Why religion is dumb - reason 6 (Wasted Life)

Why religion is dumb - reason 6 (Wasted Life)


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I stink, ergo I am

On the rebound

14 Jul 05
08 Nov 05

Originally posted by Bosse de Nage
Nice list. Just wondering why Origen is there, what do he do apart from cutting off his balls?

Edit--T.S. Eliot's best poetry was written before he adopted Christianity.
T.S. Eliot's best poetry was written before he adopted Christianity.

...and you have some objective means to prove this?

ZellulÀrer Automat

Spiel des Lebens

27 Jan 05
08 Nov 05

Originally posted by Halitose
Are all my names there? I drew them from several sources... As the compiler of my list, I'm allowed to suck my thumb...
They're all there. I guess they have the same sources you do.

I did a Google on the first 5 artists' names you listed--perfect match, same non-alphabetical order. Same with the other categories.


Hamelin: RAT-free

17 Sep 05
08 Nov 05

Originally posted by howardgee
Absolutely classic.

PRatX gives the very same list as his like minded (using the term loosely) friend, Halitosis.

Well, great minds think alike!
Or in their case, "Fools seldom differ" is more applicable.

So come on boys, where did you cut 'n' paste this risible list from?
Should have known Halitosis would not have been able to produce such ...[text shortened]... a new thread to analyse this list and tear it apart.

Funny.......oh so funny!!!!! đŸ˜€đŸ˜”đŸ˜€
Absolutely stupid.

Howhard, you made one of the dumbest, blithely ignorant statements proving to those who have a little more than "kazaam! I said it, it's gotta be that way!!!" that your head is so deep up your ass you see no more than your small mind and even smaller world.

I copied Hal's list because it contains most of the names I'd consider theists who have done the world a great good. If you don't know the names on the list, or haven't a better answer than a lot of hot air.

BTW - Just answer this thread right here, don't scurry off and try a new slate, hoping your crap will look more appetising.

Stupid.... oh so stupid!!!

Guys, where are your fabulous lists? Does it matter where they come from, as long as they make their point? Stop tossing a load of bullcrap to try and cloud the issue! Grow up and answer the list.

ZellulÀrer Automat

Spiel des Lebens

27 Jan 05
08 Nov 05

Originally posted by Halitose
[b]T.S. Eliot's best poetry was written before he adopted Christianity.

...and you have some objective means to prove this?[/b]
Have you read all his poetry, especially The Wasteland & Four Quartets?

ZellulÀrer Automat

Spiel des Lebens

27 Jan 05
08 Nov 05

Originally posted by RatX
I copied Hal's list because it contains most of the names I'd consider theists who have done the world a great good.
Why did you leave out some of the names on Hal's list?


Hamelin: RAT-free

17 Sep 05
08 Nov 05

Originally posted by Bosse de Nage
They're all there. I guess they have the same sources you do.

I did a Google on the first 5 artists' names you listed--perfect match, same non-alphabetical order. Same with the other categories.
Who gives a rat's ass, man? These are all people who lived in the past and had a great influence on the world...

Is this some new "you-did-a-google-and-got-some-proof-and-it's-dumb-because-you-google'd-it"?

I stink, ergo I am

On the rebound

14 Jul 05
08 Nov 05

Originally posted by Bosse de Nage
Have you read all his poetry, especially The Wasteland & Four Quartets?
All? I can't say I have... I"ve read some of it.


Hamelin: RAT-free

17 Sep 05
08 Nov 05

Originally posted by Bosse de Nage
Why did you leave out some of the names on Hal's list?
Because I didn't think they had (as I was answering Starfella) some of the greatest influence on the world...

I don't need to re-research something - it was answered by Hal and I reiterated it for the guy who obviously didn't see it the first time.

I stink, ergo I am

On the rebound

14 Jul 05
08 Nov 05

Originally posted by Bosse de Nage
They're all there. I guess they have the same sources you do.

I did a Google on the first 5 artists' names you listed--perfect match, same non-alphabetical order. Same with the other categories.
Check the scientific category...

ZellulÀrer Automat

Spiel des Lebens

27 Jan 05
08 Nov 05

Originally posted by RatX
Is this some new "you-did-a-google-and-got-some-proof-and-it's-dumb-because-you-google'd-it"?
No, but Hal's claim to have sucked it out his thumb is not looking very good. It rather looks like he did cut and paste it from somewhere rather than making the list up himself. I wouldn't have bothered to bring it up had he not specifically denied doing it.


Hamelin: RAT-free

17 Sep 05
08 Nov 05

Where the hell is your list of great atheists (non-prayers) who did the world so much good? Or are you guys just gonna carry on with this idiotic smoke-and-mirrors show?

I thought atheists actually would think about things, reason and answer intellectually. All I've seen (especially from BDN) is a guy hopping about throwing dust in the air about "you got that from this site, it must be stupid/wrong/propaganda/linkedtomypsychoticmotherinlaw!!!

Give us your list or answer (more than "his poetry wasn't as good after he became a christian, duh" ) jackass!


Hamelin: RAT-free

17 Sep 05
08 Nov 05

Originally posted by Bosse de Nage
No, but Hal's claim to have sucked it out his thumb is not looking very good. It rather looks like he did cut and paste it from somewhere rather than making the list up himself. I wouldn't have bothered to bring it up had he not specifically denied doing it.
I've checked the apparent sources you claim and he has quite a few that are not on your wunderlist...

Hey, you believe evolution - close enough to be just chance - No, couldn't be?! You're really trying to slice hairs here. What if his thumb has an extension to google - let's start a new thread that defines "sucking your thumb", while I think it'd turn on too many guys (like you, Darvlay, DC and howardgee).


19 Nov 03
08 Nov 05

Originally posted by RatX
Where the hell is your list of great atheists (non-prayers) who did the world so much good? Or are you guys just gonna carry on with this idiotic smoke-and-mirrors show?

I thought atheists actually would think about things, reason and answer intellectually. All I've seen (especially from BDN) is a guy hopping about throwing dust in the air about "you got t ...[text shortened]... or answer (more than "his poetry wasn't as good after he became a christian, duh" ) jackass!
As I've said before, I will compile a list of people I admire and that I think have had a positive influenc on the world. What I will not do is play stupid games with youover who's list is better than the other's. It seems you took no time at all in compiling your list, which is probably the reason the rest of us are having a hard time believing you have read any/all of the literature your niminees have produced, or followed the history of some of those persons like Joan D'arc, or have an understanding of the scientific processes, or even the careers of some of the scientists. As such, your list is nothing more than a group of people who happen to meet the criteria of being men of some religious sense. Both the level of their religion and the level of their beneficient impact are varied and questionable. Stop throwing veiled insults where you have no recourse.

01 Oct 04
08 Nov 05

Originally posted by RatX
Where the hell is your list of great atheists (non-prayers) who did the world so much good? Or are you guys just gonna carry on with this idiotic smoke-and-mirrors show?

I thought atheists actually would think about things, reason and answer intellectually. All I've seen (especially from BDN) is a guy hopping about throwing dust in the air about "you got t ...[text shortened]... or answer (more than "his poetry wasn't as good after he became a christian, duh" ) jackass!
1. Hitler
2. Stalin
3. Al Capone
4. 2 Pac
5. Ice Cube
6. Kurt Cobain
7. Marilin Manson
8. Karl Marx
9. Elvis Presley
10. Michael Jackson....

Need I continue 😉

ZellulÀrer Automat

Spiel des Lebens

27 Jan 05
08 Nov 05

Originally posted by RatX

Give us your list or answer (more than "his poetry wasn't as good after he became a christian, duh" ) jackass!
How about Abraham Lincoln & Benjamin Franklin for starters?

I found a list of famous dead non-theists for you--you have to pick through it to sort out the goodies from the baddies: http://www.jmarkgilbert.com/atheists.html

This exercise in comparing lists is extremely childish. What quantifiable good did TS Eliot produce? How do you quantify good? Ridiculous.

I'd wager that Shakespeare didn't pray.