Question for nominal Christians

Question for nominal Christians


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26 Aug 07
27 Apr 11

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
[b]The question is, not what makes a Christian, the question was, why dont nominal Christians have a public ministry...

Yet another RC "brilliancy". Seeing as you've defined a "nominal Christian" as follows, by your definition a nominal Christian CANNOT have a public ministry:
[quote]I say anyone who does not actively share in teaching and preach ...[text shortened]... at you can deliver on the "free trip to heaven", I'll take the Xbox 360 with Kinect.[/b]
mere semantics as usual, no substance and no xbox for you. seeing that obviously as
you are more than a nominal Christian why dont you answer the question, simply
remove the term nominal Christian and insert thinkofone.


26 Aug 07
27 Apr 11

Originally posted by KellyJay
You defined a nominal Christian as someone who is only one in name only,
so who cares what they do, they are not walking with God, they do not have
a relationship with Christ, they can even do works that look religious in nature
and still just be someone who is only a Christian in name only, nothing real
is there in their hearts.
I care, in fact i spend my time trying to help them get a relationship with God, thats
what a public ministry is about.

(Matthew 9:36-38) . . .On seeing the crowds he felt pity for them, because they were
skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd.  Then he said to his
disciples: “Yes, the harvest is great, but the workers are few.  Therefore, beg the
Master of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest.”

Immigration Central

23 Aug 04
27 Apr 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
why dont you teach and preach in obedience to Christ's command at Matthew 28:19,20
and in view of Pauls example at Acts 20:20? dont you believe the Christ's words?

(Luke 11:23) . . .He that is not on my side is against me, and [b]he that does not gather with me scatters.
That sounds like GWB.


15 Oct 06
27 Apr 11
2 edits

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
mere semantics as usual, no substance and no xbox for you. seeing that obviously as
you are more than a nominal Christian why dont you answer the question, simply
remove the term nominal Christian and insert thinkofone.
Well, no surpise that you lack the intregity to admit how illogical your postion is.

Only you could define "nominal Christian" as "anyone who does not actively share in...a public ministry" and then ask in all seriousness, "why dont nominal Christians have a public ministry?".

Like I said, "The sad thing, based on your posting history, is that you think your position is 'logical' and probably won't be able to see how illogical it is even with it having been pointed out to you."

You've repeatedly shown a lack of integrity and an inability to make a reasoned argument.

BTW, you might want to consider looking up the word "semantics".

29 Dec 08
27 Apr 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I care, in fact i spend my time trying to help them get a relationship with God, thats
what a public ministry is about.

(Matthew 9:36-38) . . .On seeing the crowds he felt pity for them, because they were
skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd.  Then he said to his
disciples: “Yes, the harvest is great, but the workers are few.  Therefore, beg the
Master of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest.”
Does your church spend time teaching its members effective ministry techniques? I am thinking of things like the old Dale Carnegy courses.

Is your time spent on this forum regarded as public ministry?

Just asking, no particular reason.


26 Aug 07
27 Apr 11
3 edits

Originally posted by JS357
Does your church spend time teaching its members effective ministry techniques? I am thinking of things like the old Dale Carnegy courses.

Is your time spent on this forum regarded as public ministry?

Just asking, no particular reason.
yes we are taught how to conduct Biblical discussions, and to reason with persons
after the manner of Christ, that is asking viewpoint questions, here is an example,

(Luke 10:25-37) 25 Now, look! a certain man versed in the Law rose up, to test him
out, and said: “Teacher, by doing what shall I inherit everlasting life?”  He said to
him: “What is written in the Law? How do you read?”  In answer he said:
“‘You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul
and with your whole strength and with your whole mind,’ and, ‘your neighbour as
yourself.’”  He said to him: “You answered correctly; ‘keep on doing this and you
will get life.’”  But, wanting to prove himself righteous, the man said to Jesus: “Who
really is my neighbour?” In reply Jesus said: “A certain man was going down from
Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among robbers, who both stripped him and inflicted
blows, and went off, leaving him half-dead.  Now, by coincidence, a certain priest
was going down over that road, but, when he saw him, he went by on the opposite
side.  Likewise, a Levite also, when he got down to the place and saw him, went by
on the opposite side.  But a certain Samaritan travelling the road came upon him
and, at seeing him, he was moved with pity.  So he approached him and bound up
his wounds, pouring oil and wine upon them. Then he mounted him upon his own
beast and brought him to an inn and took care of him.  And the next day he took
out two denarii, gave them to the innkeeper, and said, ‘Take care of him, and
whatever you spend besides this, I will repay you when I come back here.’  Who
of these three seems to you to have made himself neighbour to the man that fell
among the robbers?
” He said: “The one that acted mercifully toward him.” Jesus
then said to him: “Go your way and be doing the same yourself.”

notice how the Christ taught, he asked view point questions and then let the man
come to his own conclusions. He really was a masterful teacher.

No this is not a public ministry, for that you need to see the white of my eyes 🙂

No worries ask away, an inquisitive intellect is certainly a healthy thing.


26 Aug 07
27 Apr 11
2 edits

ooops, wrong post.


26 Aug 07
27 Apr 11

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Well, no surpise that you lack the intregity to admit how illogical your postion is.

Only you could define "nominal Christian" as "anyone who does not actively share in...a public ministry" and then ask in all seriousness, "why dont nominal Christians have a public ministry?".

Like I said, "The sad thing, based on your posting history, is that you ...[text shortened]... ned argument.

BTW, you might want to consider looking up the word "semantics".
sorry i missed the part where you were telling us about your public ministry.

29 Dec 08
27 Apr 11

Quote: "No this is not a public ministry, for that you need to see the white of my eyes.🙂 "

Well, I understand that you are not using the method you describe, so you aren't ministering on that basis, either. This forum seems more focused on theological debates that often end with ad hominems.

Your ministering method seems fine to me, if it means that you will engage only to the degree that people want you to engage. (The example you give starts with the man asking Jesus a question.)


15 Oct 06
27 Apr 11
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
sorry i missed the part where you were telling us about your public ministry.
Evidently all one can expect from you is "lack of integrity and an inability to make a reasoned argument".

Do you really think you're fooling anybody with this act?


26 Aug 07
27 Apr 11

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Evidently all one can expect from you is "lack of integrity and an inability to make a reasoned argument".

Do you really think you're fooling anybody with this act?
your public ministry, where is it at? this thread is about that, and no i wont call into
question your reading skills, nor your ability to comprehend what others have written,
nor your integrity, nor ask you to go back and re read my posts, where is your public
ministry at. If you have anything to say in that regard, please state it, otherwise,
general that a way spanklberger!


26 Aug 07
27 Apr 11

Originally posted by JS357
Quote: "No this is not a public ministry, for that you need to see the white of my eyes.🙂 "

Well, I understand that you are not using the method you describe, so you aren't ministering on that basis, either. This forum seems more focused on theological debates that often end with ad hominems.

Your ministering method seems fine to me, if it means that yo ...[text shortened]... eople want you to engage. (The example you give starts with the man asking Jesus a question.)
when i say the white of my yes i of course mean a personal presence. More time is
wasted I reckon trying to convince people who are uninterested in actually trying to
find and nurture those that are. Interest is of varying degrees, there are those that
simply like to read our literature, they dont want to become a witness and just like
reading it. I used to give a lady magazines because her seven year old daughter liked
to read them, well ok, that's fine, then there are some that want to study the Bible,
and then there are those that are uninterested and those that are opposed to our
work. I find the majority of persons are very polite if uninterested, mostly they say no
thanks and i just thank them for their time and move on. I never try to convince
them, ever. If someone is interested they let you know, if not, life goes on 🙂


15 Oct 06
27 Apr 11
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
your public ministry, where is it at? this thread is about that, and no i wont call into
question your reading skills, nor your ability to comprehend what others have written,
nor your integrity, nor ask you to go back and re read my posts, where is your public
ministry at. If you have anything to say in that regard, please state it, otherwise,
general that a way spanklberger!
Maybe YOU should reread YOUR posts, so that you can comprehend what YOU stated this thread is about.

From your OP:
Question for nominal Christians...why dont you teach and preach in obedience to Christ's command at Matthew 28:19,20?

Seeing as you subsequently define "nominal Christians" as those who don't do so, the question is about as stupid as they get.

Don't know if I've ever come across anyone as unscrupulous as you. Are all JWs cut from the same cloth as you?


26 Aug 07
27 Apr 11
1 edit

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Maybe YOU should reread YOUR posts, so that you can comprehend what YOU stated this thread is about.

From your OP:
Question for nominal Christians...why dont you teach and preach in obedience to Christ's command at Matthew 28:19,20?

Seeing as you subsequently define "nominal Christians" as those who don't do so, the question is abou ...[text shortened]... stupid as they get.

Don't know if I've ever come across anyone as unscrupulous as you.
the simply leave the appellation, nominal Christian out and submit your own, lets see, it
would therefore read, in your case, something like this,

Thinkofone, why dont you teach and preach in obedience to Christ's command at
Matthew 28:19,20 and in view of Pauls example at Acts 20:20? dont you believe the
Christ's words?

(Luke 11:23) . . .He that is not on my side is against me, and he that does not gather
with me scatters.

Good luck and remember an XBox 360 could be yours!


15 Oct 06
27 Apr 11
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
the simply leave the appellation, nominal Christian out and submit your own, lets see, it
would therefore read, in your case, something like this,

Thinkofone, why dont you teach and preach in obedience to Christ's command at
Matthew 28:19,20 and in view of Pauls example at Acts 20:20? dont you believe the
Christ's words?

(Luke 11:23) . . ...[text shortened]... that does not gather
with me scatters.

Good luck and remember an XBox 360 could be yours!
Once again, "Do you really think you're fooling anybody with this act?".

Some day you're really going to shock me and show that you're capable of acting with integrity.