Brexit? Let’s boot Poland out of the EU!

Brexit? Let’s boot Poland out of the EU!


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Pawn Whisperer

My Kingdom fora Pawn

09 Jan 19
27 Jul 20

@shavixmir Now, without wishing to draw conclusions on morality, it is so out of sync with the rest of Europe, they should be sold to Russia as Gulag-fodder.

Oh, dear. That is so judgmental and exclusionary

If you want change

Vote for it!

16 Feb 08
27 Jul 20

@shavixmir said

God damn, they piss me off!
Everybody pisses you off Shav 🤣


Sewers of Holland

31 Jan 04
28 Jul 20

@divegeester said
Everybody pisses you off Shav 🤣
Well, they do!

Lots and lots of people are just obnoxiously in my face.
I dunno. Why can’t they just bugger off and get on someone elses’ tits for once?

If you want change

Vote for it!

16 Feb 08
28 Jul 20

If you want change

Vote for it!

16 Feb 08
28 Jul 20

That’s odd, all I did was reply to Shav’s post and auto mod deleted it, but leaves Shav’s original.


If you want change

Vote for it!

16 Feb 08
28 Jul 20

If you want change

Vote for it!

16 Feb 08
28 Jul 20
1 edit

There’s an anomaly.

Reply to Shav’s post above and auto mod ignores it. But edit the spot and it gets deleted.


Planet Rain

04 Mar 04
28 Jul 20
1 edit

@shavixmir said

Basically, Poland doesn’t want woman’s rights to be taught in school and their gouvernment is all into family values and not interfering when gays are abused or women are abused in the home.

Kicking them out of the EU is too good for them.
Sell their sorry, rabidly nasty, anti-abortion, anti-equal rights arse to the Russ ...[text shortened]... promise of reinstating the goulag for their disruption to evolution.

God damn, they piss me off!
So there's a real problem with kicking a nation out of the EU for flirting with fascism, right? Like, particularly when two member nations are in a love-triangle with fascism. Because, as far as I can recall, it takes a unanimous vote of all the other EU nations to kick Poland out, but Hungary would never go along.

Hungary knows it would be next if Poland were expelled, and spewing right-wing nonsense about refugees sucking up state coffers and threatening Western democracy is apparently an irony lost on two nations that are forever suckling at the EU's teat while busily destroying democratic institutions themselves.


Sewers of Holland

31 Jan 04
29 Jul 20

@soothfast said
So there's a real problem with kicking a nation out of the EU for flirting with fascism, right? Like, particularly when two member nations are in a love-triangle with fascism. Because, as far as I can recall, it takes a unanimous vote of all the other EU nations to kick Poland out, but Hungary would never go along.

Hungary knows it would be next if Poland were expell ...[text shortened]... at are forever suckling at the EU's teat while busily destroying democratic institutions themselves.
I never thought about that.
However, there is the European court of justice.

That can dictate that all laws within the EU have to be followed.
And all EU countries have ratified the European convention on human rights... and the protocols held within (protocol being a treaty being actual law).

So, technically, the court can hold Poland and Hungary accountable and fine their sorry arses until they leave on their own fine accord.

S. Korea

03 Jun 17
29 Jul 20

@shavixmir said

Basically, Poland doesn’t want woman’s rights to be taught in school and their gouvernment is all into family values and not interfering when gays are abused or women are abused in the home.

Kicking them out of the EU is too good for them.
Sell their sorry, rabidly nasty, anti-abortion, anti-equal rights arse to the Russ ...[text shortened]... promise of reinstating the goulag for their disruption to evolution.

God damn, they piss me off!
This is also true.

Hungary, Poland, Romania, and some of these other forward thinking countries would be better off being completely free from the political fetters that the EU put on them. In the cases of these countries, the process of entering the EU began long before the level of rot was really fully processed.

Of course, there would be a lot of economic issues to work out for this to happen, but after Brexit, and with there havign been plenty of chatter in Italy about exiting, it is not a terrible idea.


13 Mar 07
29 Jul 20

@philokalia said
This is also true.

Hungary, Poland, Romania, and some of these other forward thinking countries would be better off being completely free from the political fetters that the EU put on them. In the cases of these countries, the process of entering the EU began long before the level of rot was really fully processed.

Of course, there would be a lot of economic issues ...[text shortened]... xit, and with there havign been plenty of chatter in Italy about exiting, it is not a terrible idea.
I think you're missing the bigger picture. Any country in the EU at least has a say in its decision making. Outside the EU, countries like Hungary would have to choose (as Britain is now having to choose) whether to become a client state of Russia, or China, or America. I can't think of anything more disastrous for the future of the continent than its being divided into a Balkanised patchwork of territories loyal to different foreign masters.

No individual European country has the population or economic significance to stand up against the superpowers; the EU, run rightly, has the potential to be a superpower in itself. As Britain is about to find out, it's the difference between being one of history's agents and being one of its objects.

Pawn Whisperer

My Kingdom fora Pawn

09 Jan 19
29 Jul 20
1 edit


Interesting perspective. I personally think that some people (Shav) get all
worked up over not much. Of course, America has such a thing as state's
rights so this thinking is normal for me.

Poland should have the right to teach what it wants - or not, in their schools.


The wrong side of 60

22 Dec 11
29 Jul 20

@philokalia said
This is also true.

Hungary, Poland, Romania, and some of these other forward thinking countries would be better off being completely free from the political fetters that the EU put on them. In the cases of these countries, the process of entering the EU began long before the level of rot was really fully processed.

Of course, there would be a lot of economic issues ...[text shortened]... xit, and with there havign been plenty of chatter in Italy about exiting, it is not a terrible idea.
Lol “forward thinking” What like 1930s Germany was “forward thinking”?

Losing the Thread

Quarantined World

27 Oct 04
29 Jul 20

@shavixmir said
“There will be upsides to the Brexit. It will be fun to watch the Irish enjoying a British famine for a change.”

- Frankie Boyle -
I spent a few minutes looking this up on Wikipedia. The last major peacetime famine in England was the 1623-24 famine mainly affecting Lancashire [1], the last in Scotland was the Seven Ill Years of the last decade of the 17th Century. However the Year without a Summer (1816) saw severe food shortages in Britain and famine in Ireland. It's been three or four centuries since there's been a famine in Britain and the last time there were food shortages in Britain in peacetime there was a famine in Ireland. So it seems likely that it's in the Irish interest that there aren't food shortages in Britain.


Immigration Central

23 Aug 04
29 Jul 20

@deepthought said
I spent a few minutes looking this up on Wikipedia. The last major peacetime famine in England was the 1623-24 famine mainly affecting Lancashire [1], the last in Scotland was the Seven Ill Years of the last decade of the 17th Century. However the Year without a Summer (1816) saw severe food shortages in Britain and famine in Ireland. It's been three or four centuries ...[text shortened]...
Oftentimes the reason the Irish starved when the English were low on food is because the English controlled Ireland and exported all the food to England. Things might work differently now.