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Garbage disposal

Garbage dump

20 Apr 16
07 Sep 16

Originally posted by divegeester
We can hardly call the Bible "evidence". To an unbeliever it is just a book claiming that God exists. A DC Comic is just a book claiming that Superman exists.

Similarly with Christians testimonies, these are people, like you and I perhaps, claiming that God exists. This is not evidence.

But now I see you have switch to faith. So which is it, evidence or faith?
Ok if the Bible is not evidence of Jesus, what is? Why do you believe in Jesus?

I don't think faith and evidence are mutually exclusive. I think evidence can strengthen your faith. But faith is not blind per se.

16 Feb 08
07 Sep 16

Originally posted by FMF
You haven't proposed a system of justice. You have shared some bizarre notions involving grotesquely violent "consequences" and baffling unfairness and simply appeneded the words "perfect" and "real" and "fair" to them as if doing so affects the nature of the ideological nightmare you describe.
The guy is a troll. He's taking the piss.

16 Feb 08
07 Sep 16

Originally posted by Fetchmyjunk
Ok if the Bible is not evidence of Jesus, what is?
You are the one claiming there is evidence, why are you asking me for it?


28 Oct 05
07 Sep 16

Originally posted by Fetchmyjunk
Ok tell me this: Can someone make a wrong choice? Or are all choices right?
Involving, say, the safety of others, or the security of property, or the prudence of investments, or one's health, yes, people can make wrong choices. But with angels dancing on the head of a pin stuff like what you propagate? It may have been a wrong decision for me to have devoted as much time as I have indulging you, so, yes, in that regard, wrong choices can be made.

16 Feb 08
07 Sep 16

Originally posted by Fetchmyjunk
I don't think faith and evidence are mutually exclusive.
Please provide a specific example of something that is evidential that has to be received by faith?

Garbage disposal

Garbage dump

20 Apr 16
07 Sep 16

Originally posted by divegeester
The guy is a troll. He's taking the piss.
Why don't you leave the adults to have civilised discussion and go and play with your toys?

Garbage disposal

Garbage dump

20 Apr 16
07 Sep 16

Originally posted by divegeester
You are the one claiming there is evidence, why are you asking me for it?
So if there is no evidence of Jesus how did your faith come into existence?

16 Feb 08
07 Sep 16
1 edit

Originally posted by Fetchmyjunk
I think evidence can strengthen your faith.
This is just waffle you have pulled off the top of your held.

Give a example of a piece of "evidence of Jesus" that has strengthend your personal faith.

16 Feb 08
07 Sep 16
2 edits

Originally posted by Fetchmyjunk
So if there is no evidence of Jesus how did your faith come into existence?
Why don't you read your Bible a bit before engaging people on the Internet. What does the Bible say about faith and salvation and belief? Whatever it says that is exactly precisely how my faith works.


28 Oct 05
07 Sep 16

Originally posted by Fetchmyjunk
Do you think it is possible to love someone without a free will?
Give me some scenarios illustrating what you mean. As for the Christian notion - of a God figure wishing to be sincerely loved by his creations otherwise He will torture them - I think it's nonsense and depraved.

Garbage disposal

Garbage dump

20 Apr 16
07 Sep 16

Originally posted by FMF
It isn't believable. I can't choose to believe it. If you honestly think that the "fair" punishment for me not believing in the "credibility" of same things as you is for me to be tortured for eternity and that my lack of belief is equally as evil as murdering millions of people, then I think your entire philosophy is intellectually and spiritually shambolic ~ e ...[text shortened]... that one might be required to "choose" to believe it for fear of being tortured is preposterous.
It isn't believable. I can't choose to believe it.

So how does belief about something come about if it is not by choice?

Garbage disposal

Garbage dump

20 Apr 16
07 Sep 16

Originally posted by divegeester
Why don't you read your Bible a bit before engaging people on the Internet. What does the Bible say about faith and salvation and belief? Whatever it says that is exactly precisely how my faith works.
I asked you a specific question. If you don't know the answer just say so.

16 Feb 08
07 Sep 16

Originally posted by Fetchmyjunk
Why don't you leave the adults to have civilised discussion and go and play with your toys?
You are behaving like a troll. Firing off ill conceived questions, refusing to answer questions put to by just asking more even dumber questions. Look back over these last three pages for some "evidence" of what I'm saying.


28 Oct 05
07 Sep 16

Originally posted by Fetchmyjunk
So how does belief about something come about if it is not by choice?
I refer you back to when we talked about this only 2-3 hours ago on this thread.

16 Feb 08
07 Sep 16

Originally posted by Fetchmyjunk
I asked you a specific question. If you don't know the answer just say so.
You are not answering any questions put to you in any thread and toy deflect by answering even dumber questions. Your questions are boarding on the idiotic and you are descending into farce.

You are a troll.