up of child sex abuse and his objection to the commission investigating it?
I was merely making a point based on personal experience that sometimes the rape victims don't want to come public and that their wishes should be respected if that is the case. Do you agree with this or not?


28 Oct 05
22 Sep 18

Originally posted by @dj2becker
I was merely making a point based on personal experience that sometimes the rape victims don't want to come public and that their wishes should be respected if that is the case.
The way you suddenly and clumsily used your claim about your sister in that debate made you sound like a jerk because it had nothing to do with the commission's investigation and had nothing to do with robbie carrobie's defence of his organization's institutional cover up of decades of sex abuse.


28 Oct 05
22 Sep 18

Originally posted by @dj2becker
There are many reasons why rape victims may choose to remain silent about the abuse they suffered and not testify in public.
The fact that the rapist might and probably will rape again puts an onus on victims of such serious crimes to report them.


28 Oct 05
22 Sep 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @dj2becker
I was merely making a point based on personal experience...
You were stalking me at the time and I was virtually the only poster here talking to you. You were merely trying to be contrary. robbie was making an ass of himself.

01 Oct 04
22 Sep 18

Originally posted by @fmf
The way you suddenly and clumsily used your claim about your sister in that debate made you sound like a jerk because it had nothing to do with the commission's investigation and had nothing to do with robbie carrobie's defence of his organization's institutional cover up of decades of sex abuse.
The debate was about rape and I think my post was cogent, clear-sighted and consistent with the topic of discussion.

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