So it looks like people NEED the religion scam.

So it looks like people NEED the religion scam.


Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
20 Apr 17

I guess that is why the scam of religion flourishes, people need it. Too bad, it keeps people on a low level maturity wise. All they can think about is what religion is bad, what does my god say about that and who do I have to kill. Of course those are the extremists but it makes it miserable for ALL of us.

Bad scam. VERY bad scam, but the most successful scam in human history also. We will never mature as a species till we sham the shackles of organized religion.

16 Feb 08
20 Apr 17

Originally posted by sonhouse
I guess that is why the scam of religion flourishes, people need it. Too bad, it keeps people on a low level maturity wise. All they can think about is what religion is bad, what does my god say about that and who do I have to kill. Of course those are the extremists but it makes it miserable for ALL of us.

Bad scam. VERY bad scam, but the most successf ...[text shortened]... history also. We will never mature as a species till we sham the shackles of organized religion.
Are you looking for a discussion of just musing?

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
20 Apr 17

Originally posted by sonhouse
I guess that is why the scam of religion flourishes, people need it. Too bad, it keeps people on a low level maturity wise. All they can think about is what religion is bad, what does my god say about that and who do I have to kill. Of course those are the extremists but it makes it miserable for ALL of us.

Bad scam. VERY bad scam, but the most successf ...[text shortened]... history also. We will never mature as a species till we sham the shackles of organized religion.
Frankly, this sounds like 'Alex Jones' level conspiracy theory.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
20 Apr 17
5 edits

Originally posted by Suzianne
Frankly, this sounds like 'Alex Jones' level conspiracy theory.
What be Alex jones theory?

Can you prove it's NOT a scam of monsterous proportions?

You get stories in the bible people now take literally and you think that was designed by a god?

That was designed and written by men to frighten men and women who had no other information about it, like the flood tale, like Ab's test from god to kill his son, when a real god would have needed no such test, since, being omniscient it would have known well ahead of time the outcome of any such test, which just proves it was written only by men who never thought through the implications of such tales.

Or the one you should love, men are worth 50 sheckels while women are only worth 30.

Tell me that came from a god. MUCH more likely coming from men with an ego problem and had to come up with a way to permentanly put women on a lower platform.

That was the basis for the original version, Judaism, where women were not even and even now are not to worship in the same part of the temple or whatever you call it.

Or forming the basis for women not even being able to get a drivers license in Arabia.

God never in a billion years would say women are not 'worth' as much as men. But the bible goes, Man was created first, then the stupid god not realizing the psychological problems caused by making an intelligent single lone creature, figures out belatedly the dude needed a companion, so took a rib from a man and made a woman. Like a god would need a rib to do that job, did it need a rib to make Adam?

Why don't people look at all these crappy stories with critical thinking? And that would be because they are gullible and deeply need answers whether they are true or not, as long as you believe, you are ok.

If you don't believe, we will solve that problem by just killing you. A real godly thing.

And the bottom line is people who believe can't even process this kind of critical thinking, just putting someone like me in line with the devil, hell bent on destroying civilization.

What I want is for the human race to grow up and act maturely. something that will NEVER happen when all these man made religions are at permanent war with each other, each one screaming WE have the TRUE religion, all you others are made by the devil.

You don't see that as a problem?

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
21 Apr 17

Originally posted by sonhouse
I guess that is why the scam of religion flourishes, people need it. Too bad, it keeps people on a low level maturity wise. All they can think about is what religion is bad, what does my god say about that and who do I have to kill. Of course those are the extremists but it makes it miserable for ALL of us.

Bad scam. VERY bad scam, but the most successf ...[text shortened]... history also. We will never mature as a species till we sham the shackles of organized religion.
You are so right! People need to stop pretending to know God by being religious and die to themselves, take up their cross and follow Jesus.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
21 Apr 17

Originally posted by sonhouse
I guess that is why the scam of religion flourishes, people need it.
The existence of large numbers of non-religious people suggests is is not a NEED.

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
21 Apr 17

Originally posted by sonhouse
I guess that is why the scam of religion flourishes, people need it. Too bad, it keeps people on a low level maturity wise. All they can think about is what religion is bad, what does my god say about that and who do I have to kill. Of course those are the extremists but it makes it miserable for ALL of us.

Bad scam. VERY bad scam, but the most successf ...[text shortened]... history also. We will never mature as a species till we sham the shackles of organized religion.
The forum is called "spirituality" but mostly deals with the troubles and inconsistencies of organized Christianity😞

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
21 Apr 17

Originally posted by Suzianne
Frankly, this sounds like 'Alex Jones' level conspiracy theory.
Once again. The difference between organized religion and spirituality is a huge chasm of black hole void

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
21 Apr 17

Originally posted by josephw
You are so right! People need to stop pretending to know God by being religious and die to themselves, take up their cross and follow Jesus.
In that order?

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
21 Apr 17

Originally posted by twhitehead
The existence of large numbers of non-religious people suggests is is not a NEED.
People don't need money either, but it's everywhere and people truly believe they need it

16 Feb 08
21 Apr 17

Originally posted by karoly aczel
People don't need money either, but it's everywhere and people truly believe they need it
What on earth are you talking about?

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
21 Apr 17
1 edit

Originally posted by divegeester
What on earth are you talking about?
He sounded pretty clear to me, people need religion. Even though it is a huge world consuming scam.

Religious people can't even use the rational part of their brains to talk about it either, they just go for the throat of the antagonist, unable to process the BS nature of the stories.

looking for loot

western colorado

05 Feb 11
21 Apr 17

Originally posted by karoly aczel
People don't need money either, but it's everywhere and people truly believe they need it
Money brings what we do truly need, though. Doesn't religion do the same?

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
21 Apr 17

Originally posted by karoly aczel
People don't need money either, but it's everywhere and people truly believe they need it
Show me large numbers of people living with out it.

looking for loot

western colorado

05 Feb 11
21 Apr 17

Originally posted by twhitehead
Show me large numbers of people living with out it.
You get the point, don't you? Let's say you're alone on a starship with no resources other than cargo holds full of cash. Are your needs met?

Money is merely a form of communication, without intrinsic value. You already know this. I'll sell you a useful thought governor for say, 2 days of food for a family of seven. Deal?

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