Spirituality Forum is dead

Spirituality Forum is dead


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Ming the Merciless

Royal Oak, MI

09 Sep 01
28 Nov 11

It's true. There's been nothing but junk in here for weeks. The last person out, turn off the lights.


02 Jan 06
28 Nov 11

Originally posted by rwingett
It's true. There's been nothing but junk in here for weeks. The last person out, turn off the lights.
Are you 99% sure or only 1% sure?

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
28 Nov 11
1 edit

Originally posted by rwingett
It's true. There's been nothing but junk in here for weeks. The last person out, turn off the lights.
I agree to a point. I wouldn't say it was "dead", but it could definately use a bit more "umph" form some new posters, or old posters with a new outlook, however I cant see the latter happening, (but I'm not ruling it out totally-for example some christians could have a more wholistic outlook on christianity, rather than the tiresome dogma they churn out post after post. ( For example ignoring most of my (and others posts) and just focussing on one or two negative bits)

I dont know about you , but I seem to keep "bumping " into christians on here telling me how wrong I am because I am not a bible follower.

Again, IT'S A "SPIRITUALITY FORUM", not a 'christianity forum'.
I am happy to meet people halfway* (which I think is integral with "discussing" spiritual matters). I am happy to admit that christians have a valid point (upto a point), and have repeatedly told them that I believe JC was a cool dude,etc. ( thus, this shows that i am willing to meet them halfway). However it is very rare to see a christian do the same for me (perhaps they have, but I cant recall any instances of hand).
It's either 'christ' or "burn in hell" (that's over simplified but thats what it basically boils down to)
WE never stop learning(-not even after we leave this vessel/body). Learning is literally never ending, so to say that the bible is the be all and end all of learning is very short-sighted and frankly quite boring.

Spirituality should be the most interesting subject , (for the reason pointed out above) and also because Spirit (or "God" as some like to put it), is all-pervading. It literally effects our lives on a daily basis. (In fact some of these "revelations" or "trippy experiences" ("time-slipping" ) is occurring much more frequently than in the past. That which happened only once or thrice is a "normal persons"WHOLE life is happening way more often than in the past. (Weekly or even daily in some instances) .

This is our time. This is the time for change and unification though "God" . This is time to understand ourselves and the world around us in a totally new way. I am. And I love it. I am absolutely engrossed in my 'spiritual development' and everyday I find a new lesson to wither practice or learn.
I have been sent here (when I say "I", i mean the identity that is the 'real me', not just the physical part of my body,which in my view only constitutes about 5-10% of my total being), to help the world through through it's upcoming (spiritual) changes and also to learn my own lessons. I feel totally blessed and totally stoked to be alive on this planet at this time. And as you guys have guessed, I am a non-dualist, (this means that the only way I can approach any type of spiritual learning is through a wholistic approach-anything else is divisive and just does not "cut the mustard" )
Anyway, as some christians posters like to point out, we will see in the end who is right and who isn't. 🙂

*not all pints can be met halfway, for example child abuse or rape. These (and other points like these) can ONLY be dealt with in an absolute way.
(But it is rarely that these points come up )

Aficionado of Prawns

Not of this World

11 Apr 09
28 Nov 11
1 edit

Originally posted by karoly aczel
I dont know about you , but I seem to keep "bumping " into christians on here telling me how wrong I am because I am not a bible follower.
Would you rather a Christian patronize you and tell you that you're doing just fine?

You'd actually be quite surprised at how few Christians would address you at all if you didn't promote your brand of truth with which Christians disagree.

Take this conversation for just one example. We could go on and on back and forth for several pages. In the end, you could say, "See what I mean? The Christians just won't leave me alone and quit telling me how to live my life!" But if you dig hard enough and look far enough back, you'll find that it was yourself that spawned the conversation.

I'd bet dollars to doughnut holes there hasn't been a single Christian in this forum that addressed you specifically, out of thin air, challenged you, and tried to evangelize you. Rather, in all likelihood, you said something which spawned a retort.

So the next time you say something like, "The bible is a book of fairytales," or "the gay lifestyle is perfectly normal, healthy, and anyone who says something to the contrary is a bigot," just try to remember... the replies you get in return are just that. Replies which you opened yourself up to with your initial statement.

I'm not trying to condemn you or tear you down. I'm just a wee bit tired of folks on the other side of the fence acting like they are being accosted when truth be told, most Christians I know practice apologetics (meaning they try to defend the faith) rather than zealous evangelism like that of Dasa.

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
28 Nov 11
2 edits

Originally posted by sumydid
Would you rather a Christian patronize you and tell you that you're doing just fine?

You'd actually be quite surprised at how few Christians would address you at all if you didn't promote your brand of truth with which Christians disagree.

Take this conversation for just one example. We could go on and on back and forth for several pages. In the end, try to defend the faith) rather than zealous evangelism like that of Dasa.
Your point is taken and for the large part agreed with.

I do start conversations with sometimes outlandish and at other times, quite down-to-earth, topics.
And by doing this, I believe you have the right of reply. Good conversations are usually the ones where both parties get fair (equal) say.
(I say "usually" and there a notable exceptions where one poster will be listening for the main part. But lets stay on topic for now)
Firstly, do you believe that MOST conversations are best when both parties get equal share? (Or something along those lines, not worded as well as i wanted, but I think you get the gist,yeah?)

Secondly, I dont know how on Earth you could say that there is only ONE genuine religion, and it is christianity ?
(well, (one denomination or another (?) 😀? -this can get side-tracked and confused easily. (Please be patient if it is warranted)
Do I have that right? Christianity is the best or most correct or both (or (insert own) religion to be following?
Do you think you we could start here and se where MY line of enquiry leads (remember,I have not rubbished the christian faith, and post this in all good faith and honesty and hope that it will be taken in the right spirit)
I will have further questions and other posters are welcome to join in but lets try to stay on one or (just a few ,max) topic(s) for now. Agreed. The topic is 'why christianity isn't the best religion?'.

What do you reckon? you up for this? (thee are no time constraints of any nature)

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
28 Nov 11
2 edits

Originally posted by karoly aczel
Your point is taken and for the large part agreed with.

I do start conversations with sometimes outlandish and at other times, quite down-to-earth, topics.
And by doing this, I believe you have the right of reply. Good conversations are usually the ones where both parties get fair (equal) say.
(I say "usually" and there a notable exceptions where o ion?'.

What do you reckon? you up for this? (thee are no time constraints of any nature)
I am a believer in Jesus as the Christ, but I consider myself one of the
most unreligious Christians that I know. Jesus seems to have been
against the main religious leaders of the Jews. He did not seem to me
to teach his disciples to follow strick religious rules as did the Saducees
and the Pharisees. I feel free and do not feel I am sinning if I do not
make it to a Church on Sunday as some do. I really do not consider the
Christianity, as Jesus taught, a religion at all, at least, not as the world
defines religion. However, there is a Christianity that has been organized
by man that is definitely a religion, like that of the Roman Catholic Church.
But Jesus had an idea of a church in which a few people could gather at
any place in His name and remember Him until He returns. But I usually
speak to others about Christianity in the way they understand it, and that
is as an organized religion, for it is that too. However, I take very little
part in the organized churches today even though I believe in orthodox
Christian doctrines as I understand them.

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
28 Nov 11
3 edits

Originally posted by RJHinds
I am a believer in Jesus as the Christ, but I consider myself one of the
most unreligious Christians that I know. Jesus seems to have been
against the main religious leaders of the Jews. He did not seem to me
to teach his disciples to follow strick religious rules as did the Saducees
and the Pharisees. I feel free and do not feel I am sinning if I do ...[text shortened]... ized churches today even though I believe in orthodox
Christian doctrines as I understand them.
Thing is a lot of kids are raised like that,(ie dont this,dont that) which is a quicker way to parent young children but ultimately can lead to more problems in life.
Up until I heard the buddhist doctrine,the four noble truths and the eightfold path, I thought religious rules always started with "dont", which always seemed more negative to me.
(Back the the analogy with the young child if you tell the child NOT to do something then they often feel confused as if they can't do anything at all. It's better to give them something to do, maybe offer them a variety of activities, in this was you are promoting positive action)

So in Buddhism we Do this..
and Do this..
Get the drift? It's about empowerment, about taking back the power which has been taken from us , and of which we can only speak of as if we were half awake! (Remember the story of the beautiful princess that gets awoken by the kiss a prince that must battle his way through many perils to find her? Well that's a kind of good analogy of the human pcyche where the beloved seeks the lover, and where all are contained in the One anyway.)

31 May 06
28 Nov 11

Originally posted by rwingett
It's true. There's been nothing but junk in here for weeks. The last person out, turn off the lights.
More nonsense from the nonsense factory.

The forum will be dead when nobody wants to post in it any more.

Now you might find it boring and/or pointless, in which case you are free to leave, we wont miss you.

Till then, people have blathered about this forum being dead before, and will do so again.

You are as unoriginal and boring as that which you criticize.



19 Feb 09
28 Nov 11

Originally posted by rwingett
It's true. There's been nothing but junk in here for weeks. The last person out, turn off the lights.
Not yet, although the way things are going, it may soon breathe its last. I had also stopped posting for the last 6 weeks or so, out of a feeling that posters were not interested in sharing views or information reg.spirituality. Let us hope things will improve soon.

Ming the Merciless

Royal Oak, MI

09 Sep 01
28 Nov 11

Originally posted by karoly aczel
I agree to a point. I wouldn't say it was "dead", but it could definately use a bit more "umph" form some new posters, or old posters with a new outlook, however I cant see the latter happening, (but I'm not ruling it out totally-for example some christians could have a more wholistic outlook on christianity, rather than the tiresome dogma they churn o ...[text shortened]... e way.
(But it is rarely that these points come up )
It's not the Christians I'm worried about. They're just as stupid as they've always been. The problem is the atheists. The caliber of the atheist posters has plummeted in recent years. With a few exceptions, they're sounding almost as stupid as the Christians these days.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
28 Nov 11

Originally posted by rwingett
It's not the Christians I'm worried about. They're just as stupid as they've always been. The problem is the atheists. The caliber of the atheist posters has plummeted in recent years. With a few exceptions, they're sounding almost as stupid as the Christians these days.
Maybe our IQ's are going down from spending too much time here. Lets get out now, while we still can!

I think the real problem is all the really good posters have tackled every major issue quite well, and have either left, or pop in now and again to say "that was discussed quite nicely in thread .....".


With White Women

31 Jul 01
28 Nov 11

Originally posted by rwingett
It's true. There's been nothing but junk in here for weeks. The last person out, turn off the lights.
When the core theologians of the site left, of which I am one, it was like the pronouncement of an Old Testament prophet that Israel would be a barren land.

Ming the Merciless

Royal Oak, MI

09 Sep 01
28 Nov 11

Originally posted by kirksey957
When the core theologians of the site left, of which I am one, it was like the pronouncement of an Old Testament prophet that Israel would be a barren land.
Prophetic indeed.

Standard memberRemoved

15 Sep 04
28 Nov 11

Originally posted by rwingett
It's true. There's been nothing but junk in here for weeks. The last person out, turn off the lights.
Most of the quality contributors disappeared ages ago. I used to enjoy just reading the debates.



15 Nov 03
28 Nov 11

Originally posted by RJHinds
I am a believer in Jesus as the Christ, but I consider myself one of the
most unreligious Christians that I know. Jesus seems to have been
against the main religious leaders of the Jews. He did not seem to me
to teach his disciples to follow strick religious rules as did the Saducees
and the Pharisees. I feel free and do not feel I am sinning if I do ...[text shortened]... ized churches today even though I believe in orthodox
Christian doctrines as I understand them.
i was a bit suprized to read this from you. you have a good knowledge of which you share on this site. i go to church every sunday [ unless sickness prevails]. i see it as my gift to god on a personal level. tho i understand your unease with a doctrine of a church against what you think is right [i say think because we wont know till he tells us]. still i am commited to go and take the sacrament and share with others [even some who seem to test my christianity] and give at the minimum some of my time gathered together in worship.