Proof that you love God

Proof that you love God


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01 Oct 04
21 May 19

@divegeester said
Not all of them, not by a long way. In fact very few.

Of course if you claim to be supernaturally empowered to love all your fellow men then good for you.
Do you think it’s not important to strive to love your neighbor as you love yourself? It obviously doesn’t come naturally and requires effort on your own part.

Fighting for men’s

right to have babies

16 Feb 08
21 May 19

@dj2becker said
Do you think it’s not important to strive to love your neighbor as you love yourself? It obviously doesn’t come naturally and requires effort on your own part.
The issue I have with this is not about “striving” to love it’s the essence the quote in your OP and the pretentiousness of it, the pious holiness derived by the author of the quote, the assertion that the shallow and dishonest pretence of loving all your fellow men (as you claim to) is somehow “proof” that you love Jesus.

To me it is a bunch of sanctimonious religiosity.

S. Korea

03 Jun 17
21 May 19

@divegeester said
The issue I have with this is not about “striving” to love it’s the essence the quote in your OP and the pretentiousness of it, the pious holiness derived by the author of the quote, the assertion that the shallow and dishonest pretence of loving all your fellow men (as you claim to) is somehow “proof” that you love Jesus.

To me it is a bunch of sanctimonious religiosity.
If nothing is done about it, and it is just empty words, then this is a completely justified idea. It would be sanctimonious and pointless.

But, let's cast aside what we think of the OP for a second... Let's say these words really are to be taken by themselves...

It's a Christian concept we are called to follow.

Fighting for men’s

right to have babies

16 Feb 08
21 May 19

@philokalia said
If nothing is done about it, and it is just empty words, then this is a completely justified idea. It would be sanctimonious and pointless.

But, let's cast aside what we think of the OP for a second... Let's say these words really are to be taken by themselves...

It's a Christian concept we are called to follow.
Do you love all your fellow men Jacob?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
21 May 19

@divegeester said
The issue I have with this is not about “striving” to love it’s the essence the quote in your OP and the pretentiousness of it, the pious holiness derived by the author of the quote, the assertion that the shallow and dishonest pretence of loving all your fellow men (as you claim to) is somehow “proof” that you love Jesus.

To me it is a bunch of sanctimonious religiosity.
You take the Word of God seriously? If it isn't within you to do something God commands, is God then being unfair, or do we need something new from God to do what He commands? If it is that we need something from God to do that, don't you think we should be going to God so that He gives it to us, asking so we can receive.

Fighting for men’s

right to have babies

16 Feb 08
21 May 19

@kellyjay said
You take the Word of God seriously?
The OP and the quote in it, is not the word of God KellyJay.

Fighting for men’s

right to have babies

16 Feb 08
21 May 19

@kellyjay said
You take the Word of God seriously? If it isn't within you to do something God commands, is God then being unfair, or do we need something new from God to do what He commands? If it is that we need something from God to do that, don't you think we should be going to God so that He gives it to us, asking so we can receive.
dj2becker claims to love all his fellow men; do you love all your fellow men?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
21 May 19
1 edit

@divegeester said
dj2becker claims to love all his fellow men; do you love all your fellow men?
Yes, and where I come up short I ask God to give me what I need. It is no different than with forgiveness, I have to give it and cannot hate anyone who wrongs me. The thing about forgiveness is if we don't forgive than that acts like a cancer within us causing us to be resentful and all manner of nasty thoughts and reactions can come. I would say to, the OP isn't the word of God, your correct, but loving each other Jesus said was right up there with loving God. We either do or we don't, if we (me included) are not attempting to follow Christ, are we Christ's?

01 Oct 04
21 May 19

@divegeester said
The issue I have with this is not about “striving” to love it’s the essence the quote in your OP and the pretentiousness of it, the pious holiness derived by the author of the quote, the assertion that the shallow and dishonest pretence of loving all your fellow men (as you claim to) is somehow “proof” that you love Jesus.

To me it is a bunch of sanctimonious religiosity.
I understand why you could view the quote as sanctimonious religiosity. If it however encourages people who claim to love God to do better at loving their fellow man is that such a bad thing ?

Fighting for men’s

right to have babies

16 Feb 08
21 May 19

@kellyjay said
Yes, and where I come up short I ask God to give me what I need.
So that’s yes but actually no?

Fighting for men’s

right to have babies

16 Feb 08
21 May 19

@dj2becker said
I understand why you could view the quote as sanctimonious religiosity. If it however encourages people who claim to love God to do better at loving their fellow man is that such a bad thing ?
But your OP and the quote in it isn’t “encouraging people”, it is demanding proof, it is typical religiosity and lording it over the laity.



04 Apr 04
21 May 19

@dj2becker said
I agree with the following quote and would like to have your views on the matter:

“If we are to accept the teaching of Jesus at all, then the only test of the reality of a man's religion is his attitude to his fellow men. The only possible proof that a man loves God is the demonstrated fact that he loves his fellow men.” -- William Barclay

An addition it could be said that anyone who claims to love God yet hates his brother is a liar.
If you agree with that quote then you must also agree with:
- a man whose actions demonstrate the 'love thy neighbour as thyself' rule', that man also loves God.
- that professions of faith mean nothing
- that a Christian who professes faith without love is nothing
- that an atheist who professes nothing but shows this love, proves that this atheist loves God, simply because of his actions.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
21 May 19
1 edit

@divegeester said
So that’s yes but actually no?
I'm a sinner saved by God's grace, that isn't going to change. I come up short, I have to acknowledge that ask for forgiveness when I do and repent. You think once someone is saved they pass from flawed to perfection, it begins the process of God's sanctification. There were sins in my life that just dropped off as soon as I accepted God, others I didn't even realize where there until walking with the Lord revealed them to me. I don't know a single person perfect outside of Christ, but I know many who strive to do will of God in their lives daily, from when they rise up each morning and begin with prayer and study and move on living their lives.

Fighting for men’s

right to have babies

16 Feb 08
21 May 19

@kellyjay said
I'm a sinner saved by God's grace, that isn't going to change. I come up short, I have to acknowledge that ask for forgiveness when I do and repent. You think once someone is saved they pass from flawed to perfection, it begins the process of God's sanctification. There were sins in my life that just dropped off as soon as I accepted God, others I didn't even realize where t ...[text shortened]... their lives daily, from when they rise up each for prayer and study and move on living their lives.
Why are you telling me about your sinful life, it’s not relevant.

Clearly you don’t love all your fellow men but seem to enjoy claiming that you do and presenting this sinful life excuse. Obviously you lack the “proof” required by the OP that you “love God”


28 Oct 05
21 May 19

@kellyjay said
Yes, and where I come up short I ask God to give me what I need. It is no different than with forgiveness, I have to give it and cannot hate anyone who wrongs me.
You've stated several times that you respect and admire my ability to explain and defend my perspectives and beliefs in discussions with you. But do you love me as well?