Originally posted by yo its meA terrible crime but I don't see it splashed all over the tabloids that in the UK alone Domestic Violence claims the lives of two women each week and 30 men per year. Do you have second hand knowledge of such an event?
According to ITV today one young person (in their twenties usually) Is the victim of this apauling practice every month in Britian.
I find this astonishing but not surprisng sadly I think I knew it, really.
Are you Muslim or Hindu do you have second-hand knowlage of such an event?
Originally posted by kinkyafroActually, sadly I do. Very second hand a woman who was a freind of a freind, called Saffron who was packing her things to leave her partner, when he came home early and enraged, with two-year-old screaming son watching, he (well no details needed). She was 23.
A terrible crime but I don't see it splashed all over the tabloids that in the UK alone Domestic Violence claims the lives of two women each week and 30 men per year. Do you have second hand knowledge of such an event?
But 2 women each week now I am surprised. Especially, as you say, at that it hardly ever gets in the national news...........
Originally posted by uzless😀
[b]The bible says if you wear 2 types of material in your clothes, the whole village is supposed to stone you to death.
I know!! Why do some religons think they can do such appauling things and call it religon!!
We'd call it a cult if christians began acting on a thin thread of Bible like that!!
Originally posted by yo its meIf it is part of their culture we have to except it... otherwise your a racist if you question it.
According to ITV today one young person (in their twenties usually) Is the victim of this apauling practice every month in Britian.
I find this astonishing but not surprisng sadly I think I knew it, really.
Are you Muslim or Hindu do you have second-hand knowlage of such an event?
Originally posted by lepomisSo its racist to oppose honour killings? Is it racist that female tourists in some muslim contries have to cover themselves in religious sites? Or is that just respect for their culture? Our culture doesn't allow murder and it is illegal to murder, especally for the reasons in this particular case. There is absolutly no reason why we should have any respect for the crime committed. I know Muslims who would agree with me.
Not really
Originally posted by uzlessThe Bible does not say anything about stoning such a person. See Leviticus 19:19.
The bible says if you wear 2 types of material in your clothes, the whole village is supposed to stone you to death.
Good thing most Christians only take literal the parts about being gay or else we'd run out of rocks.
Most conscientous Christians are not trying to live under the "Old Covenant", which includes requirements for celebrating Passover in Jerusalem, among many other things that you don't find any professed Christians even attempting. Some who profess Christianity, but are less well grounded are confused on the role of the "Old Covenant".
Nevertheless, the Old Testiment does call for stoning those found practicing homosexuality. In spite of this, I do not know any Christians who advocate stoning homosexuals. Most want to be free to practice their religion according to their convictions, which includes teaching in their congregations and families that homosexuality is immoral. This freedom should not be based on whether they're looking at New Testiment passages or errantly applying Old Testiment principles.
Originally posted by Jake EllisonIf the female tourist is white... then she should be expected to follow someone else's culture... if she is not.... then I dont know how you decide which culture wins.
Is it racist that female tourists in some muslim contries have to cover themselves in religious sites?
Originally posted by lepomisSo why exactly, should an Iraqi man in Britian be allowed to kill his daughter for having an Iranian boyfriend?
If the female tourist is white... then she should be expected to follow someone else's culture... if she is not.... then I dont know how you decide which culture wins.
Originally posted by lepomisno, no one is questioning that it is not wrong. I challenge you to find one person who's siad you're racist for sayign these acts are wrong.
If it is part of their culture we have to except it... otherwise your a racist if you question it.
what is wrong is to observe the acts of a few Muslims, who are acting due to perverse culture not in the name of Islam, and then say "look at how evil Islam is". Why not quote the number of rapes by Cristian people and then say "look how evil Christianity is"
what is racist is to take the evil actions of a few Muslims and then say that all Muslims are evil. Exactly the same as looking at gang crime and saying all black Americans are gang bangers, or the Chinese brick factory slaves and then say that all Chinese are slave traders.