Scientific Proof Against Evil-lution

Scientific Proof Against Evil-lution


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Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
18 Feb 13
1 edit

Originally posted by RJHinds
You did not read or comprehend my original post. Let me just repeat one of the quotes that I posted and consider it again with your head out of your arse.

[b]Former Director of the Botanical Institute at Lund University, Dr. N. Heribert-Nilsson said, “My attempt to demonstrate evolution by an experiment carried on for more than 40 years has completely fa ...[text shortened]... ]Evolution is a fairy tale religionous doctrine for the atheists.

ooooooooh, 40 years...

what a totally fair and unbiased timeline to prove something that took BILLIONS of years on this planet.

If you think that 40 years is a fair test of something that took billions of years to achieve, then perhaps the one with their head up their ass is you.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
18 Feb 13

Originally posted by Suzianne
ooooooooh, 40 years...

what a totally fair and unbiased timeline to prove something that took BILLIONS of years on this planet.

If you think that 40 years is a fair test of something that took billions of years to achieve, then perhaps the one with their head up their ass is you.
It took God only a few hours not billions of years. Certainly 40 years should be long enough for man, considering how intelligent he has become by this evil-lution. 😏

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
18 Feb 13
1 edit

Originally posted by RJHinds
It took God only a few hours not billions of years. Certainly 40 years should be long enough for man, considering how intelligent he has become by this evil-lution. 😏
Look, I know YOUR God may only be a magician, whose only way of doing things is to POOF them into existence, but my God is a Creator, who has the ability to create without leaving signs of His hand in creation just lying around like so many bubble-gum wrappers.

Faith and free will require a belief without evidence. That's why God took the long way to creation. Darwin is a tool of God.


01 Jun 06
18 Feb 13

Originally posted by Penguin
I think RJ must believe that lynx's really could give birth to Jaguars without meeting, since he claims they are of the same 'kind' and bible does not preclude it. He is also avoiding any questions that might force him to state his position on this.

Evolution on the other hand, does preclude it. So one way to disprove evolution would be to find a (non-mis ...[text shortened]... really believe this is possible?

--- Penguin (fully expecting the question to be ignored)
Just bumping this as it was the last item on the previous page and RJ may claim not to have seen it:

I think RJ must believe that lynx's really could give birth to Jaguars without meeting, since he claims they are of the same 'kind' and bible does not preclude it. He is also avoiding any questions that might force him to state his position on this.

Evolution on the other hand, does preclude it. So one way to disprove evolution would be to find a (non-mistaken or fraudulent or the result of IVF experimentation) case of a lynx giving birth to a jaguar. Or any other such combination like a wolf giving birth to a fox or an ape giving birth to a chimpanzee.

RJ, do you have any such examples? Do you really believe this is possible?

--- Penguin (fully expecting the question to still be ignored, probably because RJ 'doesn't have the time to respond to every question'😉

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
18 Feb 13

Originally posted by Penguin
Just bumping this as it was the last item on the previous page and RJ may claim not to have seen it:

[i]I think RJ must believe that lynx's really could give birth to Jaguars without meeting, since he claims they are of the same 'kind' and bible does not preclude it. He is also avoiding any questions that might force him to state his position on this.

...[text shortened]... till be ignored, probably because RJ 'doesn't have the time to respond to every question'😉
I did not say it was possible, just becasue they are both in the cat family. I said it was impossible, if they are not both in the cat family. A mule is in the horse family. That does not mean I think a mule can give birth to a shetland pony. All I said was that God has set limits. 😏

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
18 Feb 13
1 edit

Originally posted by Suzianne
Look, I know YOUR God may only be a magician, whose only way of doing things is to POOF them into existence, but my God is a Creator, who has the ability to create without leaving signs of His hand in creation just lying around like so many bubble-gum wrappers.

Faith and free will require a belief without evidence. That's why God took the long way to creation. Darwin is a tool of God.
Darwin may be a tool of God to prove that evil-lution is not the way it happened. It happened just like the Holy Bible said it happened. How can you call yourself a Christian and not believe in the clear word of scripture? I guess that is easy for a liar.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
18 Feb 13
2 edits

Originally posted by RJHinds
Darwin may be a tool of God to prove that evil-lution is not the way it happened. It happened just like the Holy Bible said it happened. How can you call yourself a Christian and not believe in the clear word of scripture? I guess that is easy for a liar.
I do believe in the clear word of scripture.

The words of Genesis are not so clear.

God's "day" does not mean precisely what you think it means. Why limit God as you do? You call God "Almighty" and omnipotent on one hand, then claim God's day is only 24 hours and that he snapped his fingers and made everything on the other. How "Almighty" is that?

And yes, Darwin was God's tool to cause those who believe to still believe in the face of scientific proof. In other words, to have Faith. Not to use that Faith to then proclaim, "NOOOOO, God snapped His fingers! I swear that's what happened!" Such only "proves" an atheist's lack of Faith. How much better to bring the atheist on board slowly, convincing him that evolution and physics are the way it happened and then showing that evolution and physics was God's plan to create everything we see today. It's so much more sensible. Your way is just to alienate atheists and let the chips fall where they may. That's not productive and only moves people away from God, not towards Him.

And on top of that, I'm a liar? So you take GF's side. For shame...

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
18 Feb 13
2 edits

Originally posted by Suzianne
I do believe in the clear word of scripture.

The words of Genesis are not so clear.

God's "day" does not mean precisely what you think it means. Why limit God as you do? You call God "Almighty" and omnipotent on one hand, then claim God's day is only 24 hours and that he snapped his fingers and made everything on the other. How "Almighty" is that?

And on top of that, I'm a liar? So you take GF's side. For shame...
If you believe in the clear word of scripture, then act like it, and support its truth and quit standing up for evil-lution. The Genesis account is from God. The evil-lution account is from Satan, the father of lies.

Genesis says nothing about God's day or the day of the Lord. Each of the Genesis days have an evening and a morning and that is clearly the same as the days on the Jewish calendars of today. I know that "day" can be speaking of a longer period of time than a 24 hour day, but this is clearly not the case, when each day is specified as having an evening and a morning. Surely you must believe God can tell time.

Also God does not just snap his fingers and poof things into existence. I have never said such a thing. God does it just as described in Genesis.

I have faith in God and tha accuracy of the Holy Bible, but not in the speculations of a man, who imagines that all creation varieties spread by many chance occurrences from one common ancestor. This is in direct contradiction to the Genesis account, which states that God was the common designer, who fixed these designs to specific kinds.

The atheists must come to understand that their refusal to acknowledge the existence of God is marking them as fools.

HalleluYah !!! Praise the Lord! Holy! Holy! Holy!


22 Sep 07
18 Feb 13

Originally posted by Suzianne
I do believe in the clear word of scripture.

The words of Genesis are not so clear.

God's "day" does not mean precisely what you think it means. Why limit God as you do? You call God "Almighty" and omnipotent on one hand, then claim God's day is only 24 hours and that he snapped his fingers and made everything on the other. How "Almighty" is that? ...[text shortened]... im.

And on top of that, I'm a liar? So you take GF's side. For shame...
Would you please stop being so reasonable, with an attitude like that it will be so much harder to swing the agnostics into the atheistic camp. Creationists are a wonderful gift to atheism, now leave our man alone!!!!1 🙂

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
18 Feb 13

Originally posted by OdBod
Would you please stop being so reasonable, with an attitude like that it will be so much harder to swing the agnostics into the atheistic camp. Creationists are a wonderful gift to atheism, now leave our man alone!!!!1 🙂
lol, that's good. 🙂

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
18 Feb 13

Originally posted by RJHinds
If you believe in the clear word of scripture, then act like it, and support its truth and quit standing up for evil-lution. The Genesis account is from God. The evil-lution account is from Satan, the father of lies.

Genesis says nothing about God's day or the day of the Lord. Each of the Genesis days have an evening and a morning and that is clearly th ...[text shortened]... istence of God is marking them as fools.

HalleluYah !!! Praise the Lord! Holy! Holy! Holy!
"Morning" and "evening" have a different meaning if you take them to mean "beginning" and "end". Man, you are way too "literal-minded". God is not "literal-minded". Sometimes, I think He enjoys being "inscrutable", or "unknowable". After all, He IS God.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
18 Feb 13

Originally posted by OdBod
Would you please stop being so reasonable, with an attitude like that it will be so much harder to swing the agnostics into the atheistic camp. Creationists are a wonderful gift to atheism, now leave our man alone!!!!1 🙂
I am trying to make it clear to everyone that creationism and evil-lution are on opposite sides. There can be no mixture of the two. There is no room for luke-warm Christians. You must not be wishy washy. You must declare yourself on one side or the other. The agnostic is afraid to commit. At least the atheists have the courage to make that commitment, even though it marks them as a fool in the eyes of God and puts them on the side of Satan, the father of lies. Evil-lution is the main supporting doctrine of atheism. The atheists need to defend it and are happy in their foolish hearts to hear that support coming from the unwary.

HalleluYah !!! Praise the Lord! Holy! Holy! Holy!

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
18 Feb 13

Originally posted by Suzianne
"Morning" and "evening" have a different meaning if you take them to mean "beginning" and "end". Man, you are way too "literal-minded". God is not "literal-minded". Sometimes, I think He enjoys being "inscrutable", or "unknowable". After all, He IS God.
It was not morning and evening, but evening and morning. This was the way God told Moses to start counting their days after the exodus from Egyptian slavery. This was one of the distinguishing things about them besides the rest day on the Sabbath to remember how God rested to admire his physical creation.

It seems clear to me that God knew this controvery would arise about how long the creation week was and He made the Jewish calendar testify of the truth of that matter.

God has given you the free-will to believe in God's truth or the lies of evil-lution. Just as Adam and Eve were given a choice, who to believe, so to are we given the choice today.

HalleluYah !!! Praise the Lord! Holy! Holy! Holy!

16 Jan 07
18 Feb 13

Originally posted by RJHinds
It took God only a few hours not billions of years. Certainly 40 years should be long enough for man, considering how intelligent he has become by this evil-lution. 😏
seeing how you have the timescale on how long it should take man to do stuff can you tell us how we are doing so far on other things.

did we invent the wheel in the right amount of time?
did we land on the moon on schedule?
did we invent the combustion engine when we should of?
did we learn the chemical make up of the universe in good time?

we've just figure recently out how to make a star on earth, its taken a while especially as god did it in less than a day. is that the standard time difference?

or are you suggesting we will never have another scientific breakthrough again, because with your logic, if we havent done it yet then we will never do it.


22 Sep 07
18 Feb 13

Originally posted by RJHinds
I am trying to make it clear to everyone that creationism and evil-lution are on opposite sides. There can be no mixture of the two. There is no room for luke-warm Christians. You must not be wishy washy. You must declare yourself on one side or the other. The agnostic is afraid to commit. At least the atheists have the courage to make that commitment, ...[text shortened]... o hear that support coming from the unwary.

HalleluYah !!! Praise the Lord! Holy! Holy! Holy!
Evolution is just one of the theories that most atheists cite .There are many others that refute the time line creationists believe in, for example do you agree that the speed of light is constant at 186000 miles per second (no point in going further until you answer) .