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The Bush administration this month is quietly cutting off birth control supplies to some of the world’s poorest women in Africa.

Thus the paradox of a “pro-life” administration adopting a policy whose result will be tens of thousands of additional abortions each year — along with more women dying in childbirth.


“The irony and hypocrisy of it is that this is a bone to the self-described ‘pro-life’ movement, but it will result in deaths to women who just want to space their births,” said Dana Hovig, the chief executive of Marie Stopes International. The organization estimates that the result will be at least 157,000 additional unwanted pregnancies per year, leading to 62,000 additional abortions and 660 women dying in childbirth.

How on earth does such an action meet with approval from Christians, I do not know.


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It must also be noted that lack of birth control leads to much poorer care for the children, excessive population growth, a poorer economy and in these days of AIDS an increase in the number of orphans.

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Originally posted by Nemesio

[i]The Bush administration this month is quietly cutting off birth control supplies to some of the world’s poorest women in Africa.

Thus the paradox of a “pro-life” administration adopting a policy whose result will be tens of thousands of additional abortion ...[text shortened]...
How on earth does such an action meet with approval from Christians, I do not know.

[/i]Pro-lifers are a gigantic, leaking wart on the arse of planet Earth.

Seriously. They are reason enough to be pro-abortion.

No, seriously. Bill Hicks once said: "If they're so bloody pro-life, why don't they stand outside cemetaries and refuse to let dead people get buried."

No, seriously. The only way to handle pro-lifers is to smack them. Smack them hard. Smack them real hard. In the face.
Or kick their teeth out their heads.

No, seriously. They really, really, really piss me off.

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Originally posted by shavixmir
[/i]Pro-lifers are a gigantic, leaking wart on the arse of planet Earth.

Seriously. They are reason enough to be pro-abortion.

No, seriously. Bill Hicks once said: "If they're so bloody pro-life, why don't they stand outside cemetaries and refuse to let dead ...[text shortened]... k their teeth out their heads.

No, seriously. They really, really, really piss me off.
Pro lifers piss you off? This upsets you? Someone who is against the murder of babies makes you mad? Wow amazing.

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Originally posted by chappy1
Someone who is against the murder of babies
See? This is what causes me to want to rip your intestines out through your anus and strangle your mother with them.

She should have had an abortion, so I don't have to read this sort of crap every bloody, painful, day of my bloody life.

IT IS NOT A BLOODY BABY! It's a cluster of cells. Nothing more.
Until 3 months it doesn't even have a working nervous system.

And what's more, and more to the point and more than anything "more" can ever express: It's a woman's body. Up to her.


Now, you go and stop your government supporting multi-nationals which force children into slave labour, bomb children because they're frightening you with the big (and fake) terrorist scare and force third world countries into debt; get the IMF to bail them out if they do as we please and starve the little babies to death.

Do something bloody useful to help children which are BORN... instead of worrying about clumps of cells which serve no other purpose than to grow and become cheap labour for capitalists.


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Originally posted by chappy1
Pro lifers piss you off? This upsets you? Someone who is against the murder of babies makes you mad? Wow amazing.
…Someone who is against the murder of babies makes you mad? ..….

The transition point of development from a mere mass of embryonic cells to a “baby” may be a very ill-defined one but, at LEAST until differentiated brain cells develop in the late-embryonic stage, all we are talking about here is the destruction of a mass of mindless cells with no kind of brain thus no kind of “consciousness”
-so destroying it would be like destroying a few mindless gum-cells which you inevitably do through friction when you brush your teeth -each one of those cells has the potential to become a human baby (through cloning) -so does that mean you would consider the brushing of your teeth as “murder of babies”?

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Originally posted by shavixmir
[/i]Pro-lifers are a gigantic, leaking wart on the arse of planet Earth.

Seriously. They are reason enough to be pro-abortion.

No, seriously. Bill Hicks once said: "If they're so bloody pro-life, why don't they stand outside cemetaries and refuse to let dead ...[text shortened]... k their teeth out their heads.

No, seriously. They really, really, really piss me off.
At first it seems that you are not a truly born by God Christian.So kindly please educate yourself -our brother epiphenehas mentioned elsewhere:
"By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world" (1 John 4:2-3)."

It is crystal clear, my dear shavixmir, that you must be aware of the fact that YOU ARE INVADED BY THE SPIRIT OF THE ANTICHRIST.

It is well known that the Antichrist never tells the truth, therefore he can never tell a lie. So the logical conclusion is that you are right, however you radiate too much love; this is the reason why I will offend you by means that I totally agree with the extremely cool tempered Mr Hamilton. Afterall should auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind?

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Originally posted by black beetle
At first it seems that you are not a truly born by God Christian.So kindly please educate yourself -our brother epiphenehas mentioned elsewhere:
"By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. ...[text shortened]... tempered Mr Hamilton. Afterall should auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind?
Your bible is not always true, you know that do you?
You cannot ever use the bible as any proof whatsoever. It is written of people from another time, from another culture, from another agenda...

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Originally posted by chappy1
Someone who is against the murder of babies makes you mad? Wow amazing.
If you look back to the first post you will realize that the people under discussion are actually against birth control which results in an increase murder of babies. So we could say they are indirectly for the murder of babies, women, and the economic hardships that go with uncontrolled population growth.
The interesting thing is that I can almost guarantee that the people in question do use birth control themselves.

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Let's turn this into a debate about Sarah Palin: the type of pro-lifer who makes me sick because she displays the out-and-out hypocrisy -- and contempt for life -- exemplified in the story that started this thread.

Somehow 'pro-life' translates into DEATH: from Alaska to Africa, neo-con policies are stifling people, the environment, life itself.

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Originally posted by Bosse de Nage
Let's turn this into a debate about Sarah Palin: the type of pro-lifer who makes me sick because she displays the out-and-out hypocrisy -- and contempt for life -- exemplified in the story that started this thread.

Somehow 'pro-life' translates into DEATH: from Alaska to Africa, neo-con policies are stifling people, the environment, life itself.
Everybody against Mrs Palin is invaded by the spirit of the Antichrist. You should now that, dear Bosse de Nage;
BTW what happened with that poor classmate of yours that used to live in Portugal? She heard about your plans and migrated to Antarctica?

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Originally posted by FabianFnas
Your bible is not always true, you know that do you?
You cannot ever use the bible as any proof whatsoever. It is written of people from another time, from another culture, from another agenda...
This is the exact answer that I expected from a delusiond brother of ours like yourself, dear FF; you will remain forever incapable to understand even the simple issue regarding the universe's origins, not to mention that you are tottaly ignorant of the fact that time, distance etc are merely an illusion and they do not exist;
How 's Goeteborg these days?


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Originally posted by black beetle
Everybody against Mrs Palin is invaded by the spirit of the Antichrist. You should now that, dear Bosse de Nage;
BTW what happened with that poor classmate of yours that used to live in Portugal? She heard about your plans and migrated to Antarctica?
Whereas Palin is the Pantychrist.

I'm in contact with him ... might do some work together.

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Originally posted by Nemesio

[i]The Bush administration this month is quietly cutting off birth control supplies to some of the world’s poorest women in Africa.

Thus the paradox of a “pro-life” administration adopting a policy whose result will be tens of thousands of additional abortion ...[text shortened]...
How on earth does such an action meet with approval from Christians, I do not know.

every sperm is saaacred

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Originally posted by Bosse de Nage
Whereas Palin is the Pantychrist.

I'm in contact with him ... might do some work together.
Cmon, the Lady 's an angel and you should happily support her. Amongst other issues she is overjoyed at the idea that she will give the green light to the companies to dig Alaska for some oil. Isn' t it great? We gonna have lots og gas for our humble SUVs.

Oh perfect! Portugal 's fine!

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