@kevin-eleven saidMe neither
I really don't understand the importance of such a discussion.
@kevin-eleven saidRubbish Thread #17
I really don't understand the importance of such a discussion.
You are on a roll
@kevin-eleven saidThe Trinity is a retrofit to scripture. it has no relevance.
I really don't understand the importance of such a discussion.
@sonship saidThis is better:
As we are into talking about the Trinity, may I suggest that we also sing about Him in John 17?
@ghost-of-a-duke saidWell it really does. The bible says that one must worship Jehovah God with "truth and spirit". So in ones worship to him we all have to make sure we are doing that.
The Trinity is a retrofit to scripture. it has no relevance.
Of course Jehovah and his son Jesus knows the complete truth of the trinity doctrine. Thru prayer and study which should include honestly doing research with asking Jehovah to help us and if we do indeed find that something we've believed isn't all truthful, then one should be humble enough to make those changes.
Our life's are at stake because Jehovah says so.
Plus religions that teach the trinity and in fact make that a requirement to accept it is a pretty serious issue.
My mother who was raised a baptist never believed the trinity but out in the open had to show she agreed to it. But later in life she learned it was in fact not a truth but was from early paganistic civilizations that were totally against Jehovah. Unfortunately her family turned their backs on her because of that. But that was OK because the bible says that will happen. So that reassured her that she was now worshiping with truth on that false religious teaching.
Plus trinity based religions say one will not be accepted by God without accepting it and will burn in hell forever. Pretty serious to me....
@kevin-eleven saidGod being the prime reality, the first cause, the truth, the reason for all things it behoves us to know as much about Him as possible. If you think He isn’t worth your time we’ll for you what does it matter what anyone else thinks?
I really don't understand the importance of such a discussion.
John 17 surely shows the oneness of the Father and the Son is to be infused into the oneness of the church.
And Genesis 1:26,27 hint that this nature of God and His creation of man are related.
"And God said, Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness . . ."
The Trinity is certainly a main revelation of the Bible critically related to His purpose for creating the universe and man in it. He is not triune just for redemption. Before the need of redemption from sin man was created according to His the image and with God's likeness in mind.
That image of God is the second Person of the Trinity - the Son.
" . . . the illumination of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, . . . " (See 2 Cor. 4:4)