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rebirth in Christianity

rebirth in Christianity


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i heard that some Christians believe in reincarnation and that entries regarding it in early texts were ommitted from early copies of the Bible? True?

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Originally posted by yavash
i heard that some Christians believe in reincarnation and that entries regarding it in early texts were ommitted from early copies of the Bible? True?
That is 1 million % true!.....and I thought I was all alone in this forum.


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Originally posted by yavash
i heard that some Christians believe in reincarnation and that entries regarding it in early texts were ommitted from early copies of the Bible? True?
It sounds funny, as this would imply that our souls will not go to God in heaven anymore or in hell. This will go against all the Bible teaches us. It cant be true that the soul will go to one place and also be somewhere else.

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Originally posted by Nicksten
It sounds funny, as this would imply that our souls will not go to God in heaven anymore or in hell. This will go against all the Bible teaches us. It cant be true that the soul will go to one place and also be somewhere else.
It doesnt imply that at all,...to go to God in the spiritual dimension one has to be qualified, and the qualification is pure love of God without any tinge of material conditioning

Rebirth is a process where the soul takes another body if that qualification is not met.

As far as hell goes, that is a christian and muslim fairy tale meant to scare people into joining the church or mosque, but their are hellish planets where existance is very difficult and souls are reborn there if they are really demoniac.

There is also the heavenly planets (not to be mistaken for the spiritual world) where you can also take birth if you are really pious.


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Originally posted by yavash
i heard that some Christians believe in reincarnation and that entries regarding it in early texts were ommitted from early copies of the Bible? True?
Why it true!! In fact, I have a copy right here before me. In fact, St. Peter has a recollection of being an ant as someone subsequently stepped on him. It gets worse!! Christ had the recollection of being a slug and all his "friends" ganged up on him and cast salt on him. They poor guy just can't get a break. :'( I suspect that is where he came up with "If the salt has lost its flavor" quote. 😵

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I would like to explain a bit furter about reincarnation.

The body by itself can not exist in the first place without the presence of a soul (you are a soul) I am a soul, and there is a soul in every living thing.

When Fred Smith dies, and according to his karma, he will take another birth anywhere in this universe, as a human or animal

A soul that has taken birth as a human usually doent go back into the body of an animal, unless his human life thats past, was very degraded and on the level of an animal.

So lets say Fred Smith had the karma to take birth in an animal spieces, well after death the ego that was Fred Smith is gone, because Fred was only body/mind/ego only, then the soul takes on the body mind/mind/ego of that particular animal........and fred no longer exists.

So the soul now identifies itself with the animal it now is.

When you see a dog in the street, there is not a person in side thinking why am I a dog, NO,,,,the dog thinks like dog, acts like a dog, and thinks it is a dog.....until it dies and then takes another birth.

Now you can see why its so important to apply oneself to the spiritual life, because if one is successfull in spiritual life, then they can return to the spiritual dimension, and never take birth or experiance death again, they recieve a spiritual body. (non material)


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I heard that some Christians believe the ratings on American Idol sank because the producers chose Ellen Degeneres, a beacon of immorality, to be a judge. True?

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Some Christians believe in UFOs.

I guess that settles it.

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Originally posted by darvlay
I heard that some Christians believe the ratings on American Idol sank because the producers chose Ellen Degeneres, a beacon of immorality, to be a judge. True?
they were correct but for the wrong reason, it isn't because she is immoral etc... its because she is unfunny and a bore

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Originally posted by vishvahetu
I would like to explain a bit furter about reincarnation.

The body by itself can not exist in the first place without the presence of a soul (you are a soul) I am a soul, and there is a soul in every living thing.

When Fred Smith dies, and according to his karma, he will take another birth anywhere in this universe, as a human or animal

A soul th ...[text shortened]... er take birth or experiance death again, they recieve a spiritual body. (non material)

Then why would I identify that soul with me? Why should I care if a dog or a human is born the moment I die?

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Originally posted by duecer
they were correct but for the wrong reason, it isn't because she is immoral etc... its because she is unfunny and a bore
The Lord works in mysterious ways, Brother.

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...its a dogs life anyway

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Originally posted by Thomaster
Then why would I identify that soul with me? Why should I care if a dog or a human is born the moment I die?
Could you rephrase the question please.


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Originally posted by vishvahetu
Could you rephrase the question please.

ToO is asking why we should care if we're reincarnated. It is part of my psychology that I care about this or that. If my psychology does not follow my soul into its next incarnation after death, then it seems like nothing about me remains after my death. Karmic debt follows the soul, but none of those character traits that make me the person who I am.

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Originally posted by bbarr
ToO is asking why we should care if we're reincarnated. It is part of my psychology that I care about this or that. If my psychology does not follow my soul into its next incarnation after death, then it seems like nothing about me remains after my death. Karmic debt follows the soul, but none of those character traits that make me the person who I am.

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