It is true that through selective breeding man has been able to domesticate animals and plants. But man has never been able to turn on kind of plant or animal into another kind nor has man been able to create life.
DNA contains all of the information needed to duplicate itself, and all the information that the cell needs to operate and perform its various functions. Each cell may have a different function. Therefore reproduction and inheritance rely totally on the DNA. The DNA acts as a blue print or computer program.
With all of the complication that’s in just a one-celled plant or one-celled animal, where would a scientist begin, to try to create life from non-life? In order to function the DNA needs certain proteins and enzymes. The first thing they would need to do is to create a working DNA, complete with everything it needs to operate. Bill Gate has said that the DNA program code is much more complex than any that man has ever made.
Even if some day scientist produce life, this won’t prove that the same thing happened by chance 3 billion years ago. All this would prove is that it took a Herculean effort of evil-lutionist planning, efforts, experiments and alot of very high-tech and precision laboratory equipment. I believe we could call this intelligent design.
Evil-lution can not account for or explain the forming of consciousness or intelligence. How could mind or thought have evolved from matter? Evil-lution is no more than an hypothesis based on speculations and void of scientific proof.
Stephen Hawking says, “The odds against a universe like ours emerging out of something like the Big Bang are enormous. I think there are clearly religious implications.”
Cosmologist, George Ellis, said, “The symmetries and delicate balances we observe require an extraordinary coherence of conditions and cooperation of laws and effects, suggesting that in some sense they have been purposefully designed”.
Alfred Wallace, a biologist, realized that the 1% gap of intelligence between humans and apes was much greater than Darwin had realized. Look at the difference that 1 percent makes in ability, behavior, self-consciousness, culture, intellect, language, skills, personal relationships, awareness of sensations, emotions, conscious thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, expectations, mental images, artistic creativity, and the many other facets that set us apart. We share 99% of the DNA of the gorilla and the mouse. We even share some of the same DNA with insects, plants & even amoebas, but what does that prove? Perhaps it proves we all had the same designer and creator.
Isaac Asimov said, “In man is a three-pound brain which, as far as we know, is the most complex and orderly arrangement of matter in the universe.”
Biochemist, Michael Behe, brings up an argument that biochemical systems like the long chains or cascades of molecular reactions that occur in the eye & immune system cannot come from gradual evolution. These complex interlocking systems couldn’t have came from such simpler functions, because if just one simple step or component was missing the whole system wouldn’t work. He calls it an “all-or-nothing system” that was designed not in stages but all at the same time.
Einstein wrote, “The great initial success of quantum theory cannot convert me to believe in that fundamental game of dice... I am absolutely convinced that one will eventually arrive at a theory in which the objects connected by laws are not probabilities, but conceived facts... God does not play dice.”
Former Director of the Botanical Institute atLund University, Dr. N. Heribert-Nilsson said, “My attempt to demonstrate evolution by an experiment carried on for more than 40 years has completely failed...The idea of an evolution rests on pure belief.”
Evolutionary scientist, Theodosius Dobzhansky had to admit: “The applicability of the experimental methods to the study of such unique historical processes is severely restricted before all else by the time intervals involved, which far exceed the lifetime of any human experimenter. And yet, it is just such impossibility that is demanded by anti-evolutionists when they ask for ‘proofs’ of evolution which they would magnanimously accept as satisfactory”.
"Science Digest" published an article entitled “New Theories of Creation” (Oct. 1972), by Jerry Bishop, who writes, “To the surprise of scientists, the chemical makeup of the moon rocks is distinctly different from that of rocks on earth. This difference implies that the moon formed under different conditions, and means that any theory on the origin of the planets now will have to create the earth and the moon in different ways.”
The Evil-lution model shows no reasonable explanation for the backwards rotations of Venus and Uranus.
These are just a few of the proofs against evolution. See the following link for more:
Originally posted by wolfgang59I said you have to use common sense. A cat is not a dog or a horse, because they are different kinds. Any grown person with common sense should know the difference between a bird and an alligator. Most first graders would know that. You are not a retard are you?
What differentiates one "kind" fom another?
i always thought the daddy long legs was scientific proof against evil-lution...
i don't like the phrase 'survival of the fittest' i think that is evil-lution.
i like foxgloves, i think they are elegant plants, and they didn't come from 'surival of the fittest' they have a close relationship with insects, they are built completely for insects, the two species like one another. but any animal that trys to eat them is killed almost instantly, they are very toxic.. Survival of the fittest conjures up all sorts of rubbish its much more complex and symbiotic then that.
Originally posted by RJHindsWhy are you polluting the science forum with this nonsense? I'll tell you why. You care NOTHING about real science, you only care to use this so-called science as a weapon. pseudo-science with zero credibility used as a weapon to foist your religion on unsuspecting and impressionable young minds who don't realize the sinister motives of those using this weapon.
It is true that through selective breeding man has been able to domesticate animals and plants. But man has never been able to turn on kind of plant or animal into another kind nor has man been able to create life.
DNA contains all of the information needed to duplicate itself, and all the information that the cell needs to operate and perform its variou ...[text shortened]... following link for more:
And you wonder why the US is going down the tubes scientifically, inventing the next big thing in cell phones while the fundamental research is being systematically handed off to China, Japan, Brazil and the like.
Your science as weapon is at least partially responsible for the decline of American science.
Choke on your weapons.
Originally posted by KewpieWhat I posted concerns science. I even quoted scientists. Atheists have been hijacking science to further their beliefs that there is no God. I am only pointing out the lies that have been trusted upon the scientific community.
Science is inappropriate in the Spirituality forum, as religion is inappropriate in the Science forum. Only religious nutters imagine their "science" has anything to do with real science.
These atheists are unable to prove there is no God or that He did not create the heavens and the earth and all life forms. They are trying to use the lie of evil-lution to try to eliminate the truth that God really is the designer and Creator. I am setting the record straight and returning science to its real goal of discovering the truth.
Originally posted by RJHindsReligionists have been hijacking science for far longer. Please prove that your god is real. So powerful and omnipresent being surely leaves proof daily.🙄
What I posted concerns science. I even quoted scientists. Atheists have been hijacking science to further their beliefs that there is no God. I am only pointing out the lies that have been trusted upon the scientific community.
These atheists are unable to prove there is no God or that He did not create the heavens and the earth and all life forms. Th ...[text shortened]... am setting the record straight and returning science to its real goal of discovering the truth.
Originally posted by RJHindsNo, you are using pseudoscience as a weapon against real science. You have an admitted ax to grind and as a result, as far as science goes, you have zero credibility.
What I posted concerns science. I even quoted scientists. Atheists have been hijacking science to further their beliefs that there is no God. I am only pointing out the lies that have been trusted upon the scientific community.
These atheists are unable to prove there is no God or that He did not create the heavens and the earth and all life forms. Th ...[text shortened]... am setting the record straight and returning science to its real goal of discovering the truth.
All you have is an ancient book written by men pretending to have the ear of some god.
For instance, if your god was set to save the world from evil, why did the first showing of said god only come about in one language? Why did it not speak to say, Asians or Uzbekistani's at the same time? Why have now, 2000 years later, some folks NEVER heard this so-called word?
Originally posted by RJHindswhen you use your 'commons sense' what did it compromise of? how did you figure out a cat is different to a dog?
I said you have to use common sense. A cat is not a dog or a horse, because they are different kinds. Any grown person with common sense should know the difference between a bird and an alligator. Most first graders would know that. You are not a retard are you?
Originally posted by RJHindsSo lion, tiger, domestic cat, ocelot, jaguar, cheetah, leopard are all the same animal? Why then do domestic cats stay domestic cat sized but lions get huge? Is there some control on what type of cat you get when you visit the pet shop?
I said you have to use common sense. A cat is not a dog or a horse, because they are different kinds. Any grown person with common sense should know the difference between a bird and an alligator. Most first graders would know that. You are not a retard are you?
Originally posted by sonhouseYes, I have an axe to grind against the atheists, who refuse to honor God and His Christ. I have an axe to grind with atheists, who spread the lies of evil-lution to discredit and dishonor our great God and Savior as the Creator and source of all life. They deserve the everlasting torment they shall receive for deceiving our children with their lies. 😏
No, you are using pseudoscience as a weapon against real science. You have an admitted ax to grind and as a result, as far as science goes, you have zero credibility.
All you have is an ancient book written by men pretending to have the ear of some god.
For instance, if your god was set to save the world from evil, why did the first showing of said go ...[text shortened]... s at the same time? Why have now, 2000 years later, some folks NEVER heard this so-called word?
HalleluYah !!! Praise the Lord! Glory be to God! Holy! Holy! Holy!