What About Noah's Flood?

What About Noah's Flood?


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03 Sep 12
12 Nov 12

Originally posted by karoly aczel
Wow! The explanations get even more absurd.
That's the first I've heard of an Abrahamic God (or any depiction of "God" ) , being sorry for what It created.

I have heard of many a anthropomorphic explanations of "God's" actions, and I am going to have to file this along with the others.

"God" is depicted as masculine, elderly ,etc. so that we m ...[text shortened]... could he see everything?? ).
You see how ridiculous it gets, and how quickly.
Well let me ask you the same thing I asked sonhouse, what do you believe in the way of a faith, religion, etc?

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
12 Nov 12

Originally posted by kd2acz
Well I don't know how many nasty men there were on the earth at the time. I don't even know how many animals there were, or even how many wildebeests there may have been. I think it is probable that we do not hold all the answers, although we sometimes would like to think we do. Just out of curiosity, what faith, religion, or whatever do you adhere to if anything?

The bible says there were people god thought were bad, I don't know how many but the population of the world around 10K years ago was maybe 2 million or so.

For instance, the US had ZERO people in it 20,000 years ago but a thriving population of animals now extinct like the woolly mammoth and so forth.

It is clear there were many times more animals on the earth than humans back in the day.

It was only in the last thousand years the entire population of the Earth exceeded a hundred million.

And we lost about 1/3 of them in the plague....

I already said what I think about organized religions. Did you read my op on my new word ephipany? The hour I UN believed?

I saw the bible as putting women down on a lower plane than women, like the verse that says a man is worth 50 shekels but a woman only 35. There are references like that throughout the bible.

It became clear to me the entire edifice of the Abrahamic religions rested on tales designed to control primitive men and to specifically exclude women from the upper ranks of power.

You only find a couple of books in the bible written by women because women were not allowed to become educated and only a few highly motivated ones got one by hook or crook.

ANY religion that puts women on a lower plane than men, and by that I mean the absence of women in the upper ranks of power, is no religion begat by a god but just made up by men.

I firmly believe any sort of god worthy of the name would make it perfectly clear women and men were one EXACTLY the same footing in the world and therefore there would be the same number of men in power as women.

Show me a religion where that is true.

I can't deny the possibility of there being a god simply because we can see billions of light years into the universe but we have barely gotten men to our own moon.

Not much of a record for making grand statements about the presence of absence of gods or a god.

I see too many religions diametrically opposed to one another for any of those religions to have been inspired by an actual god.

For instance, the Abrahamic religions, the Judeo-christian-Islam trio have been at each others throats for over a thousand years.

That alone strikes me as a red flag saying they were all made by men not inspired by any god.

Then you can look to Mayinmar, Burma, whatever you want to call that country, the Buddhists are killing muslims there. Don't see any evidence for a god there.

And in Afghanistan and Iraq, Sunni's are killing shiites and vice versa and they supposedly worship the same frigging god!

You probably listen to short wave radio and you have to have noticed most stations broadcasting in English coming from the US are religious right wing nutters.

For instance, I heard one of those nut jobs actually calling for the deaths of some other sect, I think the dude was talking about killing Baptists.

This is just nuts, there is no god involved in any of this BS.

I wish there WAS a real god who would come down and kick butt over all this religious strife.

Look at Ireland, Are you ORANGE or are you GREEN?

That actually happened to a friend of mine, Kevin Carr, he visited Dublin on a trip learning Irish music, we both played in Irish bands in Venice Beach.

So he is walking down the street late at night, and was physically pulled down into a basement warren where there were a few dozen Irishmen.

They put him in front of all those people and said exactly what I said,


Well he didn't have a clue as to which one these dudes were.

But he was thinking on his feet, he said,


Much merriment ensued, everyone was happy and he was allowed to go on his way, never learning just what side those dudes were on.

That kind of thing is just nuts, if a god set such a cruel system in motion, it is an insane god and I just hope to hell I never run into such insanity.

Kind of like running into Idi Amin and getting on his wrong side...

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
12 Nov 12

Originally posted by kd2acz
Well let me ask you the same thing I asked sonhouse, what do you believe in the way of a faith, religion, etc?
I am going by 'Hindu' as that seems to represent my views most adequetly. (Of course Hindus are a diverse mob , some believing in some things, others not. But by and large they are a peaceful religion open to others of different faiths. They do not claim to have a monopoly on truth.)

Then again I empathize with the atheists on here as well as any that dare to define "god" into their own terms.

Because no one really knows "God" everyone is having an educated guess , but I say it is just a word. A word that has brought you some understanding. I would also say: discard the words and concepts. Leave them at the door. Embrace learning and understanding and build upon it. For if we both dig deep enough, we are both likely to arrive at the same position, for in "God" we are not differentiated at all. There is only one "God" but it is not some being who is separate from the rest of creation - It IS all of creation AND the non-created.
Beyond all distinctions and categories , it is a guiding principle, it is the lover and beloved, it is the alpha and omega , etc.
It is all things to all people.
But It is not a "HE" 🙂

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
12 Nov 12
1 edit

Originally posted by avalanchethecat
The lack of respect I have shown for you and your posting is a direct consequence of the astonishingly rude and disrespectful manner with which you have conducted yourself, not just in discussion with me, but with pretty much everyone you have found disagreement with in these fora.
I try to give at least as much as I get for it is more blessed to give than to receive and the Lord loves a cheerful giver. 😏

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
12 Nov 12

Originally posted by Dasa
Of course there was a flood.....there,s no disputing a flood.

But the Noah and His Ark are just a myth like most of the Biblical stories.

So are some of the Biblical stories not a myth? What is the true history of Israel and the Jewish people then? If you can't answer that question, then how are you to know what is myth and what is true history?

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
12 Nov 12

Originally posted by sonhouse
Of course there was a flood, which flood would that have been?
We are talking about the worldwide flood that covered the whole Earth.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
12 Nov 12

Originally posted by sonhouse
You should back away from the flood story and ask yourself this: Why would god destroy all the animals on earth because of the supposed failures of a few men? The number of men involved couldn't have been more than a few thousand, so your god destroyed literally billions of animals because of the failures of a few thousand men?

That does not make sense r ...[text shortened]... would destroy his own creation completely just to fix the problem of a few thousand nasty men.
It was not just a few men, it was all the men except for Noah and his 3 sons.
God saved as many animals as was necessary to replenish the Earth. We have more animals today than we know what to do with. Even after eating a lot of them. 😏

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
12 Nov 12

Originally posted by sonhouse
The bible says there were people god thought were bad, I don't know how many but the population of the world around 10K years ago was maybe 2 million or so.

For instance, the US had ZERO people in it 20,000 years ago but a thriving population of animals now extinct like the woolly mammoth and so forth.

It is clear there were many times more animals on ...[text shortened]... into such insanity.

Kind of like running into Idi Amin and getting on his wrong side...
It was a little over 6,000 years a go that there was zero men on earth. Then God created mankind, male and female, one of each. From those two the population grew to many thousands. Then about 4,500 years ago the worldwide flood left only eight people alive on the Earth. From those eight people came the billions of people we have today on the Earth.

I think it makes good sense, considering all the evidence we have. 😏

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
12 Nov 12

Originally posted by karoly aczel
I am going by 'Hindu' as that seems to represent my views most adequetly. (Of course Hindus are a diverse mob , some believing in some things, others not. But by and large they are a peaceful religion open to others of different faiths. They do not claim to have a monopoly on truth.)

Then again I empathize with the atheists on here as well as any tha ...[text shortened]... he alpha and omega , etc.
It is all things to all people.
But It is not a "HE" 🙂
God is definitely not a SHE so God must be a HE. 😏

16 Jan 07
12 Nov 12

Originally posted by RJHinds
God is definitely not a SHE so God must be a HE. 😏
what to you defines being a he?

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
12 Nov 12

Originally posted by stellspalfie
what to you defines being a he?
A he is a person, who is not a she.

31 May 06
12 Nov 12
1 edit

Originally posted by RJHinds
God is definitely not a SHE so God must be a HE.

A he is a person, who is not a she.
What makes you think that there are only two options for gender?

Just among humans there is more than just a binary division between Male and Female.

And there is no reason to suppose an singular being would have any gender.

Your argument is invalid.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
12 Nov 12

Originally posted by googlefudge
What makes you think that there are only two options for gender?

Just among humans there is more than just a binary division between Male and Female.

And there is no reason to suppose an singular being would have any gender.

Your argument is invalid.
In the case of God, all three persons are He. There is no she or anything inbetween in the Godhead. 😏

HalleluYah !!! Praise the Lord! Holy! Holy! Holy!


03 Sep 12
12 Nov 12

Originally posted by googlefudge
What makes you think that there are only two options for gender?

Just among humans there is more than just a binary division between Male and Female.

And there is no reason to suppose an singular being would have any gender.

Your argument is invalid.
This is getting silly.

16 Jan 07
13 Nov 12

Originally posted by RJHinds
A he is a person, who is not a she.
are you saying god is a person?