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Using Dianetics to Improve in Chess

Using Dianetics to Improve in Chess


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I recently finished the Dianetcs course based on the book by L.Ron Hubbard. This is the Religion that everyone has heard of recently because of Tom Cruise and the media.
I have received about 20 hours of Dianetic processing, and got noticeable gains, including increased mental focus, in chess and life.
Has anyone else read the book?

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Originally posted by Grandmouster
I recently finished the Dianetcs course based on the book by L.Ron Hubbard. This is the Religion that everyone has heard of recently because of Tom Cruise and the media.
I have received about 20 hours of Dianetic processing, and got noticeable gains, including increased mental focus, in chess and life.
The website is www.dianetics.org or www.scientology.org.
Has anyone else read the book?
Your rating graph doesn't show any particularly noticable improvement.

I haven't read the book but I'd be interested in hearing how else the course has improved your life.

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As far as books that improve quality of life go, I highly recommend "How to Live on 24 Hours A Day," by Arnold Bennett.

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Originally posted by Grandmouster
I recently finished the Dianetcs course based on the book by L.Ron Hubbard. This is the Religion that everyone has heard of recently because of Tom Cruise and the media.
I have received about 20 hours of Dianetic processing, and got noticeable gains, including increased mental focus, in chess and life.
The website is www.dianetics.org or www.scientology.org.
Has anyone else read the book?
Why don't you save us the time and money and tell us what you learned.

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I'd also like to recommend "The Art of Thinking," by Ernest Dimnet. It has had a positive influence on me.

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Considering that i just finished the course, and am still in the process of getting dianetics sessions, this wont show in my one-move a day-games here on RHP.
I notice changes in the way i see OTB, and how i use the information i learned over the years.
Also my USCF Rating is close to my RHP rating, and i use my ICC Blitz ratings to measure improvement, because i play the most games there.
Before Dianetics, i would study, and take lessons, and not notice any real progress. After a few sessions, i noticed a lot of stress that i was living with for many years dissapear, and i was able to focus more on what i was reading, and absorbing new information from lessons, etc.
I'm expecting my rating here and OTB to catch up.
I know i have improved, for instance, i used to play this old russian master in Washingtom Sq. pk. and he used to give me 5-1 time odds, and still kill me.
The other day i played him about 12-14 games, at 5-3 time odds, and crushed him a few games, flagged him a few, and got a few draws. The other hustlers in the park took notice, as i've been going there for years, and getting killed by this guy for a long time.
The cool thing about it was, i was using information i had read for the past few years, and the lessons i took, and i was able to play out the ideas OTB, as before Dianetics, i couldnt put 2-and-2 together, and would forget everything i read when it came to the practice part.

This is the best way to get rid of stress, and anxieties from everyday life, and free up your mental energy for chess, or anything that you want to accomplish in life.

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Originally posted by Grandmouster
I recently finished the Dianetcs course based on the book by L.Ron Hubbard. This is the Religion that everyone has heard of recently because of Tom Cruise and the media.
I have received about 20 hours of Dianetic processing, and got noticeable gains, including increased mental focus, in chess and life.
The website is www.dianetics.org or www.scientology.org.
Has anyone else read the book?
lol. That's all I have to say about that.

While you still can, GM, you better get yourself over to http://www.clambake.org. That is, if your browser hasn't yet been hijacked by Scientology "software".

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How come your so antagonistic? do you have something to hide?

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Originally posted by Grandmouster
How come your so antagonistic? do you have something to hide?
Antagonistic? Trust me, this is me at my accommodating best. Did you visit the link, GM?

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Originally posted by Grandmouster
How come your so antagonistic? do you have something to hide?
Did you have someone in mind, who is especially antogonistic? My point with the the book recommendations is that many books can make life better. But that doesn't mean they're all "religions."

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Originally posted by David C
Antagonistic? Trust me, this is me at my accommodating best. Did you visit the link, GM?
The reason someone might attack scientology, is they have something to hide.
Some crimes, or things they have done that they have withheld, and have a fear of someone finding out.
This is called "overts and withholds" and you can find out more at the scientology website glossery.
I know, i grew up with my parents invloved in it for 30+ years, and i hated it at times, and was involved at times.
I recently did some processing, and took more courses, because i realized that the technology do'es really work, and is the best way to change whats wrong with you.
Being critical, and antagonistic all the time is a sure sign of an overt and withhold.
If scientology has nothing to offer you, fine. If you find that there is something there that can help you, by all means check it out for your self.
If you havent seen it, or experienced it, then how can you attack it without knowing the facts?

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Originally posted by Grandmouster

If you havent seen it, or experienced it, then how can you attack it without knowing the facts?
Have you ever tried cocaine? Do you have a problem with people distributing cocaine to 8 year olds?

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Originally posted by Grandmouster
I recently finished the Dianetcs course based on the book by L.Ron Hubbard. This is the Religion that everyone has heard of recently because of Tom Cruise and the media.
I have received about 20 hours of Dianetic processing, and got noticeable gains, including increased mental focus, in chess and life.
The website is www.dianetics.org or www.scientology.org.
Has anyone else read the book?
what other science fiction, er...i mean, religious, works do you recommend?

The reason someone might attack scientology, is they have something to hide.

doubtful. people are going to attack scientology because it is the most ridiculously absurd 'religion' ever devised, replete with alien invasion and indoctrination. that hubbard -- what a character.

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Originally posted by Grandmouster

Check out the web sites ( www.dianetics.org and www.scientology.org)
Here are a couple other good ones.


And if you try it out and it doesn't improve your chess as advertised, here are some additional steps you could take, provided the org has not confined you against your will "in a 7 x 7 chicken-wire cell" or "at the bottom of an elevator shaft":


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Originally posted by Grandmouster
How come your so antagonistic? do you have something to hide?
Typical Scientology, when questioned, ATTACK!
"I think Scientology is absurd."
"Most wife-beaters do."
Blah blah, take it to the sci-fi forum.

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