1. Only in recent years has science discovered that everything we see is composed of invisible atoms. Here, Scripture tells us that the "things which are seen were not made of things which do appear."
2. Medical science has only recently discovered that blood-clotting in a newborn reaches its peak on the eighth day, then drops. The Bible consistently says that a baby must be circumcised on the eighth day.
3. At a time when it was believed that the earth sat on a large animal or a giant (1500 B.C.), the Bible spoke of the earth’s free float in space: "He...hangs the earth upon nothing" (Job 26:7).
4. The prophet Isaiah also tells us that the earth is round: "It is he that sits upon the circle of the earth" (Isaiah 40:22). This is not a reference to a flat disk, as some skeptic maintain, but to a sphere. Secular man discovered this 2,400 years later. At a time when science believed that the earth was flat, is was the Scriptures that inspired Christopher Columbus to sail around the world (see Proverbs 3:6 footnote).
5. God told Job in 1500 B.C.: "Can you send lightnings, that they may go, and say to you, Here we are?" (Job 38:35). The Bible here is making what appears to be a scientifically ludicrous statement—that light can be sent, and then manifest itself in speech. But did you know that radio waves travel at the speed of light? This is why you can have instantaneous wireless communication with someone on the other side of the earth. Science didn’t discover this until 1864 when "British scientist James Clerk Maxwell suggested that electricity and light waves were two forms of the same thing" (Modern Century Illustrated Encyclopedia).
6. Job 38:19 asks, "Where is the way where light dwells?" Modern man has only recently discovered that light (electromagnetic radiation) has a "way," traveling at 186,000 miles per second.
7. Science has discovered that stars emit radio waves, which are received on earth as a high pitch. God mentioned this in Job 38:7: "When the morning stars sang together..."
8. "Most cosmologists (scientists who study the structures and evolution of the universe) agree that the Genesis account of creation, in imagining an initial void, may be uncannily close to the truth" (Time, Dec. 1976).
9. Solomon described a "cycle" of air currents two thousand years before scientists "discovered" them. "The wind goes toward the south, and turns about unto the north; it whirls about continually, and the wind returns again according to his circuits" (Ecclesiastes 1:6).
10. Science expresses the universe in five terms: time, space, matter, power, and motion. Genesis 1:1,2 revealed such truths to the Hebrews in 1450 B.C.: "In the beginning [time] God created [power] the heaven [space] and the earth [matter] . . . And the Spirit of God moved [motion] upon the face of the waters." The first thing God tells man is that He controls of all aspects of the universe.
11. The great biological truth concerning the importance of blood in our body’s mechanism has been fully comprehended only in recent years. Up until 120 years ago, sick people were "bled," and many died because of the practice. If you lose your blood, you lose your life. Yet Leviticus 17:11, written 3,000 years ago, declared that blood is the source of life: "For the life of the flesh is in the blood."
12. All things were made by Him (see John 1:3), including dinosaurs. Why then did the dinosaur disappear? The answer may be in Job 40:15–24. In this passage, God speaks about a great creature called "behemoth." Some commentators think this was a hippopotamus. However, the hippo’s tail isn’t like a large tree, but a small twig. Following are the characteristics of this huge animal: It was the largest of all the creatures God made; was plant-eating (herbivorous); had its strength in its hips and a tail like a large tree. It had very strong bones, lived among the trees, drank massive amounts of water, and was not disturbed by a raging river. He appears impervious to attack because his nose could pierce through snares, but Scripture says, "He that made him can make his sword to approach unto him." In other words, God caused this, the largest of all the creatures He had made, to become extinct.
13. Encyclopedia Britannica documents that in 1845, a young doctor in Vienna named Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis was horrified at the terrible death rate of women who gave birth in hospitals. As many as 30 percent died after giving birth. Semmelweis noted that doctors would examine the bodies of patients who died, then, without washing their hands, go straight to the next ward and examine expectant mothers. This was their normal practice, because the presence of microscopic diseases was unknown. Semmelweis insisted that doctors wash their hands before examinations, and the death rate immediately dropped to 2 percent. Look at the specific instructions God gave His people for when they encounter disease: "And when he that has an issue is cleansed of his issue; then he shall number to himself even days for his cleansing, and wash his clothes, and bathe his flesh in running water, and shall be clean" (Leviticus 15:13). Until recent years, doctors washed their hands in a bowl of water, leaving invisible germs on their hands. However, the Bible says specifically to wash hands under "running water."
14. Luke 17:34–36 says the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will occur while some are asleep at night and others are working at daytime activities in the field. This is a clear indication of a revolving earth, with day and night at the same time.
15. "During the devastating Black Death of the fourteenth century, patients who were sick or dead were kept in the same rooms as the rest of the family. People often wondered why the disease was affecting so many people at one time. They attributed these epidemics to ‘bad air’ or ‘evil spirits.’ However, careful attention to the medical commands of God as revealed in Leviticus would have saved untold millions of lives. Arturo Castiglione wrote about the overwhelming importance of this biblical medical law: ‘The laws against leprosyin Leviticus 13 may be regarded as the first model of sanitary legislation’ (A History of Medicine)." Grant R. Jeffery, The Signature of God With all these truths revealed in Scripture,how could a thinking person deny that the Bible is supernatural in origin? There is no other book in any of the world’s religions (Vedas, Bhagavad-Gita, Koran, Book of Mormon, etc.) that contains scientific truth. In fact, they contain statements that are clearly unscientific. Hank Hanegraaff said, "Faith in Christ is not some blind leap into a dark chasm, but a faith based on established evidence." (11:3 continued
Originally posted by tim88The Bible also has some good health advice which only got generally accepted in the last 50 years or so like drinking of wine.
1. Only in recent years has science discovered that everything we see is composed of invisible atoms. Here, Scripture tells us that the "things which are seen were not made of things which do appear."
2. Medical science has only recently discovered that blood-clotting in a newborn reaches its peak on the eighth day, then drops. The Bible consistently says ...[text shortened]... faith based on established evidence." (11:3 continued
Science tells us that we and life evolved via Darwinian natural selection and the Earth and the universe is billions of years old -is this contradicted by the literal interpretation of the Bible?
Also: thunder and lighting isn't caused by a god being angry but is cause by electricity and atoms are made of electrons, protons and neutrons and gravity curves space in the forth dimensional and the Earth is not the centre of the universe and stars are part of solar systems many of which have planets orbiting them and billions of stars are grouped in clusters called galaxies and E = mc2 and …. need I go on?
How well did religious scripture explain all these significant facts?
Originally posted by tim88a truly beautiful post demonstrating the practicality of applying Biblical wisdom.
1. Only in recent years has science discovered that everything we see is composed of invisible atoms. Here, Scripture tells us that the "things which are seen were not made of things which do appear."
2. Medical science has only recently discovered that blood-clotting in a newborn reaches its peak on the eighth day, then drops. The Bible consistently says ...[text shortened]... faith based on established evidence." (11:3 continued
Originally posted by humyneed I go on? Humy
Science tells us that we and life evolved via Darwinian natural selection and the Earth and the universe is billions of years old -is this contradicted by the literal interpretation of the Bible?
Also: thunder and lighting isn't caused by a god being angry but is cause by electricity and gravity curves space in the forth dimensional and the Earth is not the ...[text shortened]... and billions of stars are grouped in clusters called galaxies and E = mc2 and …. need I go on?
no you should shut up with your logical fallacies.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieThey are not my “logical fallacies” but the “scientific discoveries” thus totally debunking any claim that the religious scriptures accurately predicted what science has discovered to be true.
need I go on? Humy
no you should shut up with your logical fallacies.
Is the scientific fact that billions of stars are grouped in clusters called galaxies one of my “logical fallacies”?
Originally posted by robbie carrobieYou are right. Like those cowboys that did my extension:
a truly beautiful post demonstrating the practicality of applying Biblical wisdom.
[i]Psalm 127:1 Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it
If only I had listened....🙁
Originally posted by humyyou have erroneously introduced concepts not explicitly stated by the OP as a rebuttal
They are not my “logical fallacies” but the “scientific discoveries” thus totally debunking any claim that the religious scriptures accurately predicted what science has discovered to be true.
Is the scientific fact that billions of stars are grouped in clusters called galaxies one of my “logical fallacies”?
to his post, they are your logical fallacies, suck it up and behave yourself.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieOk you definitely don't know what a logical fallacy is...
you have erroneously introduced concepts not explicitly stated by the OP, they are your
logical fallacies, suck it up and behave yourself.
Which makes sense given the number of your posts that contain them.
Originally posted by googlefudgethere were plenty, why? he assigned values to the OP which the op did not present in
No humy is right on point...
I don't think you understand what a 'logical fallacy' is.
Because there were none in humy's post.
his post as a type of objection to his post, suck it up, either address the points the OP is
making or stop introducing fallacious reasoning.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieNow you are just spouting nonsense...
there were plenty, why? he assigned values to the OP which the op did not present in
his post as a type of objection to his post, suck it up, either address the points the OP is
making or stop introducing fallacious reasoning.
Seriously, is English actually your first language?
However as you apparently want the points in the OP addressed I will be more than happy
to rip it apart in detail for you.
In the meantime you might want to amuse yourself by looking up and learning what a logical
fallacy is.
Originally posted by googlefudgeanother fallacy, what my first language has nothing to do with the thread, the post or
Now you are just spouting nonsense...
Seriously, is English actually your first language?
However as you apparently want the points in the OP addressed I will be more than happy
to rip it apart in detail for you.
In the meantime you might want to amuse yourself by looking up and learning what a logical
fallacy is.
whether he introduced logical fallacies, has it, i dont need to look up what a logical
fallacy is, you provided one for me out of your fallacy factory. Rip it apart, oh tremble
tremble. Hulp Hulp, the Hooded claw, dont worry Penelope, ill save you.