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Voter fraud rewarded by democrats

Voter fraud rewarded by democrats


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So there is this poll worker in Cincinnati Ohio, land of the conservative hating IRS, who is found guilty of voter fraud as she voted for Obama multiple times. She was convicted and found guilty and sentenced to 5 years in jail.........only to be honored at a democrat campaign function 8 months later for an Ohio Voters Bill of Rights.

Why did she not serve the full 5 years but instead only 8 months? Well that is our wonderful left winged judicial system at work.

This speaks volumes to me, and I am more convinced than ever that democrats cheat their collective arses off every election to win. They do so with impunity, just like the IRS. But no worries, the lawless cheating democrats are the "good guys", right?

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Who are the "good guys"?

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Originally posted by KazetNagorra
Who are the "good guys"?
Why the democrats of course.

Democrats are on the side of the poor. Therefore, any law they break or any Robin Hood tactics are thus justified. Conversely, Republicans hate the poor and wish to torture and kill them.

Democrats good, Republicans bad.

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Originally posted by whodey
Why the democrats of course.

Democrats are on the side of the poor. Therefore, any law they break or any Robin Hood tactics are thus justified. Conversely, Republicans hate the poor and wish to torture and kill them.

Democrats good, Republicans bad.
So who are the "good guys"?

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Originally posted by KazetNagorra
So who are the "good guys"?
According to the democrats, it is citizens like this women who committed voter fraud, all for a good cause, of course.

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Originally posted by whodey
According to the democrats, it is citizens like this women who committed voter fraud, all for a good cause, of course.
Who are the good guys according to you?

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I think this a large reason why democrats trash the Constitution. Simply put, they think their causes are "good", so if things like rule of law stand in their way they it gets trampled or ignored.

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Originally posted by whodey
Well that is our wonderful left winged judicial system at work.

This speaks volumes to me, and I am more convinced than ever that democrats cheat their collective arses off every election to win. They do so with impunity, just like the IRS. But no worries, the lawless cheating democrats are the "good guys", right?
Aw, whodey. One step forward, two steps back, eh?

Why oh why do you persist in taking one example at a time and extrapolating from it to make unsubstantiated, vastly oversimplified, absolutist conclusions like this one?

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Originally posted by wittywonka
Aw, whodey. One step forward, two steps back, eh?

Why oh why do you persist in taking one example at a time and extrapolating from it to make unsubstantiated, vastly oversimplified, absolutist conclusions like this one?
What does it matter? Just so long as you move in the "right" direction, who the hell cares whether it is Constitutional or legal?

I thought Robin Hood was the poster boy for the left.


Originally posted by whodey

So there is this poll worker in Cincinnati Ohio, land of the conservative hating IRS, who is found guilty of voter fraud as she voted for Obama multiple times. She was convicted and found guilty and sentenced to 5 years in jail.........only to ...[text shortened]... , just like the IRS. But no worries, the lawless cheating democrats are the "good guys", right?
Do you hope that people don't even read your links?:

Even Democrat leaders questioned the idea of applauding Richardson.

"I am very glad the county prosecutor and judge reconsidered and got her out of jail, but she is not a hero," Hamilton County Democratic Party Chairman Tim Burke, who was at the rally, told the Enquirer. "What she did was criminal conduct and was particularly problematic because of her role as a poll worker."

Hamilton County Democratic Party Executive Director Caleb Faux, who was also at the rally, saw it as an attempt to portray Richardson as a martyr because of the lengthy sentence.

"There is some validity that the sentence was too harsh," Faux told the Enquirer. "But I don't see how you can hold her up as an example of somebody to be proud of. What she did was reprehensible."

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Originally posted by no1marauder
Do you hope that people don't even read your links?:

Even Democrat leaders questioned the idea of applauding Richardson.

"I am very glad the county prosecutor and judge reconsidered and got her out of jail, but she is not a hero," Hamilton County Democratic Party Chairman Tim Burke, who was at the rally, told the Enquirer. [b]"What she d ...[text shortened]... an hold her up as an example of somebody to be proud of. [b]What she did was reprehensible.
Yea, they question all the time. They question Charley Rangel regarding his 20 some ethics violations, and they question Obama as to why he violates the War Powers Act in Libya etc., even you did that. But in the end, you are all one big happy left winged family and will not seek to prosecute law breakers like these because there is more "progress" going on that not.

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Originally posted by whodey
What does it matter? Just so long as you move in the "right" direction, who the hell cares whether it is Constitutional or legal?

I thought Robin Hood was the poster boy for the left.
Not too long ago you appeared to lament the granting of equal rights to Muslim Americans - equal rights guaranteed by the US Constitution.

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Originally posted by whodey
Yea, they question all the time. They question Charley Rangel regarding his 20 some ethics violations, and they question Obama as to why he violates the War Powers Act in Libya, hey etc., even you did that. But in the end, you are all one big happy family and will not seek to prosecute law breakers because the alternative is so much worse.
The person the article is referring to was prosecuted. But 5 years in prison is an absurd sentence for the crime of voting in place of your sister in a coma. It's illegal, but doesn't deserve a prison sentence usually reserved for violent felons.

Snowden broke the law; what sentence do you think he should get?

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Originally posted by KazetNagorra
Not too long ago you appeared to lament the granting of equal rights to Muslim Americans - equal rights guaranteed by the US Constitution.
I have no idea what you are babbling about.

Then again, it is a common tactic. Once you unveil the stench of injustice you try to point to someone else who smells worse. Then again, you have no choice if you want to continue to support the status quo.

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Originally posted by no1marauder
The person the article is referring to was prosecuted. But 5 years in prison is an absurd sentence for the crime of voting in place of your sister in a coma. It's illegal, but doesn't deserve a prison sentence usually reserved for violent felons.

Snowden broke the law; what sentence do you think he should get?
You are the legal expert, you tell me.

Now back to topic. What should happen to the democrats who made this woman into a celebrity?

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